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  • It has been along time since we have seen a well produced all female ensemble cast, I am thinking probably A Big Girls Blouse or French and Saunders. Any one who is truly interested in comedy should look at this. All sketch comedy has good and bad sketches but there is a unquestionable overflowing of talent here.

    Based around an ensemble cast of young women and their hapless producer trying to produce a sketch comedy in a world of male television executives. The platform gives the cast an opportunity to explore themes from a feminine point of view, from Truck ad's to Hip Hop dance videos do not escape there gaze. Creating funny and thought provoking humor an excellent shot in the arm for the metoo# age.

    Sketch comedy is a fantastic training ground for developing talent and I can already see Jackie van Beek and Madeleine Sami delivering their new film Takia Waititi produced The Breaker Uppers and I expect comedians like Rose Matafeo and Laura Daniel to be seen more and more on our screens.

    Funny girls shows excellent writing skill and quality performance from a largely very young group of talented girls and is really worth a look.
  • I have seen Rose and many others who pop up on this, frankly pig of a breakfast melange, on 7 Days and they are funny. Really funny! So how come this ended up being so unfunny? The American "like totally" sort of prepubescent schoolgirl humour was tedious. I managed the first show and gave up "like totally", half way through the second. I really think NZ has a great deal of really great and original humour but this wasn't either great or original. Go back to what makes Kiwis laugh cos you have missed the mark by a country mile. I really can't understand why the genuinely good talent here managed to get it so wrong. Please make some major changes to the next script because if it carries on like this, no one will be watching.