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  • cherold13 November 2021
    I'm surprised that the few user reviews here are either wild raves or, in a couple of cases, hostile slams. I watched the first episode and I just didn't care much about it one way or the other. It's not bad, just a bit generic.
  • This is story is the quintessential thriller but rather than your typical Bourne Identify male lead, the main focal point is a female protagonist who is a flawed but truly compelling character. As a the main character, Daisy is driven and ambitious but you root for her success ( and safety) as she navigates a world that is seedy and interesting. The pace of each episode moves at a good clip, keeping you on the edge of your seats and I love how each episode ends with a cliff hanger that keeps you wanting more. I appreciate the rich tapestry of life that the series highlights as you get a glimpse into the variety of communities that you can find in major metropolis, from the high roller basketball players to the low key family home of people of faith. What I really enjoy about this series so far it's that it's a complex thriller where I haven't figured out exactly who are the bad guys (killers) and who are the far, it's not a transparent plot and as such it deserves a kudos. In short If you Iove a good story, dynamic characters and a top notch mystery series then you too will enjoy this really great drama.
  • jpb-678618 May 2018
    I stuck it out but this series was poorly written, acted, and delivered. I'm not surprised it wasn't renewed.
  • S1234U11 December 2019
    Finally, a Canadian drama that's actually good! My wife and I have been looking for a binge-worthy series to watch during the holidays and STM was the perfect Christmas treat. Every episode had us wanting to watch the next one right after, but we had to try and space it out. For some reason there are only 8 episodes?? We highly recommend don't know how I missed it when it aired but thank god for iTunes!!
  • jaredgr-7237423 February 2018
    Bad writing. Bad theme. Bad acting. Bad show period.
  • sutda24 October 2016
    Warning: Spoilers
    Shoot The Messager, out of what I have seen so far, is a phenomenal show! I have seen the first who episodes, but I eagerly await the rest. Here is a summary. A young journalist is going to meet someone in a park, she witnesses a fatal shooting at that park. She decides to write a story about it but she somehow messes it up. She prints the story but has to correct her mistake, her boss gets really angry at her. No matter how she tries she can't let go of her story, and suddenly, he life is all a mess. She works with Somalian community, she is in a conflict on interest because her boyfriend is the head of detective on the case that she want to know more about. She also get involved with a man who is soon to be married. It is a very sexy who it is flashy and intense , it will really make your heart jump. If you want something that will make you revel in suspense, or want to watch an overall amazing show, then this is the show for you!.
  • A nice body of Canadian Drama! Keeps you wanting more... I had the pleasure to work on the project and the dedication of cast and crew was exemplary. Jennifer, Sudz and their team worked very hard to create a body of work to be proud of, glad CBC picked it up. Look forward to second season.
  • tylerrevanss14 February 2020
    Across the board every facet of this show is top notch the writing, casting, acting, directing, production! This show is certainly relevant with all of the political scandals of recent years. As many high-profile politicians have been known to be caught up in corruption scandals. Also, just an overall big fan of Lyriq Bent, he was fantastic in this!
  • I really enjoyed and was totally scared by this show. I've no doubt why it got cancelled. Same reason they cancelled the "Intelligence" tv show years ago. The 'powers' that really run the world were more scared than I was. Gosh only knows what and who the show would have targeted in Canada to expose in subsequent seasons. To everyone who did the show - big congrats on terrific show, 10 stars well done.
  • shana-215738 January 2020
    Stumbled upon this show by accident, I was looking up a good crime podcast on iTunes and this came up and I decided to download it. Got around to watching it on plane ride back from Chicago, the guy seated next to me kept looking over to watch too lol. I ended up telling him the show name, he was surprised it was a Canadian!