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  • I'm not a fan of revenge themes in either comedy or romance. I sort of agree with the reviewer who said you need to look at this as comedy not romance, although there is a side of romance. Just don't take the movie too seriously. The trouble is that it's hard to reconcile the two given that it's not just comedy, but silly exaggerated comedy and then the romance has serious moments. So really you have to look at the two parts differently.

    There are some funny, and mean revenge plots.
  • PennyReviews11 January 2020
    The movie was funny and it had some cute moments, so, overall, the movie was entertaining. Sure, it is predictable and a bit less heavy on the christmas mood, but it was okay.
  • I am not opposed to campy Christmas nonsense but this movie misses the mark by a long shot. The premise of the movie is that three women who have never met before drop everything in their lives to conspire to break up the relationship of the man they all used to date because he cheated on them. The characters are poorly written idiots without any redeeming qualities. You want to try and grab onto something in this movie, but there isn't anything there. I won't lie there are laughs to be had because there are several layers of absurdity in this pile of garbage, but you don't feel good watching it. None of the people are likeable and there isn't anything fun about the revenge plot at the heart of the story. There are a ton of stupid fun Christmas movies out there that are far more enjoyable to watch than this one. Watch anything other than this. Really truly awful.
  • Early in the movie my wife and I were aghast at the actions of the three women who had been burned by the same guy and briefly wondered why the lead woman refused to take her partner Ty's advice to forget and move on. Then it became clear. This was strictly a comedy. We couldn't take seriously what any of the three exes did or said.

    From that point on, we found the movie actually pretty funny; perhaps not as funny as a Marx Brothers movie, or the three stooges, but definitely funny, right down to a little slapstick. Everyone around the girls plays it straight, but just like the Marx brothers, they play it all for laughs. This is actually very good escapist fare, all things considered. But don't compare it to the RomComs like Hallmark and others turn out. I think it succeeds quite well as a comedy so we rated it accordingly.
  • I wanted to watch a cheesy, predictable holiday movie but this one was a total snooze fest. Everything is so forgettable, it's bad in a completely non entertaining way. My Christmas gift to you is the gift of an hour and a half of your life back!
  • Cast was great, plot could've been awesome but was just kind of sad and embarrassing. End of movie revelations felt too fake and seemed like they were written by dudes. "Wow us ladies are just dumb and picking the wrong guys! I've learned my lesson and will stop doing that from now on." *eyeroll*
  • j-atkinsoniii24 December 2020
    I am in the middle of this and it is one of the worst movies ever. How bad? It is four years ago and does not even have a rotten tomato record. Plot is horrible. Acting is horrible. Just got to a scene where the blonde falls off a two story balcony, flat on her back on concrete. The other character looks down and the blond smiles back up and waves STUPIDLY. If you watch it, you will know what I mean.
  • It's your usual christmas movie with an event planning lead and overly-done lines. I was quite taken aback, however, when the love interest began blaming all of women for the negative things that some men have done. I'll take cheesy but I won't take misogyny (or rampant stalking, B&E, and poisoning). This is one of the first movies I've stopped partway through and given up on.
  • Three women scorned set out to get revenge on their ex. They perceived he cheated on them and want to ruin his current relationship and save his latest flame. Whether or not he cheated is a running theme of the movie. The movie goes for low laughs when it could have gone high. All in all not worth the space on the shelf. This one should have not gotten the green light.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I really do love all the low budget Christmas films. I record them all from the Christmas channels on sky. You get lots of the films with the same actors. I don't even mind that because some of the actors are very likeable.

    But this one just didn't do it for me. Everytime the ladies tried to sabotage something, it would go wrong and I'd be sat there totally cringing. Utterly awful.

    It made me squirm from start to finish. Just gave me a really bad feeling rather than the other films that made me feel good inside. I was on tenterhooks all the was through and I don't think that was the idea. The three ladies trying to make this guy pay for cheating whilst they were all dating him at the same time must have been squirming when they filmed it. It just didn't give us the feeling we were looking for. We want that feel good Christmas movie. Not a film that makes you feel bad. This falls very short Sorry, just not the big cheese I was hoping for!
  • Well, not that the two movies are tied together, but I enjoyed the 2021 "Boyfriends of Christmas Past", and then I stumbled upon the 2016 movie "Girlfriends of Christmas Past" and of course I opted to watch that one as well.

    But writer and director Jake Helgren just didn't manage to churn out a movie that provided me with much of any entertainment or enjoyment here. In fact, the movie was totally devoid of comedy that made me laugh. So sitting through an hour and a half of half-baked comedy that didn't even make me smile was sort of a drag.

    The storyline told in "Girlfriends of Christmas Past" fell short of entertaining me, yet I managed to sit through the ordeal to the bitter end, hoping all along that the movie would pick up and become better. But that just never happened.

    I only recognized John Brotherton in this movie, though it is not someone I am familiar with. But I will say that they definitely had managed to get together a good enough ensemble of actors and actresses to partake in the movie. Just a real shame that they had virtually nothing to work with in terms of a proper script or characters that you could relate to or even take a liking to.

    This 2016 movie is not one I would recommend you waste your time, money or effort on. Some of us suffered through this ordeal so you don't have to.

    My rating of "Girlfriends of Christmas Past" lands on a very generous two out of ten stars.
  • dolly_valkyrie29 December 2017
    Disney meets Hallmark. Really soft and almost unbearably sweet.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    So I saw Ghosts of Girlfriends Past (2009) a few years ago and remembered liking it. When I saw this title (and the fact that the cover image is also very similar) I was expecting the cute Christmas Carol-ish movie I was thinking of, and instead got this train wreck of a movie! It isn't funny, it isn't cute, and it isn't even logical. There is so much wrong with this movie that I can't even start to get into all of it. But the fact that these chicks commit at least 10 prosecutable offenses (breaking and entering, charities fraud, assault, and many more) in the course of the movie, and the jerk ex who happily breaks hearts left and right forgives them immediately is WAY too far to stretch my suspension of disbelief. There is no charm or heart in this movie to make up for the fact that this chick is just a bitter b!tch who has been dumped and wants to get back at the bad, bad man who hurt her so much that she doesn't care who SHE hurts along the way.

    If watching three chicks try to completely destroy the man who dumped them (as well as all the people who work at his company who will be hurt by them destroying his business relationships) is what you're after, then, by all means, watch this movie. But I will warn you, it isn't funny (I didn't even snicker once, but I rolled my eyes a LOT), it isn't cute, it isn't Christmasy (other than the fact that it takes place between Thanksgiving and New Years), and there is no way these girls would have gotten away with all this crap without ending up in court or jail.

    I gave it 2/10 because the cinematography was good at least, even if the writing and acting were total crap.