User Reviews (3)

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  • Where to start..Writers, Cast, Directors, Producers, they all created an epic show. A unique concept. Characters with their different lives and different mindsets comes together to share their experiences.

    Contribution of Women in Engineering fields is highlighted. Mechanical Engineering is made to understand, innovative ideas and applications are brilliant.

    Truth about love and relationships, folded chapters, suspense and sometimes a comic relief, everything is there. Some new topics are included. Later the writers experimented too much by including more characters else an outstanding series all over.
  • I particularly enjoy the show sadda haq as it is different to any fictional & teen show I have ever watched, both of south-Asian origin, or American/British. Most fictional/teen shows are very pretentious & don't have very interesting story lines. & American teen shows, which are popular around the globe, are so 'shit' & lack substance. The characters of these shows are all (mostly) love- struck, selfish, & unoriginal. For instance, on shows like the vampire diaries. I mean, don't get me wrong-everybody loves a bit of romance (esp teen- romance in a school/college/university environment, as do I, but American teen shows tend to focus on the same shallow, unoriginal high-school drama repeatedly, just with different (but very similar, stereotyped) characters in the various shows.

    For the first time when watching a teen show (or any fictional show for that matter!), I have felt that Sadda haq was very refreshing & had a v. interesting storyline & likable characters. & the storyline is actually realistic. The concept of mechanical engineering being one of the central themes of the show is very fresh & I love this! (Usually in school based programmes, the main characters are rarely seen in lessons, or actually learning, despite the fact that the entire show is either centred around school life, or is shot at/located at a school! But with Sadda haq this is definitely not the case, with a huge part/amount of the show focusing on engineering!)

    Also, the engineering portrayed is very accurate & extremely interesting, so much so, that it has introduced me to a realistic version of mechanical engineering, & in doing so, has encouraged me to pursue this degree course/career field myself! So I am grateful, in this respect, that the show was produced & that I happened to watch it! Also, as well as all of this, the show still manages to be extremely entertaining!

    (Note:v. good article below-an interesting read for fans of the show (/of youth/teen shows in general) unexplored-genre/
  • There is no doubt that Channel V had provided the Indian audience with shows that were stimulating, young, current, and thought-provoking. Sadda Haq (Our Right) was a very beautiful description of feminism and equality in the areas of education, workforce, and so forth. There was a great sense of authenticity and relatability to each character. All the cast members were at their best in the show. Hopefully, we'll see more modern takes on Indian TV series in the future.