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  • The show was funded by crowdsourcing, the project raised $90,000 of devoted fans' money and THIS was the result? Cheap sets--abominably cheap mind you, like $500 at most. Ridiculously low budget and pointless "physical challenges" which consist of playing literal board games you can buy yourself. Literally hungry hungry hippos, for example. You've got Cinema Snob Brad looking painfully uncomfortable being there, and who could blame him. There is zero excitement or gravitas from any of the contestants. No prizes. No fun. The only one who looks like they're trying is Tamara who makes the most of an abysmal script/premise. There's an indescribably garish, almost foreboding atmosphere about the whole thing. You have to see it yourself to know what I'm talking about, but it truly does feel like everyone is there against their will, in someone's basement, with the suppressed knowledge that this is utter garbage they're making. Doug Walker and company should be ashamed.
  • This is why donation sites like Indiegogo are a problem. Websites like Channel Awesome can scam some money from their fan base to make a quick buck without any consequences whatsoever. Doug Walker started a hashtag movement recently called #wtfu. Yeah right, more like #whereareallthegameshowswepromisedfromourindiegogocampaign. I cannot believe that the channel awesome fan base is okay with Doug Walker taking almost 90,000 dollars from fans to make almost nothing of value. They at least 2 others shows from Indiegogo which they have yet to deliver on. Please do watch this show. Doug Walker does not make this show worth watching or funny for that matter. The contestants kind of make it worth watching. It's so sad that people watch this A-hole even though he scammed his fan boys out of so much money.
  • kivenperez1 July 2020
    A pretty clear scam to the fans. I feel really bad for whoever paid for those campaign promises. Doug Walker is at his cringiest, playing a unlikable host who doesn't know The Prestige is a Christopher Nolan film. The worst crime however is Walker's deteriorating mental health. I hope he finds help because for this show, he clearly didn't.
  • Java_Joe10 August 2019
    Back in the day when Doug Walker and the rest of Channel Awesome were at their zenith, they asked for money to do a quiz show and people threw their money at them. I don't think they really expected to get what they did because what we got was painful in every sense of the word.

    It was a quiz show, the name of which taken from the movie "Speed" which already should tell you the level at which they were playing. The sets were bargain basement, some of the challenges were literally crap you could find at a dollar store, and I didn't get the point of the guy in the military fatigues. Sure the contestants were supposed to be there against their will but there was no feeling of menace of what would happen if they refused to play or if they lost.

    There were twelve episodes of this, I've only seen one, but from what I heard they're all exactly the same including the same challenges and questions. The only difference is that Brad Jones, the Cinema Snob, was replaced by Doug Walker himself at his smarmiest. Brad can pull of smarm and be charming about it. Doug can't.

    The fact that this was crowdfunded and this is what people got should be a warning to everybody that crowdfunding doesn't always work.
  • This "show" is an absolute dumpster fire. To start, the set looks horrible. This project had a budget of $90k (all of which was crowdsourced by their fans) and it looks so cheap. Everything from the special effects to the podiums Doug and the contestants stand at look like something a group of 15 year olds would throw together. The questions are terrible. The contestants barely get any right because they're too specific and obscure for your average person to know. They're also worded horribly by Doug half the time. Doug's quips and jokes in response to the contestants wrong answers are pretty much the same every time. Literally using the same joke multiple times in an episode. It also doesn't help that they aren't funny. The contestants themselves just seem lukewarm to the entire situation and never seem excited or like they're having fun. The formula of the show is a complete mess and the winner gets a pitiful prize of $100-200. The challenges are so lazily put together and the "these contestants are being forced to participate in this crazy show" premise just doesn't work and gives the whole thing a very weird vibe. This show honestly just feels like a scam. There's no way this cost $90,000 to make. Its cheap looking, its not funny, and it doesn't make sense. I'd say its worth watching maybe one episode if you want to see this disaster for yourself. Otherwise, don't bother.
  • johangosham6 September 2020
    It is just a drawn out, unfunny version of Jontrons video "Malkovich's Gaming game show"