User Reviews (12)

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  • This a rare case where the IMBD average rating is actually accurate, but still on the generous side. The lead is cast perfectly, and the majority of the supporting roles are handled competently. While our lead is beautifully flawed, the viewer is compelled to see what happens to her. Unfortunately the script is where this movie fails monumentally. This is no "gem" of any sorts, as one previous reviewer incomprehensibly said. Without spending too much time on this, the final 20 minutes were an absolute absurd waste of time and energy. It's like all of a sudden we are thrown into another completely different movie. I don't mind when a flawed character fails to find their way or redemtption or whatever as long it's handled in a decent manner by the director/writer. The abuurdity of the final 20 minutes ruined everything that came before it, and it's ashame because there were genuinely warm, funny, and powerful scenes. All wiped out by a nonsensical ending that defies reason, sanity, and just about everything else. This movie falls into the realm of disappointing and forgettable, where it shall rightfully remain forever.
  • esperanzahousmans22 September 2017
    The story is about a woman with a very sad life and she's looking for a way to make money. This is such a bad movie. I can't believe I watched this till the end. It is absolutely not a comedy and I don't know why it's written in its description. It's very sad and it's not exciting at all. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Was hoping that the destructive character would find some way to make major changes in her life and begin recovery. But it was just a sad commentary of a woman who continues to make bad decision after bad decision hoping she might end up in the right place at the right time, and good things would magically happen for her. No such luck.
  • Easy Living seemed to be warmly-received in its world premiere at Austin's SXSW Film Festival. It is entertaining quirky film about Sherry Graham, a door-to-door makeup saleswoman, who is struggling to fix her rather messy life. The writer/director Adam Keleman has crafted a strong lead character. The lead actress, Caroline Dhavernas, delivers a really strong performance. Sherry is trying to turn a corner and escape her dead end job and really her dead end life. While much of the film is entertaining and provocative, the bizarre ending doesn't really do the rest of the movie justice. It is as if the Keleman wrote himself into a corner and couldn't figure out how to get out of it so he just came up with a completely unanticipated and illogical way to resolve the story. It is unfortunate, because it undermines the intelligence nuanced writing and acting that had occurred up to that point.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    At first glance, "Easy Living" appears to a Lifetime-style film about a woman who is highly motivated to turn her life around. Her alcoholism led her to abandon her daughter to the care and upbringing of her sister. But now, Sherry is a dynamic direct-to-consumer salesperson of cosmetics.

    In the opening scene of the film, the protagonist confidently proclaims that "I am the architect of my life." Her motivational practices have clearly instilled in her some good skills in sales, as she works efficiently in knocking on doors and making some earnings on commission.

    But as the film develops, we see another, insecure side of Sherry where she resides in a motel, picks up men in bars, and has failed over a ten-year period to contribute financially to the upbringing of her daughter. Sherry is sensitive to a stray dog and has genuine rapport with her clients. But to the people who matter most in her life, she is oddly distant. It doesn't help that she is drinking heavily and avoiding her AA meetings.

    There was a salient moment in the film where Sherry walks into the bedroom of her sister to borrow a shirt, so she can have a tryst with a man who has yet to finalize his divorce. When Sherry opens the drawer, she discovers her sister's gun and holds it up to the mirror, as if preparing to shoot. By that time in the film, Sherry is so unpredictable that basically anything can happen, especially when she takes the gun with her without informing the sister.

    As it turns out, the gun figures prominently in the bizarre conclusion of the film. The ending involves a plot twist that makes the film inherently dishonest. One question to ponder at the end is the following: There are instances when people have won lotteries, and their lives take an ironic turn for the worse because of their good luck. It should be fairly clear that if Sherry won a Powerball jackpot, she would eventually return to reside in the shabby motel room.
  • I enjoyed this movie despite the low IMDB rating so have to let others know that it might not be what you expected. Excellent strong performance by lead actress and the story doesn't sugar coat things. I really didn't expect it to be as good as it was, while it's not going to be everyone's cup of tea it kept my attention all the way through. It's a strong 9/10 in my books. thanks
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The movie is about Sherry, a sex addict, bar star who has finally decided to start thinking about her future. Sherry while quirky her life is a wreck, she lives out of a cheap motel, sells makeup door to door, seeks out random one night stands at her local bar and left her daughter to be raised by her sister. Despite what her life has been she has decided to turn it around and developed a dream but lacks the way to fund it. That is, until an unexpected stranger gets in to her car. Without giving to much of the movie away this is where I straddled the fence with where the plot evolved. It was difficult to grasp that a woman in this situation would respond this way but then I realized Sherry is a sex addict. It's worth the watch for something different.
  • I was surprised by this movie. I guess the slacker main character with plenty of slacker quality flaws brought he into this movie, and let me go at times. But it was a great movie to watch when bored with all the others. Definitely a good watch, and I was surprised by how good an indie film can get.

    7 Stars!
  • I stumbled upon this gem of an indie by Adam Keleman and anchored by the phenomenal acting of Caroline Dhavernas. The film was incredibly well written and directed, and the acting by Caroline Dhavernas was more than impressive. I found that the struggles of the main character, Sherry, who perhaps was quite misunderstood, as she tried to find her way, were very relatable. Sherry was ambitious in her career and very caring, as was evidenced in numerous scenes, but at the same time struggled to actually find herself and figure out a way to attain the things she truly wanted out of life. I look forward to more projects from Adam Keleman, Caroline Dhavernas, the supporting cast and crew (the cinematography was remarkably impressive - particularly for what I understand was a no to low budget film) those that are already accomplished and those that are just making a name for themselves.
  • Enjoyed this indie. Great character study of unique woman. Everyone can identify w their own life w lousy times. Caroline provided outstanding acting. She showed her true range. The supporting cast are stabilizing characters to the main character. Nice that it previewed at several film festivals. Nice first movie for new writer/director Adam Keleman. Looking forward to his next project.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    If you understand the Law of Attraction and Universe then you will understand and love this movie! Great film! I wish there were more pictures like this. It breaks down how the secret of the Universe for you right here in the film! Woah!!! Just great. She had her issues but she woke up positive thinking and stayed focused regardless of what she was told or how anyone felt about her. The writer is quite good and should come out with more in my opinion. She stuck to waking up positive thinking and so happen to be at the right place and so happen to have the gun with her...that came in handy. Thanks to the other guys actions he'll have to answer to one day, she's going to begin her new transition on a new life. Maybe she turned the money in and got a reward for turning him into the police as never know. The Universe works in your favor if you want.
  • A truly excellent character study, anchored by strong, believable performances and nuanced writing. Sherry's struggle with getting herself onto the ladder that she has until now ignored, and the existential despair that entails, is easy to relate to. The director (Adam Keleman) imbues the proceedings with a touch of absurdity, just enough to make it feel as if the universe is aligned against her. And a jarring final act initially seems out of place until it fits squarely into Sherry's path towards self-actualization. A tiny gem.