User Reviews (10)

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  • It isn't really a spoiler to say the film revolves around two members of a family dealing with a family death. To be honest the main premise and meat of the story doesn't really have much drama, but the acting, including the supporting actors, is good, and there is some subtle scenes which may be touching for some but really wasn't for me (and yup, I've had a family death, but nothing really reverberated here for me). All the same, I don't think there was anything particularly bad about the film. I guess it was just trying to be more of a mood piece. The way it was broken into 'scenes' probably took more away from the film than it added. It was well done and really, I think many people will enjoy it, but it will never be a classic nor is it original enough to stay in the memory. My advice is, watch it if you're not spending too much money to do so, and it will give you some entertainment value. Of course, it's a specific genre (mother angst) so not for those into action, comedy or romance. Even the backstory of this strong love seemed a bit superficial and the way it was cut into the film was sometimes jarring.

    NB. Be wary of any 10 star reviews on imdb.. they seem to be fake. Definitely this film is not 10 stars, though some may like it more than me.
  • ops-5253512 December 2018
    A familiar list of actors lure you into this drama, and they deliver as far as they can do. most of all its a drama about tragedy,loss,depression and survival. there are abgsolutely no comedy in this ameriacn flick,obviously never meant to be either. but it strikes you how voulnarable life is,how we live a life on a knives edge,how damned lucky we are to be able to live a common normal life,compared to the hell this little family goes through. its a good production overall, though the narrative story could have been better told,espescially where,when and for how long,are never told. i feel better when you have some basic frames to hold on to. though i liked the 7 chapters of grief, and will therefore recommend this film
  • I watched this as a fan of Timothy Olyphant. After 10 minutes I thought bugger, but he came back lol.

    The movie has some really good moments and is a creative exploration of life and how it can transpire.

    On the other hand I found myself losing interest about half way in, only to gain it back, lose it and gain it back again.

    Some will hate it, others will enjoy it more than I did. The acting is very good.
  • This review is both a recommendation and a warning. "Dark Was the Night" is a powerful, well-made, incredibly acted drama. It's so affecting that I had to shut it off after 45 mins because it hits too close to home. But that should come as high praise, as far as filmmaking goes.

    In the first 15 minutes, a perfect family is torn apart, and from there it gets (as the title might suggest) emotionally darker and darker, so be prepared. The film isn't literally dark, as the posters & dvd cover implies (um, this is NOT a thriller, so ignore the image of people with chainsaws and such). This is a mostly quiet but very unsettling movie. It hits us with themes of death, grieving, depression, alcoholism, PTSD, failed parenting, and the social stigma of all of the above. If any of these subjects is triggering or uncomfortable for you then you might want to pass. But if you're ready for a heavy experience it'll give you exactly that.

    Marisa Tomei proves once again that she owns the screen. She portrays a tough, in-control career woman who rapidly descends into something more like a mumbling bag lady at the IHOP at 2 am.

    Who knows, maybe this movie has a happy ending with a hot air balloon and bouncy exit music. But from the first half, I'd have to say that this excellent film is the Feel Bad Movie of the Year. Don't miss it. Or Do.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Dad is killed in a saloon parking lot. Mom and son have trouble coping. Freud was wrong. Bored to tears.

    Guide: F-word. Near sex. No nudity.
  • This movie sucked.

    It made Mercy Black look like a masterpiece.
  • yusufpiskin10 December 2019
    A rather basic and run of the mill premise that's elevated by stellar performances across the board. Marisa Tomei is fantastic, and Charlie Plummer continues to shine in another terrific role that shows maturity and sensitivity that we seldom see in young male actors. I really liked that it was short, it didn't have any unnecessary filler. An all round good drama, well made by the great Joshua Leonard.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This was a surprisedly emotional movie mostly because of the exceptional acting by the two leads: Marissa Tomei as Margaret Lang and Charlie Plummer as her teenage son Marcus. It's odd that this movie didn't have wider release as it seems to have flown under the radar but perhaps the depressing subject matter was the reason. Set in a village in the Pomona County forests north of LA, the movie begins with a seemingly idyllic family of the musician liberal father Steven (Timothy Olyphant) and the very busy corporate ad executive mother and 16 year old Marcus who seems to idolize his cool hip father. Tragically, Steven is killed in a parking lot fight gone wrong and Margaret and Marcus' lives unravel with the awful grief. Margaret descends into alcoholic withdrawal leaving her son to be the responsible one handling bills. In addition to his own deep grief that affects his relationships with his peers, it's clear the years spent rising in the corporate world has left a big rift of emotional neglect between mother and son now fueled by grief laden dysfunctional behaviors by both survivors. Margaret compounds the trauma by making a drunken pass at her own son sending him fleeing first to a friend's home then to the woods in a tent to escape all his trauma.

    Margaret embarks on a journey of self healing and sobriety and, with the help of her AA sponsor, attempts to heal the rift with Marcus. This journey is powerful and real culminating in an emotional final scene. Tomei and Plummer are awesome at portraying the explosive and raw feelings surrounding such tragedy. Charlie Plummer is emerging as a young actor with a fantastic ability to accurately portray strong adolescent emotions in a series of roles as a teenage character in extremely trying circumstances. Let's hope he can transition to adult roles successfully.
  • Woodyanders17 December 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    Margaret (an excellent portrayal by Marisa Tomei) has a hard time holding it together and slips into an alcoholic despair after the sudden unexpected death of her husband Steven (well played by Timothy Olyphant). It's up to her estranged teenage son Marcus (a fine performance by Charlie Plummer) to help them both get over this tragedy.

    Director/co-writer Joshua Leonard presents a poignant and thoughtful examination on loss, grief, and recovery that astutely captures a strong sense of pain and anguish. Tomei and Plummer both do sterling work in their demanding roles; they receive sturdy support from Mirielle Enos as fellow struggling alcoholic Nancy, Emily Robinson as sweet girlfriend Tracy, and Nik Dodani as concerned friend Seamus. A nice little film.
  • Something different points to a must watch movie of the ups and downs of a unique flick tow watch alone,friends,or with your better half.