User Reviews (109)

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  • I find there is so much depressing stuff on Netflix (I am including 80% of the so called comedy series in this) that I was so happy that I found this immediately funny and easy to watch. Give it a go you won't regret it.
  • I am not a person who likes to "try out" new comedies, but Tina Fey's input led me to try this one, and I enjoy it -- it has many moments in each episode which are actually funny, and, more importantly at this early stage, moments which help develop characters.

    Frankly (I am surprised to be saying this), I would like more of Nicole Richie and much less of the meddling mother. I think the latter has pretty much been developed as far as she can go -- there doesn't seem to be any growth or arc here yet. On the other hand, Richie is really good at the few moments she is given to shine. Her character needs more space, more development if this show is to survive.

    So far, it is too dependent on two notes: (1) the meddling stage mother and (2) the arrogant and insecure overbearing lead anchor. This will get redundant and tiring very soon if there are not other paths taken.
  • I just found this show THIS weekend and binged the entire thing. It's so funny! The humor is so much like 30 Rock. The humor I hope to find in shows these days but don't. I love all the characters. Carol is so funny and random. I just wish there were more or it had been saved by Netflix. Please do more things, Tina and Tracy!
  • There were actual moments in this series that had me laughing out loud. This is a series that I really do think all ages could relate to. I absolutely love the mother character, she can be seen as overdone and crazy but just perfectly so. (The time she requests Liam Neeson... :')) I never go into any show with expectations so I don't think you should either, but I enjoyed this show and it made me laugh.
  • Just discovered this little gem on Netflix. Gentle humour with good ensemble cast. Nicole Ritchie is very good as the vacuous co-anchor playing against John Michael Higgins as Chuck, the old school news guy. Briga Heelan and Andrea Martin work well as daughter and helicopter mum. Adam Campbell adds a little British humour and works well as the middle man between Chuck and the rest of the crew. It's not that original in terms of format or content but it makes me laugh, which is all it needs to do.
  • Great News, even though it was short-lived, is worth a binge watch. While it has it's issues, which many have pointed out, check the dates those reviews were posted on. The negative ones were mostly posted in 2017, during the show's first season. However, the series solved it's issues by the time the fifth episode of the season aired. But, it wasn't until the seventh episode that the series truly began to shine. It is one the best sitcoms to air on NBC this decade. It's so witty and humorous. Each character really comes into their own after a handful of episodes. The character of Chuck, played by John Micheal Higgins, is the most lovable of them all. His charm is irresistible and I found myself enjoying his portrayal most of all. Give a watch and stick with it, it gets better, even when you think it's already at it's best. Support the series online, and tweet at Hulu or Netflix to pick-up the series for a third season, if you like it. It deserves to thrive like Tina Fey's other Netflix sitcom, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, which is also quite funny, but not as funny as Great News.
  • I love everything about this show. It just gets better and better as the episodes go on. I laughed out loud so many times in season 2 I lost count :) I hope Netflix buys the rights and adds a 3rd season. The writing, the acting and characters are so perfect. I hope they make more seasons.
  • Katie Wendelson (Briga Heelan) has been stuck producing puff pieces on MMN's The Breakdown with flighty Portia Scott-Griffith (Nicole Richie). After a friend's funeral, her Jersey mom Carol (Andrea Martin) is inspired to chase after her dreams and gets a job as difficult anchor Chuck Pierce (John Michael Higgins)'s intern on Katie's show. Greg Walsh (Adam Campbell) is the show's producer and Justin (Horatio Sanz) is the editor.

    Creator Tracey Wigfield comes from writing and producing 30 Rock. This is a similar show but a step down. The lead Briga Heelan is a pretty woman with some comedic skills. Of course, she is no Tina Fey. Veterans Andrea Martin and John Michael Higgins deliver some solid wackiness. This is good network sitcom but it is nothing compared to 30 Rock. Even the addition of Tina Fey cameo does nothing to elevate it further. Two half seasons is not a bad run for this type of shows.
  • biancafranco31 January 2018
    I laugh out loud in every episode, there are so many good jokes squeezed in. Great cast, I hope it stays on the air.
  • I don't dislike this show.

    You can definitely see many of Robert Carlock's & Tina Fey's touches in the show. Tracey Wigfield & Briga Heelan both have had previous notable efforts and moderate successes, and really seem to be keeping extremely busy. Briga recently playing the great Heidi character on the Netflix series LOVE.

    Here's what bothers me about this show... Did they think we wouldn't notice?

    This show is a sliced and diced, chopped, pressed and reformatted version of 30 Rock.

    Tina Fey/Briga Heelan - Liz Lemon/Katie Wendelson John Michael Higgins/Tracy Morgan - Chuck Pierce/Tracey Jordan Jane Krakowski/Nicole Richie - Jenna Maroney/Portia Scott-Griffith Horatio Sanz/Judah Friedlander - Justin/Frank Rossitano

    The list goes on.

    Unlike the Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, which was a wide departure from a show about a show format, this show has Wigfield, Fey & Carlock back in VERY familiar territory. It remains yet to be seen whether they've managed to capture lightning in a bottle, or merely static electricity on the rug.

    As many have noted, the WONDERFUL Andrea Martin has really carried the first few episodes, but she can't do it alone and this show be a success. The first 3 episodes have been a great starting point, but there's a definite need for some more spit and polish if this show is going to make it long term.
  • A show about a girl with a successful career, completely sucking at adulthood due to her overbearing mother. The show makes the mother lovable, but in real life we'd all hate to have a mother like that. I find her the main reason why Katie is an utterly useless adult who can't do a thing for herself alwaying making the viewer cringe.
  • daneguffey13 December 2018
    This is one of those shows that was wrongfully cancelled and should be brought back. Especially considering the end of season 2, but I wont go there. If you like 30 Rock and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Great News is right up your alley.
  • Like the show, it has a 30 Rock vibe in it. Nice to see Heelan in a leading role, and viewable on Netflix. The supporting roles are filled in very nicely, and even Tracey Wigfield(creator of the show) comes off as a fun character.

    Personal dislike: Andrea Martin. Don't like her at all, in the show. Her humour, her ways, the way she has all the privileges. It fairly disturbes me throughout season 1 and (the beginning of) season 2 didn't help my view of her.

    Would have give it a 8 without Andrea Martins character.
  • Tina Fey was in the thumb nail on Netflix so I chose to watch this. I loved 30 Rock and enjoyed Kimmy Schmidt and was surprised I never heard of this show.

    I was disappointed Tina Fey was not in this that much! And the lead woman is pretty annoying and not a good actress. Carol (her mom) is ridiculous and I like her. I like Chuck as well. Nicole Ritchie isn't that bad even. I just overall didn't like this show very much. The music was definitely the same as 30 Rock (Jeff Richmond).

    It's just not that funny and nott that great of characters or acting. It could have been a really great show but falls flat in so many ways. I'm disappointed tbh.
  • I recently watched two episodes of Great News and found myself laughing out loud through both. Andrea Martin is as funny now as she's ever been and the supporting actors were funny as well. The show is well written and I'm happy to say devoid of predictable sitcom humor. I think the show will hit its mark with people who can relate to helicopter parenting and unless you are or have known a parent like the one Andrea Martin portrays you probably will be left in the dark. That being said, I think the side stories about the newsroom are funny as well and wasn't offended in the least when the focus shifts to the older newscaster. I don't think he was portrayed in an offensive manner. In fact, I think he adds a believable slant on being an older person working within a younger work force. I hope the show gets a following and can continue on the same path as its first two episodes.
  • When I heard there was a new comedy from Tina Fey I had to check it out. But when i watched it, I thought, is this conventional sitcom about an interfering mother and her reporter daughter really by the woman who created 30 Rock and Kimmie Schmidt?? The answer is no. Fey is the producer but not the creator, and there is little of the insane, bordering-on-surreal touches that distinguish her own creations.

    Still, the series is reasonably funny. There are moments when it's quite funny. Andrea Martin does a solid job as the mother and things move pretty quickly.

    But after two episodes, I just don't see why I would bother watching this when there are series like Kimmie Schmidt and Speechless I could watch instead.
  • seat9k31 October 2018
    The writing on this show is so great, Andrea Martin is just brilliant. I have binge watched the first season over and over. The humor is super fast and smart. I'm sorry this was cancelled. I think the 2nd season wasn't nearly as strong and the show probably didn't hold that many viewers the first season. "I haven't watched Days of Our Lives since Marlena went to work as an intern at her daughter's company". Absolutely brilliant writing.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I watched the entire first season of this last night to distract me when I was having a headache. I had to pause it many times to catch my breath from laughing, and it's one of the few shows I've watched where I finish binge watching it and actually still want more. There are a few times when it seems like it can't decide if it wants to be completely zany or more realistic, and the characterization of the minor characters is a bit lacking for my taste. Still, it's a funny show, which does a great job of showing multiple different viewpoints, and making them funny, without laughing at them. I strongly preferred it to Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, and I can't wait to see where it goes next.

    EDIT: When Tina Fey comes in, the show falls apart. She plays a boss who-get this-is a hero because she's a woman who is in the groundbreaking role of sexually harassing her male underlings (ostensibly so that she can get laid off with a big bonus like her male counterparts do when they do the same). And because she's self-aware and female, we're supposed to find her sympathetic and laugh when she harasses men, and applaud her for doing so. Sorry, this isn't woke. This is the opposite of woke. If it weren't for this, I'd rate it higher. With the inclusion of this, I'm tempted to rate it much lower. I suppose I'll overlook it enough to rate it a seven, but if this is any indication of how poorly they're going to do with their handling of topics of any sensitivity, I may well come back and edit my review to be even lower.
  • Yes, it's basically a recycling of the 30 Rock dynamic and characters. Yes, it's got echoes of Superstore and Parks & Recreation. You'll probably also find some notes if Murphy Brown and 100 other workplace based sitcoms. But reinvention doesn't mean it still can't be good. That's like saying you don't want any more hugs from your mum because you had one already. Briga Heelan and Andrea Martin head the show with their highly dis/functional mother/daughter act but they're superbly supported by an ensemble cast including Adam Campbell as the boss, and source of romantic conflict; the fabulous John Michael Higgins dealing a strong line of schtick as the loveable dinosaur of an anchor; Nicole Ritchie, who has spades of comic timing, as his narcissistic co-anchor; and a clutch of quirky characters in the supporting cast. It's mostly not 'laugh out loud' but there's enough in the scripts and characters to make it good fun, packaged in tight 25 minute eps. I liked the first run and would come back for more.
  • This new "The Office-ish" sitcom has great energy and capable comedy performers - especially the vivacious Briga Heelan, who was born for this kind of silly office comedy - but it needs some work in the script department. Some things (based on the first 4 episodes) are a little too silly and nutty (like the shenanigans Carol pulls off to try to stop her daughter from reporting on a dangerous, gone-rogue zoo bear) for words. So far the appeal rests firmly with the likability of the performers, some seasoned sitcom veterans among them. Energy and pace are frenetic, which might put some viewers off. I certainly would not recommend anyone to binge-watch this show. But I'm confident the hysteria will settle down a little bit over the season, and that they will better fine-tune the mother-daughter relationship. As it is, I would still recommend it for all sitcom fans. I certainly hope it'll stay on the air long enough to realize its full potential.
  • mehtarohit873 November 2018
    You make a comedy show about news in a time when you could do some wonderful humor on the on-going social problems and use it as a platform to help people understand divisive issues. Instead the showrunners chose to make a naïve show with silly jokes and banal comedy that has been overdone. It clearly comes from a place where people are ignorant of their own privilege to be in a position where they have access to such programming and still this is what they choose to share with the world.
  • My husband and I watched this and found it charming, funny, and smart. Andrea Martin is wonderful, as always, and is what lifts this show from "cute" to "funny." It has a lot of heart as well as humor, with nothing dark or cynical. I would love to have Andrea Martin's character as my own mother!
  • Pretty standard sitcom, a lot of over acting by most of the leads and even includes the lazy English stereotype that doesn't exist outside of American TV shows. The series improves quite a bit in season 2, mostly because Chuck features a lot more, played by the only natural comic actor in the cast. The Tina Fey cameos are largely forgettable.
  • Apparently there must have been an issue with TV transmissions last night, because the show 'Great News' ~ the one critics are raving about as 'fantastic and uproariously funny', was NOT the same one showing on my TV set.

    This 'comedy' stars Briga Heelan as Katie Wendelson and Andrea Martin as her helicopter mom, Carol, set primarily in a broadcast newsroom. The premise is gimmicky: Katie tries to get some hard hitting news assignments, while mom Carol has been hired on as an intern at the station. The attempted jokes were simply not funny, and frankly just an insult to the viewer who has wasted their time watching this drivel when there are SO many quality shows available these days.

    Perhaps the most surprising thing is that Tina Fey is this show's Executive Producer. But if she REALLY believes that 'Great News' is a funny sit-com, then I must quote an actual comedy..."I'll have what she's having". Just awful.
  • Netflix really did a disservice to its customers (like me) when it failed to renew Great News for season 3. Portlandia is gone and now this?!? We're losing some amazing shows with wonderful characters and interesting storylines. I'm super disappointed because after watching the first two seasons of this show, I was anxiously awaiting season 3. 😔😔
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