User Reviews (2)

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  • I had the opportunity to watch this at the Sundance Film Festival and to meet the director and the star of the show. I didn't think it was too bad. It was definitely a feel good movie. I think overall it was good, but I have one thing wrong with it. Movies never showcase school correctly. In this film, all the kids are completely rude to her and don't respect her at all. And maybe it's just the school I go to, but that's not the. Case at all. We still respect the disabled. They are still people. I just felt like this movie didn't capture school realistically. But also these kind of movies are really just there to guilt you into liking it. Not saying this movie was bad, because it wasn't, but it's basically saying, if you don't like this movie, you don't support people suffering from cerebral palsy. Again, not saying this movie WASNT good, it was, but it does guilt trip you a little bit.

    But that's about it. I'd give it a solid 7/10. I also never read the book, so that's another factor for someone else on here to cover.
  • Watched this at the 2024 Sundance Film Festival.

    Based on the novel called "Out of My Mind", it is a basic and dull adaptation of the novel with a strong performance from Phoebe Ray Taylor but uninspired direction, tone and predictable writing. Filmmaker Amber Sealey has passion on telling this story about an incredible journey of the character going through life and her condition but unlike the book which was emotional and a good character study, the movie fails to capture the essence and charm of the book and instead fails basic and dull.

    The writing is weak as the writing changes some of the aspects from the novel which causes the adaptation to feel off and unfocused. The production is solid, the camerawork is meh, and the musical soundtrack is pretty annoying. While the performances are good, it's unfortunate that the characters, despite being pretty good in the novel, feel undeveloped and not as emotionally connected and engaging as I would have liked. Including some one-noted perspectives of how children act and cheesy dynamics that feel too fake to believe.

    The dialogue is weak and the ambitious tone is unfocused. I appreciate the movie for being a good representation for the disabled community and trying to show good light on them. But as someone who has read the book, I feel the book remains strong.

    To my confusion, this movie is made by Disney which is strange for Sundance Film Festival since Disney isn't an independent company. So I wonder why it was selected.

    Overall, I am not sure how kids will feel about this movie but I do think this is a good solid story to teach for children.