User Reviews (101)

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  • sowvendra14 August 2016
    The Nanavati case of the 1950s seems to be hot on the literary and film scene in India right now. Just a few weeks ago I read R. Raj Rao's novel, Lady Lolita's Lovel, a clever and entertaining juxtaposition of the Nanavati case and D. H. Lawrence's novel, Lady Chatterley's Lover. Rustom, inspired by the Nanavati case, is entertaining to say the least. Just like Akshay Kumar's previous films Holiday, Baby and Airlift. And because Akshay Kumar seems to have mastered the formula of creating fast-paced thrillers with quick lessons in patriotism and nationalism, even Rustom, apparently inspired by an incident of adultery, too has been injected with liberal doses of patriotism.

    Most things work for Rustom. Though the period setting does not really impress, the writing does. The courtroom scene, especially, has been written quite well. There is humour in it, and a tongue-in-cheek feeling.

    Akshay Kumar, despite being the lead star, is not the best thing about Rustom. It is the supporting cast. Be it Pavan Malhotra as the investigating police officer, Kumud Mishra as the newspaper editor who turns the public opinion in Rustom's favour, Usha Nadkarni as the Pavris' domestic help, Sachin Khedekar as the prosecution lawyer, or Anang Desai as the judge➖the supporting actors have been given opportunities and they have delivered.

    The weakest thing about Rustom is, perhaps, its female lead: Ileana D'Cruz. Maybe the cue given to her was "look sad", so she has a crestfallen appearance throughout the film. Esha Gupta is better, though quite over the top. With a Zeenat Aman-ish appearance, Esha Gupta brings a certain femme-fatale-ish glamour to her character➖her fashion style and poise, breathing fire in anger at the murder of her brother (played by Arjan Bajwa) at the hands of Rustom Pavri (played by Akshay Kumar), smoking a cigarette through a long holder while being given a back massage by a young man, reacting furiously in the courtroom, vowing to get Rustom Pavri hanged, etc.

    Not perfect - in fact, far from being perfect - Rustom is a good one-time watch.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Well I appreciate the fact that Akshay has started picking up some good genre n deviated from his usual stuff. The movie was a decent one time watch. It had very lil to do with the actual case. A really important case which really needed to be shown with responsibility. It could have been an awesome one if they had paid attention to the screenplay. If only they could have portrayed the courtroom scenes very seriously rather than making it a bad comedy. Why was there a need to show Esha Gupta as a courtesan? Why was there a need to show the justification of Illeanas adultery? Why couldn't they jus show that she was away from her husband for 6 months n that she jus felt the urge to satisfy herself. N why was the need to show that Akshay killed the guy coz he was doing some anti national shady deal n not coz he slept with his wife. One really good thing that caught my attention was the explanation given why he shot 3 bullets. Nice one. The opening courtroom scenes reminded me of Anthony Hopkins Fracture.
  • The Nanavati case of 1959 affected several facets of a newly independent India. While the citizens favored the celebrated naval officer who was accused of murdering his wife's illicit partner, the media's sensational coverage of the trial sent people into a frenzy that wouldn't even spare the jury's ability to deliver unbiased justice. The patriotic purity of a naval officer's white uniform was stained with blood but people didn't seem to care. They had already passed their verdict. Director Tinu Suresh Desai uses a lot of dramatic freedom to keep the general audience engaged in the trial's proceedings. For the most part, he deviates from the actual happenings, thus setting the stage for Akshay Kumar to emerge as the nation's most patriotic hero. 'Rustom' is a fictional account of the famous Nanavati v/s State of Maharashtra case that delivers justice in quite an entertaining manner.

    Prolonged periods of absence on official duty brought Officer Rustom Pavri's (Akshay Kumar) wife closer to Preeti (Esha Gupta) and her brother Vikram (Arjan Bajwa). Upon his early return from a deployment, Rustom is surprised to find an empty home and soon discovers that Cynthia (Illeana D'Cruz) has been gone for 2 days. His concern turns to suspicion and his instinct leads him to Vikram's home where he sees his wife cheating on him. The following morning, Rustom confronts Cynthia and immediately heads over to Vikram's house before making two crucial stops. One, to pick up a pistol from the ship's armory and two, to make a trunk call to Delhi. Vikram is shot 3 times in his room with Rustom subsequently surrendering himself to the Police. Vincent Lobo (Pawan Malhotra) is the investigating officer, who suspects that there is something amiss about the truth that is in front of him. Citizens pick their sides with Preeti Makhija hiring the best Sindhi lawyer (Sachin Khedekar) to prosecute the accused while the Parsi community, including a local newspaper's editor, rally behind Rustom's defense of himself. The investigators, the city's citizens and the entire nation were embroiled in this sensational case that threatened to stain the patriotic image of a naval officer. While most saw the murderous act as just punishment for Vikram, others would claim that murder is afterall a crime. Popular sentiment would play a major role in the judicial system which was then based on the jury's vote. As the courtroom drama unfolds, truth hinges on perceptions and fabrication that lead to both comedy and tension. There is also a secret concerning national security that will put the pieces of the puzzle together.

    With the plot revolving around its protagonist, Akshay Kumar beams in the spotlight in his impeccably white uniform. With barely 2 minutes of action, the majority of his screenplay was with him either listening to accusations and narrations or arguing in his defense. In the courtroom, Sachin Khedekar leans mostly on the comic side with most of his serious accusations falling flat. Anang Desai was an unusual choice to play the Judge but it brought levity to what would have otherwise been a pretty serious court trial. The underrated Pawan Malhotra brings the sincerity and composure that come so natural with his performances and it's great to see him in a meatier role. Arjan Bajwa plays the sleazy rich playboy quite convincingly while Esha Gupta's attempt at being a vixen is simply acceptable. Illeana doesn't seem as comfortable in an altogether serious role when compared to her other outings such as Main tera hero.

    Unlike its producer Neeraj Pandey's more serious film-making style, Tinu Desai's Rustom doesn't take itself seriously once we enter the courtroom. While fictionalizing the facts of the 1959 case, the plot liberties taken by writer Vipul Rawal mock the system and media's influence on gullible citizens. Add to that, Tinu Suresh Desai's direction that makes patriotism and old school Bombay appear tacky versions of themselves. The music is merely added to portray the romantic relationship of the Pavris without wasting time in their courtship scenes. But barring these modest attempts of entertaining a more general population, Rustom is an engaging film that covers a sensational crime and its thrilling investigation. Another blockbuster feather in Akshay Kumar's hat that should hopefully keep him away from his crass comedy ventures.

    7.899 on a scale of 1-10.
  • Patriotism or Infidelity, Love for Nation or love for wife.. Was the director confused? So decided to keep both as main ingredients of this Thriller... So whats " Rustom " - Murder Mystery?? But then we know the murderer in first 30 mins.. Is it about " why she did what she did" Its easily given out in first half.. So here it goes- Rustom is a courtroom story of how a naval officer .. Defends himself.. How a judge gets in humour while the trial is on.. How a sister can wear a deep red pout while pleading to convict her brother's killer !! Ileana is overdosed on glycerin .. But so far this is her best.. Esha Gupta hired herself a new designer and she got this platform to show it all.. Otherwise who wears a page 3 outfit to court.. Arjan- nothing great about him.. His acting skills remain where they were.. Akshay... As good as he gets.. He is ageing gracefully and has totally justified his screen space. Songs can be given a pass.. Hats off to the casting director Shruti Mahajan for collecting together a well fitted cast.. Be it the investigating officer or the newspaper head who brought in the humour in n otherwise serious watch.. 👏🏼👏🏼 for you girl!! The story keeps one gripped.. Those who like courtroom drama .. Should watch!!
  • Suspense thriller that succeeds in maintaining the viewers interest alive till the very end of the movie. Went to see this movie without great expectations and found it reasonably good. Everyone in the audience seemed satisfied. Personally for me it was worth the time and money spent. The main character of the Akshay Kumar and is well supported by all other cast. The story takes twists and turns with backstory revealed gradually. Watched the movie sitting in the fourth row from the front with keeping the head up throughout. The movie was engrossing and did not let me feel the pain in the neck. The visuals are pleasing and we feel like being in environment of 1960. It is definitely well worth a watch for movie buffs. You will enjoy it better if you avoid knowing the story details.
  • indianature17 October 2016
    I watched Rustom when it aired on Zee TV last evening. I did not expect too much from it based on press reviews even though it had done well at the box office. Was I surprised!

    Even though everyone knows this movie is broadly based on the infamous Nanavaty incident, it was well made and riveting till the last scene.

    Everyone but everyone essayed their role so well, especially the bawaji newspaper walla :) Akshay could well pass off for aapro Russi!

    Rustom is one heck of a slick production, good plot, fabulous period sets, crisp dialogues, superb acting, cinematography par excellence.

    This movie holds the interest throughout and the climax keeps you on the edge of your chair even though you very well know what is coming.

    Well done Akshay, with Special 26, Holiday, Baby and now Rustom, you have really come well out of the Khiladi mould. Looking forward to more such slick productions.
  • Good acting performances with a great body language of all the characters. Could have been formulated better, but with a good intent, it furnishes a decent delivery. Ileana looks very beautiful and she carried that character nicely. Pavan Malhotra as an inspector was bang on, something which is expected from him now. Akshay Kumar was at his usual flawlessness, as he is in these type of roles.

    Storyline Rating: 3 Content: 3 Commercialization: 2 Entertainment: 2

    Acting Rating: 3 Akshay Kumar: 3 Ileana: 3 Pavan Malhotra: 3 Esha Gupta: 2

    Direction Rating: 3

    Music Rating: 2

    Cinematography: 2

    Editing: 4
  • We went to this movie with a suspicion that this will be as usual Bollywood type glorified and twisted movie.. but we were in for a pleasant surprise. production values are great.. 1950's sets were decently propped and colorful retro chic style attire looked classy. the story is fast paced and takes the viewer for a good ride.. Akshay and Pawan Malhotra simply blow us away with their razor sharp performances. Akshay keeps his ice-cool composure throughout the movie.. and Pawan.. with his inimitable pout and with a ciggy in one hand.. is the movie's style quotient ;-). the actresses are passable..ileana looks gorgeous but wooden not classy enough for the Brit sylvie. esha looks chic and tries hard to make a presence.. unfortunately story has little for her apart from looking hard on everyone and loud-mouthing..

    for someone who would want to see a thrilling Hindi movie with a 1950 backdrop, this is the perfect one. but for someone who wants to see a 100% correct depiction of nanavati case, this may not be his/hers cup of tea :-).
  • Though the climax has been smartly fictionalised, this courtroom drama is essentially based on the real life of Naval officer K M Nanavati, who in 1959, shot and killed his wife's lover. The subsequent trial was one of India's most sensational court cases. Coming to the film, Rustom has a cracker of a beginning. Without wasting any time, the director comes straight to the point. He takes us quickly through the circumstances in which Rustom shoots Vikram and the trial begins.

    Akshay Kumar is the backbone of Rustom. The Khiladi renders one of the most understated performances of his career, proving yet again that he can play a range of diverse roles with aplomb. He smoothly pulls off his character with utmost ease.

    Based on a controversial case, Rustom lacks the unnerving tension one ideally expects from a film of this genre. However, director Tinu Suresh Desai infuses ample melodrama and ups the intrigue. Ileana D'Cruz is perfectly cast and does complete justice to her role. Arjan Bajwa is decent as well. To cut to the chase, Rustom can be watched for its story and most importantly Akshay Kumar, whose action/comic brilliance often overshadows his acting prowess. He reminds you to value the honest officers who serve our country with dignity and valour. He makes you want to support the man who probably did the right thing the wrong way.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Just saw Rustom_Film.! Stupendous performance by him, Just thanks to the akshaykumar for giving us this patriot movie.!Brilliant direction brilliant acting by Akshay sir U nailed it again Loved every bit of it!Great job teamRustom. 1st half little slow but you are not felling bored .... and 2nd half it takes another level till the end. I strongly recommended it if you not watch yet then please go and watch this classic thriller.Based on true events, Rustom is a gripping tale about Pride, Passion and Power, and a man who must his uphold his own integrity and that of the nation. A dashing naval officer, a beautiful wife and a perfect world. This was Naval Commander Rustom Pavri's life.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Rustom brought in a lot of promise from its promo. Unfortunately, the full movie fails on many accounts which give a feeling of a wasted effort. With a gripping story and powerful actors, this movie could have been one of the best movies of the year. However, technical mistakes, unnecessary humor and unbalanced screen time eventually kill the movie.

    Story (7/10): Based on the 1959 Nanavati vs. The State of Maharashtra case where a naval officer kills his wife's lover but is, surprisingly acquitted by the jury - which brought an end to the jury system in India - the movie had a very solid story, to begin with. Screenplay turns out to be ordinary - a combined mistake of the writer as well as the director for conceptualizing very poor sequences. Some of the pieces just didn't add up to the main story and rather, leaves question marks.

    Acting (7/10): The movie boasted of powerful actors like Akshay Kumar, Sachin Khedekar, Parmeet Sethi, Pavan Malhotra, Anang Desai and Usha Nadkarni. Akshay Kumar has shouldered this entire movie and given one of his best performances. However, except for Akshay Kumar, for obvious reasons, no one else had been given scenes and the dialogs worthy of their acting talent. The movie misses the bus in terms of utilizing the acting capabilities the star cast had. Illeana D'Cuz is mostly weeping throughout the movie. Esha Gupta's character was very much redundant. Arjan Bajwa does impress to some extent with his expressions and dialog delivery.

    Direction (5/10): Dharmendra Desai is a very new name to the Indian audience. He does a commendable task with very high attention to detail in a period film. The length of the movie is just right and he did a smart thing by merging the background of Rustom-Cynthia's story with the initial credits, saving some time. The flow of the movie was well maintained. What I also loved was reduced melodrama in some of the intense scenes which gave a very realistic feel to some of the situations. However, the movie fails big time in some of the aspects such as the unnecessary and unbelievable humor in a supposedly serious courtroom drama kills the impact of an otherwise very intense case. Some technical mistakes such as jury timelines (the judge assures the jury that they have all the time in the world to reach a decision and then, in the very next sentence, mentions that the decision will be announced the next day) leave much to ask for.

    Overall (6/10): Overall, the movie could have been very powerful, if the director hadn't bothered making it a comedy-drama and provided a screenplay worthy of the story and the actors. You may watch for once but it would be more interesting to read through the actual case.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Rustom, a much awaited film by Tinu Suresh Desai, has received mixed reviews from various corners. The background of this film is based on a naval officer's life - Kawas Manekshaw Nanavati. Previously also, two films Yeh Rishte Hain Pyar ke (1963) and Achanak (1973) were made with the same plot. KM Nanavati, naval officer, was happily married to Sylvia, British by birth and settled with three kids. His keeping away from home for long duration due to work made his wife feel lonely and engage herself in an extramarital love affair with Prem Ahuja. She herself confesses about her affair with Prem. Nanavati ends up killing Prem and surrenders himself. Then starts the legal battle. It is said that this case, which happened in 1959, changed the course of legal operation in India. Nanavati's case was the last one where case was heard by Jury. Nanavati was proved not guilty in the court, although this verdict was later challenged in higher courts. He was even sentenced for life imprisonment, but later on, political connections helped him to come out of jail within 3 years. After getting the release, he went to Canada along with Sylvia and kids. He died in 2003 whereas Sylvia is alive and in Canada.

    The film Rustom brings a few parts of Nanavati's story on celluloid. It keeps one engaged and glued to the screen. It is Akshay Kumar's another best film. The story covers love, passion, adultery, murder, forgiveness, patriotism etc.

    The film begins with the actor Manoj Bajpayee's narration. The titular character Rustom is played by Akshay Kumar. Commander Rustom Parvi, a naval officer, is in love with his beautiful wife Cynthia (Ileana D'Cruz). Their meeting, falling in love, and getting married etc. are beautifully conveyed through the song 'Tere Sang Yaara…'. Rustom used to travel due to work. Once, his ship is rescheduled to reach prior to the planned date / schedule. Rustom gets astonished not to find Cynthia at home. He explores and finds out about Cynthia's extramarital affair with his acquaintance and a businessman Vikram Makhija (Arjan Bajwa). Vikram had the image of a playboy too. Rustom confronts Cynthia, but did not give her a chance to explain herself. He then goes in search of Vikarm to his office, later to his residence. Three bullets straight into his heart, Vikram is dead. Rustom goes to the Police Station and surrenders himself. Naval officials wanted his custody but that doesn't happen. Rustom who chose to surrender himself for the murder of Vikram, decided to represent himself in the court for his defense. Public prosecutor Lakshman Khangani (Sachin Khedekar) gave Rustom a tough fight in the court. Preeti Makhija, Vikram's sister (Esha Gupta) wants Rustom to be punished.

    Legal battle continues unveiling the motive of Rustom behind the murder of Vikram Makhija. It is said that in Nanavati's case, a tabloid 'Blitz' through its opinionated statements were able to create a sympathy wave for Rustom in the minds of common people. In this film, Erach Billimoria (kumud Mishra) heads a tabloid, which largely influenced the course of the case. He was able to influence the thoughts of common man as well as Jury through his articles. Police Commissioner Vincent Lobo keeps his investigation going parallel to the hearings in the court. How did Rustom plan Vikram's murder? How Cynthia handle all these turbulence ? Does Rustom forgive Cynthia ? Was Rustom's motive behind Vikram's murder purely a personal one ? Was Cynthia a victim of a conspiracy ? When Rustom surrendered and admitted his crime, what logics he brought up during the trial in his defense? Was there any layer of patriotism to the whole story? Why were the naval officers keen on taking Rustom under their custody ? How the trial moves further ? Who all were cross examined and what story it could bring out? How does Rustom fights back for proving his not being guilty ? Does it turn out to be Parsi versus Sindhi revenge too?

    Akshay looks absolutely dashing in Naval Officer's uniform. He has once again proved that he is one of top notch actor in the Bollywood, who could do complete justice to Rustom's character. Illena looks beautiful on screen. Arjan Bajwa as Vikram Makhija is very much convincing in his role. Sachin as the Public Prosecutor is very good. The only character I felt weakly developed is that of Preeti Makhija of Esha Gupta. Jamnabai, the house-help's role by Usha Nadarni is also good. Kumud Mishra as Erach Billimoria brought humour to the plot. Pawan Malhotra as Police Commissioner Vincent Lobo has less screen time, but he is good. Parmeet Sethi is also seen as one of the naval officer. Other cast is also good.

    Certain scenes are worth watching. When Rustom comes home prior to the scheduled date and his pain on exploring Cynthia's extramarital affair. His confrontation scene with Cynthia. The scene where Rustom agrees to meet Cynthia for the first time in jail, the body language adopted by Rustom generates lots of emotions.

    Court scenes were dealt lightly. It appeared at times as attempts to make fun of the legal system. This could have been dealt in a better manner. Also, the voice of audience supporting Rustom was justified but their standing with weird placards viz. Marry Me Rustom diluted the scene.

    Also, I felt that the dynamics of Rustom-Cynthia's relationship before and after tragedy could have been given a little more screen time.

    Rustom, inspired from the real incidents of KM Nanavati case which ended the Jury system in India, is definitely a very well crafted film. It is packed with good performances, special mention to Akshay's performance, clubbed with good music, suspense, love, betrayal, adultery, murder, forgiveness, patriotism etc.
  • What is appreciable : Nice work over past aromatic creation with costume and set designing. Great casting in terms of their character and execution. Audience was talking about it during interval indicating involvement. No awkward situations are created making it a sufficiently clean movie. Lots n lots of comedy moments where even kids were seen laughing. Cute and balanced. Simple script, editing and acting are notable. Sort of seen as an eye opener to people in many respects.

    What is unexpected : Not a thriller or intense movie.

    What is disappointing : Technically not greatly directed. Lot of flawed moments and thus Rustom lags way behind Drishyam movie. Music is not really memorable. Defending statements were imposed and could only create short term impression.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    As we all know Rustom is based on the Nanavati case which was responsible for the abolition of the the jury trial system in India. So the subject is pretty serious and you expect a serious thriller which would keep you to the edge of your seats till the end. Alas a half hearted attempt by the director makes it an average Bollywood movie. It seems like an opportunity lost. The movie starts well and keeps you intrigued for the first 45 minutes. But as the courtroom proceedings start the film fails. Unnecessary humor and silly jokes spoil the game. Akshay Kumar does justice to his role and is the soul of this movie. The rest of the cast have hardly anything to do. The screenplay and direction are weak. The director seems to believe that the protagonist is not human but god. Also the patriotic angle of the movie of the movie is not presented well. Rather at time it seems unnecessary. The climax of the movie is good and saves this movie somehow. Overall I would say that this movie could have a lot better if there was seriousness in it.
  • I am a big fan of Akshay Kumar and after Baby and Airlift, my expectation is much higher than any time. I always judge a movie with very strict way and full of proved way. I am not a fanboy or a biased critic. I just try to ensure the right review for the people who want to know about the movie and the actual review. Anyways, this is a movie about the true event of a naval officer and the incident took place in 1959. The story's central character is Rustom Pavri and he committed a murder. And the rest of the story is how Rustom sustain by proving his innocence.

    Rustom obviously a crime thriller but I think the script doesn't have any mystery or thrill element and the story completely fail to create the suspense. The second half of the movie is full of court drama but the director missed the opportunity to create high tension for the courtroom. Otherwise, this is a good movie and the screenplay and character development is well made. All of the cast has done a good job and the captain of this movie is undoubtedly Akshay. This is a 100% Akshay Kumar film and he carried the entire film on his shoulder. Without Akshay, the movie may be turned into a garbage film but Akshay saves the project.

    After Airlift and Dumb movie Housefull 3, Rustom may be another profitable venture for Akshay. Recommended for everyone.
  • The film starts with introduction of Mumbai(was Bombay) in 1950's and then a Patriot and a naval Officer Commander Rustom Pavri. They show the love life of Rustom with his wife in the beginning. His life is drastically shook when Rustom comes to know that his wife has an affair with his close friend Vikram Makhija who is a Businessman and a Womanizer(Unknown to Rustom). He shots Vikram dead with 3 bullets in heart, in anger and himself surrenders to police. Vikram's sister cases against Rustom but when he is given benefit to live in Naval custody, he refuses. The media stands with Rustom as he was a honest solider and the public prosecutor and Vikram both were Sindhi while Rustom was Parsi. Then film slowly starts to take turn as offices from Navy search for some special documents in his house, and also by means of bribe. Then Rustom himself defends himself in the court, which is shown mind-blowing(Some comedy, some drama, etc.) After a span of witnesses, defenses, the affair description of Rustom's wife and finally Rustom's explanation to the jury that he shot Vikram in his self defense, when it is clear that he will win, the movie takes a BIG LEAP. The main investigating inspector comes with an audioclip where Rustom seems to be very angry on Vikram and wants to kill. But then the movie takes another turn when the inspector meets him personally. Then Rustom tells that there was a corruption going on in Indian Navy for an aircraft carrier deal, where classified Naval Officers, Vikram and even Defense Minister were involves. They wanted to buy an aircraft carrier that was a piece of junk where high profile corruption was going and Rustom was Inspection officer of that carrier. When Rustom refuses to take bribe from Vikram, his ego is hurt and decides to take revenge from him in the form of the affair. Rustom understands that when he is sent to 6 months assignment, then he bluffs about the documents of inspection of the carrier, and that's the reason he kills Vikram. But at the end he is released by the jury. THE FILM IS A MUST WATCH, ITS A GREAT MOVIE BUT 2 STARS LESS DUE TO SOME DIRECTION GLITCHES. DIRECTION IS GOOD BUT NOT UPTO THE MARK. THE INCIDENTS ARE SOME TIMES IRRELEVANT AND SOME JUMPS. EITHER AN EXCELLENT MOVIE TO WATCH.
  • RUSTOM REVIEW :- Akshay had 2 releases in this year and i watched both films on First Day. Airlift was a Good Film, still disappointed a bit, Housefull 3 was a good entertainer and now he came with Rustom which is carrying higher buzz than previous 2 films. Expectations were little high due Akshay's some quotes about Film but sadly film did not match those high expectations. Failed as a Thriller, failed emotionally but entertained as a Court Drama. Few things just didn't work, looked funny and few things succeeded to entertain. It totally looks a Fictional writing so i don't know why makers showcased it as an Inspired story from True incidents? Let's have an individual review of every field of movie.

    Acting - Very Good ! Akshay Kumar totally nailed it, he completely looked a Navy Officer, carried intensity throughout the film. His Best Performance of the year. Illeana looks gorgeous due to high make up, acted well in emotional scenes. Sachin Khedekar gets place in memories as a lawyer. Esha looked arrogant and beautiful rich girl as per her character was written. Supporting star cast succeeded to make you laugh with their punches.

    Music - Good ! Tere Sang comes at the beginning, and it works like a Magic, the best song of the film as audio and video as well. Other songs just didn't work, forgettable.

    Screenplay - Average ! Strictly Average First half but Interval appears on a twist note which we've already seen in trailer. Better second half but bit stretched, film could have easily been trimmed 10 minutes more.

    Writing - Average ! It was supposed to be an inspired story from a Real incidents but on screen it looked completely fictional. Some scenes irritates, for e.g A Navy Officer is Being a lawyer, collecting documents like a Spy. There was a big scope to write a better story than this.

    Direction - Strictly Average ! Direction is like a Half Baked cake, simply you can't digest it. He tried to add all the elements such as Thrill, Patriotic feel, Husband-Wife Emotions, Sympathy, Crime, Court Drama etc. Which looks like a mixture which is messed. Director spoiled the script which was weak already, still i feel a better film could have been made.

    Final Words - My final verdict to the film is Above Average to Good ! Film neither impresses you much nor disappoint. Commercially this film does not deserve 100cr club but it could manage it due to holidays in weekdays, i feel same for Airlift and film did it. In a Clash Factor i feel Rustom will beat Mohenjadaro critically and commercially both. Overall this one looks another success for Akki this year, but this time despite clash. A honest try by team which could be watched once. I'm going with 6/10 stars as i feel this film didn't match my high expectations.
  • Rustom brings to the big screen the scandalous and Outrageous incident that occurred in the 1959. Now to the performances! ‪#‎AkshayKumar‬ does a complete U - turn with Rustom. Delivering from the mostly comic / action roles he is recognized for, Akshay truly reinvents himself with ‪#‎Special26‬, ‪#‎Baby‬ & Now Rustom. This is, without doubt, one of the most challenging roles in his career. Not only will Akshay's Fans adore him in this new avatar, even the skeptical types will applaud this superb act. National Award Worthy Performance by him seriously! ‪#‎IleanaDCruz‬ also gave one of the Best Performance of her Career. She Steals the Show all the Way. ‪#‎EshaGupta‬ also gave TOP Notch Performance. ‪#‎ArjanBajwa‬ is First Rate. Excellent Performances by all supporting actors. Watertight Story & Screenplay. Dialogues are Clap Worthy. Production Designing is Classy. Music is already Chartbuster. ‪#‎TereSangYaara‬ is TOPPING the Worldwide Music Charts. Editing is Sharp & Crispy. Direction is simply Mindblowing. On the whole, Rustom is an intelligently woven, slick and smart period Thriller with its subject matter as its USP. It's sure to get listed as one of the most gripping heist dramas based on real life occurrences. A film that's sure to win accolades, acclaim & awards. Also, Box office Rewards. Strongly Recommended to all of u.
  • Rustom is one of the hyped movies of this year. Projected as a thriller and based on the Nanavati case. Well this is not the 1st movie based on the Nanavati case.. We have had 2 movies in the past that I remember based on the same plot Sunil Dutt starer and the movie made under his banner " Yeh Raaste Hain Pyar Ke " in 1963. Then in the year 1973 Gulzar's "Achanak" starring Vinod Khanna.

    This movie is visually good as the set looks quite of 1950. But technically has lot of flaws. Story I'll not discuss as for some of you who have not watched this movie could be a spoiler.

    Acting wise Akshay Kumar and Pawan Malhotra are the only saving grace. Rest supporting cast is very commonplace. The courtroom scene an integral part of the movie cannot be taken seriously and the director has taken no pain to make them look interesting. Even Adalat TV show has better courtroom scenes. All said and done music and unnecessary songs were not required ( Imagine 3 or 4 music director's share credit and not even a single good song). Direction is not up to the mark. Cinematography is good. Overall just a one time watch for a Akshay fan...
  • Warning: Spoilers
    When one begins "RUSTOM", it almost becomes apparent that it's one of those flashy period-dramas presented in typical BOLLYWOOD- Masala style; all inclusive of a majestic-looking peek into the 1950s era and that dramatic "hero-ki-entrance" of Cdr. Rustom Pavri.

    However, little do we know that the mystic events to follow surrounding the depicted seemingly 'open-and-shut murder case' shall lead us into a gripping legal whodunit.

    Based upon the 60's "Nanavati Murder-Trial" of a decorated Naval officer, that was encircled by nationwide public and diplomatic curiosity, the first major instances of "trial by media" and all nothing short of a phenomenon back then.

    As firmly quoted, "kaanoon ke pehle public decide karti hai" – indeed puts the public with its mainly authentic narrative hooked for longer run. Cdr. Pavri defends himself for being "not guilty". Subsequently, during the course of film, one realizes that the differences between "not guilty" and "innocent" may seem the same and yet, distinctly different. Akshay Kumar is "good". Emotes his early-seasoned skills as the protagonist who murders his friend for adultery with his own wife, and gets apparently entangled in the multi-facet theories of a murderer, and even a traitor.

    The director Tinu Suresh Desai, whose previous "1920 London" didn't turn out very interesting, has made a major improvement. Though, the real-winner this time is the screen writing by Vipul Rawal where, perhaps a historically-significant case could have been turned banal, though, the legal-suspense-drama almost lives up-to the expectation of becoming a "thriller" which is ably and much- engrossingly supported by the very known faces - Pawan Malhotra (as the Senior Investigator), Kumud Singh (as the news-paper editor), Sachin Khedkar (the public-prosecutor), and especially Anang Desai (the hilarious/serious judge). Arjan Bajwa, Esha Gupta, Illean D'Cruz, Parmeet Sethi are all fairly decent as well, though, could have been utilized better.

    The viewers would find themselves laughing hard on silly-quips and also, holding breath amidst the tension. Though, the historical goof-ups and the undulating pace of the film could have been managed better.

    Passable as a decent watch. I am going with 7.5/10.
  • I always tell a good film is like a good dish. It should be well cooked and should have a prefect blend of spices, salt and sugar.

    Rustom is film spoilt by as say in Hindi, too much Masala.

    Firstly, hats off to Akshay Kumar and his team to make a film on the Nanavati trial which ended India's jury trial system. Its a beautiful case which changed the legal system in India.

    But the problem here is that there is too much focus put on the aesthetics and less on the story. Also, trying to put a Naval Scam angle to the story didn't make me happy because the Nanavati case is brilliant itself.

    Also, the writing is a let down in many places. The courtroom scenes are a joke. After watching Pink last year where we saw some mindblowing scenes, this is pure unintentional comedy.

    Coming to the performances, Akshay Kumar is in fine form and the only reason to watch this film. He plays the accused in a very dignified manner and doesn't get over the top. But this is not National Award winning stuff let me make that clear.

    Illeana does no justice to her character. She only weeps and weeps and we never understand why she cheated on her loving husband. And Esha Gupta gets one meaty role but hams it up. Her lack of acting skills are visible and she can't play the vamp to perfection. I wish someone like Kareena or Priyanka could have played this role.

    Other aspects of the film are fine and it is definitely worth one watch.
  • Interval #Rustom is good so far, but Akshay Kumar presence is missing. Only 5-6 scenes, but film is high on story. Decent first half! #Rustom second half started with a bang! Ileana nailed it And yes, Rustom Pavri is back, in terrific form #Rustom #Rustom second half turning out to be a solid thriller... So many twists and turns with excellent dialogues/acting from the lead cast! Akshay Kumar has played a variety of roles in his previous movies. This is the first time that he is appearing as a naval officer. His new avatar has really impressed the audience, who say he has reinvented himself with "Rustom" ‎once again after "Special 26" and "‎Baby." He has delivered brilliant performance, which is the main highlight of the movie. 9**********
  • Despite its multiple flaws, Rustom can be watched for Akshay Kumar, whose action/comic brilliance often overshadows his acting prowess. He reminds you to value the honest officers who serve our country with dignity and valour. He makes you want to support the man who probably did the right thing the wrong way. Akshay proved yet again he can play range of diverse roles with brilliance. Rustom was based on real life story of K.M Nanavati who killed her wife's lover and was one of the most sensational court cases in India. Rustom has its flaws, but was overshadowed by Akshay's performance. With good soundtrack and brilliant acting, Rustom is one of the best movies of Akshay Kumar. I go with 3.5/5 for 'Rustom'.
  • Our beloved Bollywood never surprise me in there stupidity of writing. I mean really why would Rustom leave his wife alone in the company of his enemies with out giving any warning or just telling her to stay away from them.

    I mean he got posted and he just left. Imagine. On Italian for you ""IDIIiOoooTtaaa""
  • This is my second review on IMDb after I watched terrific movie Sultan. Though I am a huge fan of Akshay. But, this movie did not appeal me much. It's over exaggerated. No doubt, Akshay and Ileana both complement each other. But story lacks plotting. I did not find it captivating. May be my expectations were too high owing to the reviews I read.

    So, my friends its an average movie with one-time watch tag unlike Akshay Special 26, Rowdy Rathore, Airlift or any other movies. Well, Akshay we still admire you. You are truly awesome playing diversified role through the year. And, after so many good movies the expectations levels are rising so please maintain that momentum in future too. Thanks!
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