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  • Warning: Spoilers
    This episode was all about Kallus and Zeb. Their relationship was really interesting to watch, and seeing their dynamic through their actions and dialogue was super intriguing.

    In my opinion, some of the previous episodes felt quite bland and repetitive, but this felt way more unique. They are clearly setting up Kallus for something- maybe a turn to the Rebels' side?

    Anyway, watching Zeb and Kallus slowly grow to respect each other showed some of the best, most subtle writing this show has ever had. I actually felt emotion for Kallus who we learn more about as the episode goes on. And that final shot with him in his bunk hit me really hard.

    But the best part of this episode was the characterisation of The Empire. Humanising Kallus made the war of Rebels vs. Empire not so black and white. Seeing the ramifications this single episode has on the way we all see Star Wars was truly amazing.

    Although this may not be a popular opinion, I honestly think this was one of the best episodes that Rebels has ever aired so far.
  • A_Kind_Of_CineMagic14 October 2020
    You could call this unoriginal in that the idea of two enemies stranded together has been done before but this not only feels natural and logical in how it comes about in the story but it is also a great example of how to make the idea work well.

    Zeb gets stranded on a cold moon with Imperial Agent Kallis. They have to co-operate to survive.

    The brilliant actor David Oluyewo shines as Kallis and imbues this story with huge depth and quality. The animation also succeeds in making his expressions and body language perfect. It is actually very moving as we see Kallis show hidden depths and decency.

    Zeb has probably his best episode up to this point also showing some depth.

    The planet is well created but the main plus is the script and how it is performed. Excellent.

    My rating: 9/10.
  • If I had heard the premise of this episode in advance, I would have probably laughed it off as being a cliché. However, as I watched it, I started to understand to much this episode actually meant for the rest of the series. Not only does this feature two enemies starting to find trust for each other, but it also features a turning point for Kallus, or at least I hope so. I would love to see him actually turning and working with the rebels, as I think he could become a more fleshed-out character through that transition. Is the episode an homage to "Enemy Mine"? Yeah, but that shouldn't take away from it. A lot of other episodes of both these series' have borrowed from other films, and they have done great by them. This episode also added a lot of lore to the universe, like the extinction of the Geonosians. If there is anything that I didn't like, it was the limited roles that other crew members had, but even that didn't really bother me as much as I had thought, because I truly did love the storyline. This is back to the good stuff, and I'm excited to see what they cook up for us in the next episode.
  • Fluke_Skywalker20 October 2016
    Warning: Spoilers
    Zeb and Agent Kallus find themselves stranded on an icy moon and must work together to survive.

    Thus far S2 has been a bit up and down--and more down than up IMO--but I'm pleased to say "The Honorable Ones" is an up. A big up. Timeworn premise where enemies must work together to survive is still effectively executed thanks to the inspired pairing of the irascible Zeb and the cool and cunning Agent Kallus. The later has heretofore been your standard one note Imperial baddie, but the layers are very effectively peeled back here and his humanity peeks through. By the end I had gained a new understanding--and a new respect--for Kallus and I was left wondering if a seed of doubt had been planted in the Imperial soil of his soul.
  • I also thought this was a great episode.

    I don't think it should be written off as a rip-off of an older movie. This premise has been done countless time in film and television. I think the writers made great effect of it here, further demonstrating the mostly inhuman nature of the Empire and even hinting at some possible future episodes or spin-offs (like what the heck happened to Geonosis).

    This episode could not have been done better or as well had it started two different characters. I really dug their dynamic here. Kallis isn't a totally heartless jerk like some may have believed, and Zeb learns a bit about how divine forgiveness can truly be.

    I didn't think any of the actions felt far fetched, and the last scene is actually pretty dang heartbreaking. It has me very excited for more of both of these characters, but especially Kallis.

    One of the best in the entire show. They used a familiar premise in the best way possible for Star Wars.
  • DjPatof27 March 2016
    There's not much to add after a title like the one I've choose... This episode is not bad for the series but it's still a rip off of a great movie.

    Two enemies, Zeb and Agent Kallus, are stranded on a dangerous and have to trust each other in order to survive is exactly what happened in Enemy Mine.

    I won't blame anybody for this, let say "inspiration", on the contrary I know that the original movie wasn't that original in itself. The only thing I wish is that those who weren't born or just haven't seen the 1985's movie with Dennis Quaid and Louis Gossett Jr. will know of it and maybe be intrigued to see it, if it turn out to have some echoes in the public then I'll say that Disney have made a great job.