User Reviews (22)

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  • The acting in the beginning was horrible, but it got better as the movie progressed, but was never great. I'm surprised they put Burt Reynolds in the credits at all, considering it was more of a cameo appearance as part of a flashback. They must have done that just to try to boost attendance as he was not an actual active character in the movie.
  • I started watching this movie with excitement. It was rated 7.7 (which I consider quite high). With a rating like that surely it is very good. Such a rating really raises the important question of legitimacy. These people that rate the movie a 9 or 10 must be somehow tied to the production, or they were simply paid. It is disgraceful. The acting is absolutely woeful and the director needs to go back to film school because I am not sure how anybody could have let slide what was seen on the dailies. This is a C grade movie. At its absolute best. If I was involved in this production I would be too embarrassed to put my name to it because if people are turning off your movie 10 or 20 minutes in... Surely something is majorly wrong with it.
  • Shame on you IMDb, to allow fake reviews for movies like this. It's obvious all those positive reviews have been written by staff, family, friends of actors that participated in this stinker. 7.7 for this piece of garbage, really? From the first minute you already have that nasty feeling you made a big mistake starting to watch this monstrosity. There is absolutely nobody that can act in this movie. They just put Burt Reynolds in the cast to attract people. He has about two lines and he looks like he's at the end of his life, ironically he was as he died not much later. If they would have at least took some real fighters from a boxing club or something, just to make the fights look interesting, but no even that was too much to ask. Nobody in this movie can fight, that's obvious, they couldn't beat my grandma. The scenes are terrible to watch. The script looks like it's been written by a five year old with a cerebral disease. Probably one of the worst movies I ever saw in my life. Avoid at all costs.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Reggie (Omar Brunson) is being harassed to sell drugs. He is saved by a homeless boxer (Steve Daron) who teaches him how to fight. Add a poorly scripted backstory and a cameo by Burt Reynolds.

    This was not a gripping film by any means. It has all the excitement of an after school special. The plot and dialogue were predictable and boring.

    Guide: No swearing sex or nudity in an urban drug crime film.
  • An absolute howler. Don't bother wasting 90 minutes of your life on this drivel!!
  • This ethnically inclusive movie has a nice blend of Drama with some action. The relationship that develops between the inner-city teen that's a victim of circumstance and the homeless ex-boxer on the lamb, is something that gives the film a pinch of humanity that carries the viewer through to the end. Single mom's trying to raise kids, drug dealers influencing kids, bad cops, good cops, Burt Reynold's not playing feeble but a boxing trainer with plenty of fire and some very authentic cinematography makes "Shadow Fighter" a solid choice.
  • Just ordered it online and I was surprised as to how good this movie is. It's a urban, rocky style movie. Great acting and script. The story flows well and it had a great ending. Hopefully a part two in the works.
  • Omar's a talented actor, I know he's going to make it big!!! Nice to see Burt Reynolds in this also. Enjoyed it
  • A predictable, timeworn plot. Hackneyed, shallow characters. Corny, banal script, all of which is dragged along by wooden, amateurish acting. The fight scenes are particularly embarrassing!

    I did not want to see Burt Reynolds lend his talent to this quagmire of pointlessness, so I turned it off after 30 minutes, something I very rarely do.

    How anybody can consider this a well-made film beggars belief!
  • d-ramseeey2 April 2019
    I wasn't to sure what this was about but the trailer looked pretty good. Well worth a watch if you want some good drama, action and acting. Quality production. 9 stars from me! Good job.
  • Loved the movie. Really entertaining and passionate acting. Story of an unlikely friendship. Recommend this for all to watch. I only wish the story had a bit more, I felt like it gave way in the middle but still giving it a 7, hopefully they will make a part two.
  • davidpattie2 February 2022
    I understand how we all have different opions and we aren't all the same, but how anybody can rate this movie higher than a 1 is beyond me! Awful fight scenes, terrible acting and an iffy storyline. That is just the tip of the iceberg.
  • Pretty good movie with a solid storyline. Great acting and some pretty good action.
  • I thought the trailer was done well so I gave it a shot and it turned great. The actors are really talented and poured their hearts out in this film. Also a decent storyline with some nice cinematography kept me glued to the screen till the very end. Had that rocky feel to it.
  • tinap727 December 2018
    I thought the film was well cast, acting was great and so was cinematography. A film worth watching for sure.
  • I loved it!! The acting was superb and the cinematography was outstanding.
  • We watched it with my kids and we loved it. Steve Daron under the guidance of director Alan Darnay delivers the emotional goods as the Homeless Ex- boxer Lightning Rhodes! Quality movie, well done.
  • dalesimmons043 April 2019
    I was a little skeptical about watching this but since they had won a few awards in Los Angeles I thought i'd give it a shot. Firstly I liked the relationship between the inner city teen and the homeless ex-boxer. I thought that really built the story up along with many situations that people are currently living in. A great movie for those who like a pick me up movie. Great acting and it was nice to see Burt Reynolds in this one also.
  • marktowne8225 September 2020
    This movie is a well done indie Drama with family values. I watched it with my 14 year old and 18 year old who loved it! I would rather watch a high budget action movie. I will say the homeless guy (Steve Daron) has some nice boxing skills But the fight scenes showed it was a low budget movie. Excellent emotional acting in certain scenes was moving but still not my blood and gore fix.
  • Great action movie with a nice meaning that comes with it. I seen this with my nephews and they were hooked to the very end. Shadow Fighter's a good movie, deserves at least an eight stars.
  • Shadow Fighter is a great drama - excellent story, and beautifully filmed, acted and scored. I highly recommend it.
  • Loved the movie, unique and original. I'm a big fan of boxing, fighting movies so this was pretty cool to watch. It's all about technique baby.