User Reviews (79)

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  • Definitely a must-see for anyone who enjoys horror with a comedic twist.

    Don't be fooled by the context (African-American TV show in 1980's LA, and an African-American centric plot).

    This is way beyond "hood films", as I've seen some other reviewer call it (I've never heard that one before, but I instantly knew what this guy meant). Case in point: I'm a effing middle-age white european guy miles away from LA and I had a hell of a lot of fun watching this! Not only that, I was watching this and all the while saying to myself "This is so good!".

    I've read comments about the story, about the cast... The cast is very good, and the story, although not new, is a very refreshing take on all the tropes it feeds off of. But still, nobody mentions that this was perfectly directed and edited.

    In my library, this gets a place next to Ghostbusters. Well, maybe on the shelf below it, but anyway.. this is a great movie nobody will regret watching.
  • pwbeatty16 August 2020
    'Bad Hair' is directed by Justin Simien and takes in 1989, as an ambitious young woman gets a weave in order to succeed in an image-based music television network. The network, now under new management, sees a bright future for the woman if she adheres to the culture. Her flourishing career may come at a great cost when she realizes her hair may have a mind of its own. This dark comedy horror film looks at African heritage, culture suppression, and workplace toxic culture with a fun slasher twist that I had a lot of fun watching!

    First the acting by Elle Lorraine is fantastic. She carries the weight of the film and does it with grace. The moments where they are showing her weave being put in are some of the most disturbing and cringe inducing scenes I witnessed at the festival. The give you PTSD by randomly inserting the horror throughout the film and keeps the audience on their toes and not sure what to expect. The supporting performances are all very strong and they are all having fun in the movie.

    The film is incredibly smart in its content, and maybe doesn't realize it's potential toward the end of the film. I loved when the film explored the mystery of the weave, where it came from, what it can do. But that is kinda stopped short and a random "slasher chase sequence" takes you out of the story and is a false ending. If they had shrunk that scene down and gave us the true ending sooner I think this would be the strongest horror film of the year.

    Overall, 'Bad Hair' is a fun watch, with good storytelling and great horrific cinematography. There are strong performances and a unique ending, even if the lead up is more generic.
  • kosmasp8 July 2021
    I mean that's what they say right? On the other hand, having good hair is important if you want to be in front of the camera. Having "bad" hair seems to help too ... but for how long? And who is really benefitting from that hair? Exactly something you will find out in the movie.

    Now don't get it twisted: the movie is quite predictable to say the least. Still it is fun in the romp and out there kind of way. The effects are decent enough (considering the low budget nature of the movie) and actors are well cast too. Don't be too squeamish, do not expect much than a horror ride that is almost beyond ridiculous and you'll be entertained.
  • I was going to skip this movie until I heard /seen the videos from the new jack swing inspired soundtrack.I'm glad that I gave it a chance.quirky& suspenseful.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie is about Anna, an "executive assistant" at a Black music video channel owned by a giant corporation. (Think MTV and Viacom.). After four years as an EA, soaking up all the wisdom her boss, Edna, is willing part with, Edna gets fired. The suits bring in a new executive to turn things around, Zora. She's the ONLY fair-skinned employee in the office. Zora is willing to give Anna a shot at producing her own show. There's just one small condition: Anna, who normally wore her hair in natural styles, would have to get a weave.

    I am a huge fan of Dear White People, Justin Simien's thoughtful, funny, sometimes tragic examination of what it's like to be a Black student in an overwhelmingly white Ivy League-type of university. Here in Bad Hair, Simien asks the question: What are Black women willing to do to advance in the white business world? According to this movie, too many Black women sell their souls to be palatable to white bosses. The topic is very timely. While this movie is an allegory, there really is an "awakening" around Black culture, history, struggle-especially as they relate to Black women. As in Dear White People, writer/director Simien knows Black women's voices. He knows that, although set in the 1990s, appearance was everything. And if a Black woman wears natural hair, she's often seen as unprofessional by white co-workers and superiors alike. This same struggle is taking place even in 2021.

    This is not a great movie, but it's a really good movie. I'm not sure those without kinky hair and darker hues will be able to grasp the cultural significance Black people place on hair, but they should give this film a shot. I laughed a lot, and I'm not someone who likes comedy in general because it often isn't smart or funny. Bad Hair is both! What's a measly hour and 42 or so minutes?
  • The concept was cool. HOWEVER, the way this movie was written left me waiting for something of hilarity, horror, and substance to happen for two hours. Meaning this movie was simply just a mood board with an empty plot. I looove the actors, but they were not directed to their full potential. Overall, I was really disappointed.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I enjoyed the concept of the movie and if you watch it with the intent to decipher it's message rather than for pure entertainment then I think you would find that it does a great job at depicting in an uncanny way the introduction of human hair weave into a particular culture. The main character like many of the others is convinced that something as harmless as hair could catapult careers on to the right path to success while putting their own unique and natural essence in the backseat. However it's not an equal trade off and more costly than they could imagine.
  • Reminded me of The Simpsons Halloween Special called 'Hell Toupee'. Fake hair comes alive and turns the person evil.

    As I've seen the story done before, I can't say it was original. But I can say that I enjoyed this slightly different take on it.

    The acting was on point (apart from Jay Pharoah), I mean I love the guy and his impressions are A-class, but his acting leaves a lot to be desired. This is the 2nd film I've watched with him in and both times he was the weakest link. Hopefully, he continues to get roles and his acting game improves.

    There was a great cast, with so many familiar faces, it was a real treat..and some really good special fx, for what is essentially, 'hood cinema'.

    I also love the 80's flavour. The clothes, the music etc. Real nice touch.

    Nothing groundbreaking, but would definitely recommend.
  • This is a satirical horror film set in the 80's. And it deals with the pressures that black women faced ( are facing) when it comes to the music/video/film industry - setting the bar much higher to look a certain way to be accepted as " beautiful" . And in this case, it is hair weaving to get that particular straight hair look.

    We follow Anna played by Elle Loraine, an aspiring executive assistant on a music video show made for black audiences called Culture. Her world is turned upside down when her mentor is removed from the show and is replaced with an ex-model named Zora, played by Vanessa Williams. Zora insists that Anna would be better off if she looked a certain way, suggesting she go to her hairstylist for the new weave ... and ... things don't go well for a whole bunch of people ...

    The cinematography was interesting, there were four scenes in particular where the use of colors, shadows and silhouettes was perfect. The 80's was captured brilliantly - as someone who lived through all that it was spot on without being too intrusive. Sometimes period pieces get in their own way - not so with this film. It is a comedy and meant to be campy and there were a few laugh out loud moments for me including one from Vanessa Willaims.

    My only complaint was that the run time was a bit long - while the ending was funny in some parts, the final fight went on too long and could have used some "shearing".
  • brittneyivey31 October 2020
    Time I'll never get back in life 😕 I watched until the end because I was already invested. Disappointed
  • mike_NY24 October 2020
    This movie gets a complex balance of themes just's not quite a horror film...far too tongue in cheek and humorous. But the humor is subtle, not in your face. It has some messages but doesn't take itself too seriously. Most of all: the entire cast is extremely committed! Not one phoned in performance. Speaking of the cast, it helps to know the black entertainment industry because a ton of people are in this: where else can you find Blair Underwood, Usher, Laverne Cox, and MC Lyte in small supporting roles? This movie should have you smiling quite a bit...and Vanessa Williams never fails to deliver in her patented Dominique Devereaux attitude...who else can serve up a line like "My Killer Weave Support Group?" Meanwhile, you really don't need to know all but the rudiments of black hair and weaves to get the plot...if you don't: it's a movie in the vein of Death Becomes Her...where vanity comes at a price. Not for nothing, it also gets black 1989 perfectly. The clothes. The music. The conflict between natural and processed hair. The fact that this has such a low rating is incomprehensible to me.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I really wanted to love this movie. I love social horror and I think its very important that those stories are told. Horror is often told through the perspective of a "it couldn't happen here" vibe, but expressing that horror affects everybody, not just kids and rich folks in the suburbs is important. I think its fine overall. If it were like a Tales from the Crypt episode or a Twilight Zone episode, I would think it was great. As a movie, its uneven. The first half is great. The second half gets messy.

    PROS I loved the main character Anna. I thought she was beautiful and she commanded the screen. Perms are no joke. The natural hair movement is crucial. I felt for her character trying to fit in. I've felt the same way. The whole idea of wanting to be yourself and express yourself freely but people trying to mold you and shape you into being something you aren't for the sake of getting ahead. I loved that element. You really feel for her. I liked the 80s-early 90s setting of the film. I liked the characters. I really like Lena Waithe. The scene where Laverne Cox does her hair..SHEEEEESH. That was tough. Best scene in the movie.

    CONS The second half? The backstory? The origin? The message? What really happened? All of it, just seemed rushed. The special effects even take a step down. It really wasn't even necessary.

    Final Verdict Check it out if you want. Its not much to do otherwise. I wish it was more complete. I'm excited for Justin Simeon's future work. I think he is talented and he will get better with each film. Keep winning.
  • Nothing new... (seriously can we have that in hollywood horror these days?!). This is just a clone of Body Bags skit by carpenter and hooper.
  • Bad Hair stars Elle Loraine as Anna Bludso. It's 1989 and Anna works at a music - television studio. She gets a weave to improve her image and try to get a promotion. Anna goes to an exclusive salon, Virgie's, to get a weave put it. She gets her weave sewn in and from there strange things start to happen.

    Supporting cast include Vanessa Williams, Kelly Rowland, Usher, Jay Pharaoh, Blair Underwood and James Van Der Beek. Anna's hair sends her into a nightmare and us responsible for deaths. The film gets the 1989 vibe on point with everything from the clothes to the music and so on. The movie was enjoyable with it's impressive cast, decent story and plot. The special effects were lacking in some parts but I can overlook that because it's a minor nag. This movie is marked as horror but has comedic elements to it and that lightens the mood and doesn't make this movie that scary at all.

    Bottom Line:. 80's MTV nostalgia on deck with this horror - comedy film. Big name music stars help the film shine a little. The acting is enjoyable, but not great. I enjoyed the 80's theme more than the main plot of the film.
  • This reminded me of David Cronenberg, for example 'Rabid' but about hair. Mousy girl finds confidence through conditioning (pun intended) and manipulation, and learns a lesson for caving to the pressure. I enjoyed this as satire. It was more 'horror' than I was expecting, but the spoof side of things was cleverly played straight. I wish they made more movies with this kind of satirical finesse and lowkey humor. One of a kind. Enjoyed this!
  • 90s John Carpenter trilogy updated with same message that people will do anything for fame, prestige and Vanity. Writer missed the mark; Just wasn't emphatic enough about Black Hair in corporate America and TV! Movie Dragged with a jumbled epilogue.
  • toytaylor26 October 2020
    I laughed. I was shocked. I was shaking my head. I was confused on many occasions. You just can't stop watching it until the end. The message is on point!
  • You watch once and done. I wouldn't rewatch it, but it wasn't horrible either. Great cast, love them. The storyline was up and down. Unique storyline and lore behind it.
  • This is a riddle about how you should look and not look. do your best to follow the mainstream to make success. its also a film about hair, so if split endz doesnt scare you, it will after this. and if you ever consider to extend your hair length then you might reconsider, and if your bawldy like the grumpy old man wishing a sew-in might increase attraction then watch this curly hair-straighten out evil little novel.

    it'll also change your perception on some things that youll never thought about at daily basis when considering hair, like a hairy chest may put you to rest, and that a hairy mons pubis might be a slithering lick, and as every hairdresser can account for a tip of a hair might feel as stingy as a killing dagger.

    its a well acted, produced and fun film to watch, some slow moments, but you do feel sympathy for the main caracter in the kind of environment she is in.

    so have a look ,its decent horror that will snap your split entz away at a blink of an eye, and if you find a hair in your soup, kebab or chicken salad, by all means dont swallow, it might belong to some witch. its a recommend from the grumpy old man
  • Bad Hair (2020) is a movie I watched on a recent Delta flight home and is available on Hulu. The storyline focuses on an old story that goes back to the ages of slavery. When a girl in television gets a new manager, her manager recommends she gets her hair done. The woman's new hair dresser gives her a hair style that will change her life. This movie is directed by Justin Simien (Dear White People) and stars Elle Lorraine (Insecure), Vanessa Williams (Eraser), James Van Der Beek (Varsity Blues) and Jay Pharoah (Ride Along). The storyline for this had a good setup and some potential but the execution and special effects were poor. I will say Vanessa Williams was awesome in her role. Absolutely outstanding. She delivers some killer lines in this, "with clothes that fit you'll be a star" and the "killer weave support group" lines had me cracking up. All of the horror elements in this were awful, especially when Williams transforms. Overall, there's some sequences in here that will give you a chuckle, but not enough redeeming elements to make this worthwhile. I'd give this a 3/10 and recommend finding something better to watch. Neverthess, I predict there will be a sequel.
  • santanahh27 January 2020
    Justin Simien takes a complex message about societal expectations and delivers it using a satirical horror film as his medium. Bad Hair started out with telling the story of a young woman in the entertainment industry who struggles to climb the corporate ladder and afford rent spikes in her recently gentrified neighborhood. Throughout the film, there is an embedded directive that shows the audience how POC's are expected to take their culture and force it into a cookie cutter mold to make other people feel more comfortable. This film also portrays how easy it is to lose sight of one's true self when striving toward a career goal, to the extent of becoming an entirely new person.

    For the first half of this movie, I often found my thoughts bouncing between "i thought this was satire?" and "I thought this was horror?" Bad Hair definitely took a while to build to that point, but it was entertaining throughout the entirety.

    Elle Lorraine's performance was excellent and came across as very genuine. Vanessa Williams was true to her villainous character and Lena Waithe was a great supporting actress who gave comedic relief at all the right moments. Usher made a few appearances, but they were short lived. Kelly Rowland's scenes were minimal.

    The horror elements were quirky, unnerving, and suspenseful. Despite the absurdity of the concept of a "bad weave coming to life," Justin did well on this delivery without compromising quality.
  • I feel like this whole movie was executed for a plot with more depth. All these celebrities for no substantial reason.

    I'm okay with this movie due to blaxploitation films, but I feel like this is not a modern tribute to blaxploitation.

    This film is about as culturally mythical as Evil Eye.
  • So like I said, it's a bad movie. It's ridiculously bad, full of Anti-White, Anti-Man, Pro Black Pro Women nonsense.

    We know what it is and it is hilariously bad. It's a Black woman wanting better hair and blaming everyone for her insecurities. It really sheds light on evolution and truth and inferiority and reality.

    Without getting banned for honesty, this movie is fairly accurate, but twists the truth of what is considered beautiful as being because muh...Whites are racists and men want Black women the most.............

    Yeah....but it is hilariously bad. Who would think this is a good idea. I am not sure if it is satire or an attempt at horror?

    I give it a 5 out of 10. It's so bad, it's good.
  • While I definitely enjoyed Bad Hair, it's certainly not original. In fact, it borrows heavily from the 2007 Japanese film, Exte: Hair Extensions. Some of the hair effects are lifted directly from Exte. The main difference is that Exte focuses on one hair-obsessed man who sells the extensions from hair that he has personally nurtured. It's a great film and I highly recommend it.
  • georgio-264906 January 2021
    Im sure every horror fan has seen a carbon copy of this idea, whether it was the arm or the eye or the brain or even like this one - the hair.

    ok, it is well put together, the effects are worth note, the acting (casting) was spot on. yes its a creepy little fun horror, plenty of jumps and emotional highs and lows. big gaps of nothingness and sound effects/music doing the hard work of any originality.

    if you want a far and away better version of this overdone idea, try BODYBAGS 1993 and watch stacey keach in the segment "hair"

    this was average
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