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  • Now there is more to it of course and you can enjoy this if you just don't mind all the wrong things our main character does. And believe that there is a bad guy with a heart. You can let yourself go and enjoy this for what it is. And it works most of the time, tension building and all that. And then it comes around cripples itself with the wagging finger and its morality.

    It's almost a shame, but the high moral ground and its somewhat rose tinted view on things especially towards the ending, almost destroy all the fun one can have. The ending itself is also something that some might cherish and others will hate. I'll leave that up to you. Again, if you still can manage to bear with it ... good for you and your enjoyment of the movie
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "Luna" is a German 2017 movie that is also in the German language, occasionally in Russian too due to the subject. It runs for slightly under 90 minutes without credits, slightly over including credits. The director is Khaled Kaissar from Afghanistan, who has worked on several other films before this one as a producer. But he is not the only foreign person in charge here. The script is from a German, an Iranian and a Romanian. But here it is a case of too many cooks spoiling the brother. We shall get to that later. Lead actress is the still pretty young Lisa Vicari, who is enjoying a bit of a breakthrough right now, not just with this one, but also in other German film/television project that also manage to attract some attention abroad. The rest of the cast offers fewer known names than expected I would say. Carlo Ljubek who is the male co-lead has some solid screen time, but there are more known ones than him like Sadler, Bock and Beglau, who all don't have too much action, Sadler probably still the most in the first 15 minutes. This is the story of a seemingly normal teenage girl, who has idea she is the daughter of a very skilled Russian agent, who is no longer active. But his former colleagues eventually manage to find him and what they on their minds may not be appealing to anybody from this seemingly normal family. The rest is revenge you can say. But there are crucial problems. The first one is that sadly Vicari is okay at best, if at all, has more than one moment of weak line delivery and her chemistry with Ljubek isn't particularly good. But the bigger problem here is that I just did not buy her ruthlessness. It comes all out of nowhere. She just lost her entire family, she realizes nothing was real, at least about her dad etc. Every other girl in her position would be heartbroken, ending up with relatives or at a children's home until a new family is found with regular therapist sessions. Not so her. It was a huge challenge to make it work that you believe her to be tough and out there for getting things straight again and do the same to the people who killed her family. It is not working here and yep that is a negative deal breaker. It is also not helping a whole lot that Ljubek's character feels really stereotypical and almost as unrealistic as his young female companion. The next problem are the villains. It is not a huge problemt hat we don't know too much about them, but then they should not have used that confrontation scene inside one of the killers' homes as a dramatically defining moment for the film as honestly, even then I did not care one bit really what would happen to the girl. The bald guy is not a main antagonist, for that he is jst too insignificant and shallow and still his story line is far more crucial than those about the other attackers. I am not sure what the writers here had in mind, probably a mix of girl power, revenge story and look into the world of politics and crime. At least the politics aspect is emphasized with how the film ends and honestly, this is when it gets really ridiculous in my opinion. It was painful to watch how the film actually took itself seriously with the girl uncovering identities of many secret agents and basically playing all kinds of secret services. It felt ridiculous honestly and it all starts with the scene when she stands up to Bock's character. No girl her age, even with what she went through would have acted liked that. Oh yeah and also sucks to see Bock getting wasted like that. He is a far better actor than he can show us here, but he just doesn't have the material to work with. Overall, I give this film a thumbs-down. The ending is really bad,t he rest of the film is just weak except the actually fairly bold first 15 minutes. Watch something else instead.
  • If you can bear these kinds of movies where the main character does every mistake (s)he should not do, enjoy yourself. Otherwise I suggest you don't lose time. It looks like those horror movies where the tension fails to rise because of the stupidity of the hero(in) who does what nobody would have done in the same situation. The decisions and behaviour of the heroin are amazing and often enerving. I can't appreciate her. I don't know if it's because of the script or because it is bad acting, but even when she shows strong emotions I stay cold and unsympathetic, and I'm impatient she comes back to normal.
  • On the one hand, while details of the plot come out in lines of dialogue, the scene writing so heavily deemphasizes dialogue generally that one could feasibly enjoy the picture without full comprehension of the words being spoken. (Say, if the film were incompletely dubbed and subtitled.) On the other hand, being able to watch the movie without a full set of tools also suggests the thrust of the title is somewhat common and unexceptional. A cynic (me) might say that we've seen this movie before, and we'll see it again. This is no especial mark against it, mind you; how many other features could we describe in the same way? And it's well made and entertaining on its own merits. Only, one glance at a basic premise and you know exactly what you're getting into. 'Luna,' also known as 'Luna's revenge,' is a suitable thriller, though it won't necessarily stand out in a crowd.

    Young Lisa Vicari is a fine actress, and as the titular character we see her demonstrate some of the range, poise, and strength of personality that would help her to be one of the breakout stars of Netflix's original series 'Dark' a couple years after this. Carlo Ljubek, as primary supporting character Hamid, commands a subtle dark presence that lets his role serve as an anchor against the more volatile protagonist. However, it should be said that there's a bit of a discrepancy in the writing: Luna is centered as the chief figure in the narrative, and gets the most time on screen, yet Hamid plays a more active role in the course of events than she does. This would be even more of a standard thriller if it were called 'Hamid' instead of 'Luna'; alternatively, if the duo's relationship were written as more of an equal partnership - or if Hamid's role were still smaller - the film would have had greater opportunity to flourish. A little more care in development of the characters and narrative would have gone a long way.

    Still, the scene writing is very strong, offering thrills, emotional beats, a few rather jolting moments, and some very solid plot ideas. 'Luna' is very well made from a technical standpoint, with excellent direction and cinematography. The ending feels a little gauche for the fact of how much use that approach to story resolution has been getting in movies in the past several years, but it's still duly satisfying. Even having noted Vicari in particular, there's no one specific aspect of this picture to leap to one's attention - but when all is said and done, it's entertaining, and that above all is what the movie hoped to achieve. You don't need to go out of your way to see this, but if you happen to come across it, it's a fair way to pass 90 minutes. Enter with the recognition that you'll recognize some of 'Luna's' story beats in its brethren, and it's easy enough to just kick back and relax.
  • glenforest-5845221 January 2023
    Warning: Spoilers
    It looks like a mixture of cheap propaganda and wannabe spy thriller. Russians are evil, Afghans are good, Germans are bland. I kind if figured out from the beginning that the scriptwriters will demand a lot of suspension of disbelief - and was quite right. The whole foundation of the story is ridiculous - secret service agents find out that one of them is a traitor and what do they do? Of course they will not poison him or make him commit suicide - no. They wait until he takes his family to a chalet in the Alps so they can murder not only him but his whole family as well. Why would they do that? Well because Russians are bloodthirsty monsters as the script suggests. And of course they are stupid too- because by doing so they will attract the attention of virtually everyone. And then this mass murder is magically declared a family drama - a father who lost his mind and killed his family before killing himself. Surely the German secret service tells the German police what kind of statement they have to issue... What follows after that is basically a total insult to any IQ above 20. No need to go into any detail. I am sure this abomination did not make its way into the movie theaters as it would have flopped big time.
  • dpstucky5 October 2018
    A thriller with a plot and pacing and denouement that feel justified what might have been stupid errors of judgement by the heroine by placing her squarely in the mistake laden terrains of youth and trauma. Hope to see more of Lisa Vicari and Carlo Lowber. Felt good to have it be about something significant as well in an age that seems prone to an obeisance to authority.