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  • "Get Educated" is a pure, beautiful, raw, magical mockumentary. The pilot is funnier than the pilots of "The Office" and "Parks and Recreation" and I love both those shows. But when I stumbled on the pilot online, I couldn't stop laughing. The production value could have been higher, but the chuckles made it worth it.

    There's a couple shows on TV right now about teachers, but "Get Educated" actually gets it right and is actually funny. What made this show different is how it exemplifies teachers on a real level and demonstrates how students can drive you mad, but also reveals that sometimes we need them more than they need us. It's relatable to everyone who's experienced middle school.

    The conflict of a female football coach joining an all-boys football team was my favorite storyline. And I really loved the student-teacher relationship between the coach and Samantha. I hope to see more of this show somewhere.