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  • 'STAR WARS LEGENDS: LEGACY OF THE FORCE': Two and a Half Stars (Out of Five)

    A 20-minute fan-made short film, based on a segment of the 2008 novel 'Invincible' (by Troy Denning). This short was directed by Danny James, and scripted by Tye Nelson. Nelson also costars in the film, with Jaci Twiss. Twiss and Nelson play Jaina and Jacen Solo (in the short); the children of Han Solo and Leia Organa. The story deals with an intense battle between the siblings, who are now both adult Jedi. I'm a huge 'STAR WARS' fan, and I'm really looking forward to the new movie ('THE FORCE AWAKENS'), but I didn't enjoy this short film! It's way too melodramatic, cheesy and soap- operatic; so are the films, but this feels even more so. It does have an entertaining fight scene, and some decent effects (in relation to the $25,000 budget), but other than that, it's somewhat painful to watch (the acting is awful). The short has all of the weakest elements of the movie franchise, with none of it's qualities. I haven't read the novel (or any 'Star Wars' books), but I'm sure the material is probably a lot better in written form.

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  • Snootz23 February 2018
    When a film starts out in pink gaseous clouds with a hot pink planet in the background, one might immediately wonder where the rest of the flick is going.

    Unfortunately in this case, not much of anywhere. When I read the 2 negative reviews here and saw that both reviews had 5 "unhelpfuls" (ummm... did 5 people make this film?) I wondered if it was worth watching. Figured I could handle 20 minutes so gave it a try.

    The sets, filming and photography are good, as is the sound production. Costumes are better than average. This had all the makings of a fairly decent fan film. But like so many in this kind of presentation the story just bites weasels. If viewers have read the book it's based on it may be somewhat more interesting, but for someone going in clueless, we wind up remaining that way.

    The discussion in the med bay is the beginning of having no idea where this story is going. "Tell so-and-so this, maybe tell him that"... but who is so and so and what is all this time-consuming discussion about? No idea.

    There's no explanation for spots on the arms. We just kinda have to guess-- either blood draws or reaction tests? Those are about the only two options. The director leaves the audience uninformed. Can't be a spoiler because there's nothing to spoil.

    The characters are confusing: rebel uniforms on an Empire ship... with the Jedi looking like something from the Dark side. Dialog based on issues never revealed, characters unexplained-- this is a case of the production team just taking it for granted the audience knows what's going on. Well folks, we didn't, we don't, and we could have used a bit less lengthy, dry dialog and a bit more story line.

    I will say this again: fans, if you are going to go to the time, expense and difficulty of making a film, *start with a good story line*. If you don't... you'll wind up with a film like this.

    I would give it creds for the fight scenes but the actors seemed to be wielding 5-lb broadswords rather than near-weightless lightsabers. All through the scene the one thing I wondered is, "Who are these people and why are they fighting?" I guess the obvious answer would be "One is a Darth and one is a Jedi, what more reason do they need?".

    It doesn't, the other reviewers are right, and now you five can give me my thumbs-down too. ; )

    But before you hit that thumbs down button a bit of advice: film makers, never, ever rate the reviews for you own film. It's low class and you show you've learned nothing from what the reviewers are saying.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "Star Wars Legends: Legacy of the Force" is another of these uncountable "Star Wars" fan movies and it runs for 20 minutes approximately. The director is Danny James and the writer is Tye Nelson. The latter also acts in here. I cannot say I am familiar with him, James or any of the cast in here and maybe that is why I was not too impressed. Or maybe because I have never been a huge "Star Wars" fan. Still it's always worth checking out new fan-made projects as some of these may turn out good or even really famous in the long run. However, this one is not among these and even in a year where fans finally get a "real" new movie, this one does not get too much attention. Then again, I would say it also does not really deserve that much. I hope everybody who worked on this one can improve their abilities in the coming years. I don't recommend the watch.
  • Yeah I get that it's a fan film but it's still terrible. It's really sad that they wasted so much money on this rather than an original project. The SFX were really corny, the writing was bad, and the acting and casting was poor. Tye Nelson was terribly miscast and was a genuine eye sore to watch.