User Reviews (5)

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  • fennec-3919215 May 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    Très bonne épisode. Palmer grandit enfin et se bat contre un robot géant nommé Leviathan. Savage toujours aussi charismatique et intelligent a stoppé la mémoire de Hawkman et l'equipe a trouvé un moyen de le tuer. Mais Kendra n'a pas pu à cause de la présence de Hawkman. Sinon la présence de Cassandra Savage était super cool,bon personnage.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    There was a lot of lazy-writing in this ep, such as Vandal's kid's arc and sidelining of Firestorm (due to budget, I'm sure). But there were some good things like Killer, Klepto and Pyro (did I mention I love the new and improve Rory?), an awesome Carter/Kendra flash back, Kendra FINALLY kicking @ss by kicking Vandal's @ss (and we're not talking about 1 or 2 love taps, we're talking full-on hammering Vandal with Carter's mace), and giantRay v giantrobot!!! The ep really got going like it usually does towards the last quarter.

    Then the Berlantiverse suicide bomb exploded: 2166Carter.

    And just like that, all the excitement of Ray's victory and the impending Vandal defeat were snuffed out. Why? Because twu/destined lurve!, which evidently is Kendra's kryptonite. To be clear, I actually liked the surprise circumstances of 2166Carter. This could have worked for an earlier ep, but not this close to the end.

    My score would have been 8.5. Then the what-the-F-was-that,-Kendra?! happened. Score: 6.5

    (Ray is really becoming the Caitlin Snow of LoT: so freaking unlucky in love.)
  • Warning: Spoilers
    But that doesn't give the show a pass. As soon as Kendra spared Vandal at the end, I turned it off. I will not watch another episode. This conflict with Savage has been SO drawn out already, and now that they legitimately have a chance to take him down, she can't do it? Even after all that talk about moving on with her life and not being stuck on Carter? Bull. This show is terrible.

    There had been just enough things up until this point to keep me coming back. I enjoy the mix of superhero characters, and some of the fight scenes turned out pretty well. In this episode in particular, Ray fighting a giant robot was actually pretty cool, and apparently preempted the Ant-Man "reverse polarity" in Civil War by about a week. But Savage has been a weak character this whole time, and the end of the world stuff is getting old. It was time to do away with him once and for all, but the writers just couldn't do it—or else they got here too fast, and were forced to extend the show. Either way, it doesn't work, and this show needs to die a quick death.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This was one of the most disappointing episodes of a TV show I have ever seen. Kendra's entire future rides on killing this awful villain and she fails to do it. Yes he was holding it over her head that her soul mate could only be restored to normal by him, but why would she believe him? This man has murdered both her and him over 200 times in 4000 years, and she finally has a chance to end this terrible cycle by killing him, and she fails to do so. Even if she can not undo what has happened to him, she could rest easy knowing that they can live happily together in all future life times instead of being hunted to death by a psychopath over and over again as soon as she hits adult hood. On the upside, the giant Luminos-like robot in this was pretty damn awesome. I would have given this 9 stars if Kendra had just done the right thing and split vandal's skull with the mace.
  • phoenixnl-1664728 February 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    There's a lot of stuff wrong with the story of this episode but it's mentioned already in the other reviews.

    What isn't mentioned however is that the battle scene between the Waverider and the leviathan is just plain idiotic. Rip hunter clearly is feeble minded. Why else would he have positioned the Waverider in GRABBING range of the leviathan. He could have easily positioned the ship higher and out of reach, shooting it from a safe distance. The whole grabbing/fling/crash and subsequent danger of imminent destruction was therefore utterly absurd and the result of extremely stupid script writing imho.