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  • So lets add another bad guy! I just am having trouble embracing this series. First of all, I'm not all that enamored with the characters. None of them are the least bit likable. They are also filled with secrets which are revealed and then withdrawn. Couldn't an international terrorist group come up with a better way to make an explosive than a nerdy chemistry teacher? Then there are the politicians. I love Jimmy Smits. Here he is an utter dork. Finally, we have this deep organization to protect the US and they let anyone who wants to intern and gain access to sensitive material.
  • We last saw Carter isolated with no help and the police squad in the station are on to him. Luckily for Carter things get resolved quickly as back at the CTU Rebecca is cleared and she calls the police chief and tells him what is happening. Carter is on his way to get the money to Grimes and all the good guys are singing from the same hymn sheet for now.

    Although Grimes has committed treason, Carter wants him alive and when you think that Carter will safely get hold of the USB stick by the end of episode 3, the terrorists suddenly turn up for a shootout.

    Carter's wife is on to Aisha and Aisha in turn thinks Nicole might know what she is planning against Isaac and becomes very suspicious of her. Carter has CTU tracking Aisha's mobile phone calls.

    Once again the black comedy is provided by Amira and the chemistry teacher. Mr Harris always seems to be pulling his trousers up for some reason. What they should had done was to check Drew's pulse. He is not dead and we see him wandering off and collapsing at a sports pitch where people rush to help him.