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  • grnhair200120 December 2020
    As are the two team captains. Two of those three are quite bright and knowledgeable, and they are all good at self-effacing humor. It's impossible for women to get a break from male viewers, who suffer from and impose suffering with their unconscious sexism, but Sue is every bit as good as Stephen Fry was as a fact/comedy panel show presenter. Sorry if that makes your tiny little things shake and threaten to fall off, fellas, but she is.
  • dennistonevi12 October 2017
    I sat through this appalling British "comedy" panel game show as it immediately preceded a very good Aussie drama series, Glitch.

    Ten minutes in I decided to register with IMDb so I could rate it a 1 and warn people how bad it is.

    It's similar in format to QI, with two teams of 3 "celebrities", but unlike that show it has no redeeming qualities. The premise is completely pointless, being to determine which of a list of people named Frank, is the best one. It should never have been made, let alone inflicted on the viewing public.
  • I love British panel shows but this one was a bit of a mess. Sue is a fantastic host but I can't help but think this is almost an exact copy of QI with a different theme and too many panel guests. A lot is going on and and I'm confused as to whether or not I'm watching an informational show or a comedy show, and I think tipping the scales into comedy makes it a bit scattered. Also as an American, it's a bit boring because I don't know who any of the people are that they are discussing trivia about.
  • There are no words for how pointless this show is - there are endless more enjoyable ways to waste time!