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  • I'm hooked on this show. Deliciously low budget yet high production values and very fast paced. Who is who is tricky to determine in the first couple episodes, but then it all becomes clear. Three back stabbing parties in coalition, with the only opposition party, the Socialists, playing a bit part. Plus a closeted TV presenter, a predatory spin doctor seducing him, a producer married to the scheming First Minister's dorky son, an alcoholic wife, a loud mouthed right wing nut job, an idealist Independence Party leader.... It's all so cringeworthy it's binge worthy.
  • qui_j22 June 2019
    Started to watch this because of the Welsh Language, but the way the series begins is very off-putting. There is little in the way of character introduction or development. It's as if the viewer is supposed to know who everyone is from the start of episode 1. Scene after scene just seems randomly cobbled on to the one before, and often has no link to it. As new people are introduced, the viewer has no information about them. It's as if one has been dropped into an ongoing story, and then expected to make sense of it. Kudos for trying to keep the language alive but it really is a very poor production.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Terrific acting of Richard Elfyn but the plot involving Angharad Whynne and Harri James looks like a prank. The great secret in this tv series is not the fact she was a prostitute but fact she committed adultery . Never revealed ! !Everything worked fine, the back stabbings, people coming out of closet but the confusion built around the two lovers makes me believe someone lost the script and someone tried to rewrite it. Could be a great tv series if they had kept only the politics drama back stage.