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  • injury-654473 September 2020
    The idea of the girls each living in their own individual fantasies could have been a really interesting one. Unfortunately it's all interspersed with scenes from the Spice Movie so it feels more like an advertisement than a music video in its own right. Had potential but didn't meet it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "Too Much" is a Spice Girls song from 1997, so almost 20 years old, and here we have the music video for the song. As with their other music videos, it runs for roughly 4 minutes. This one here features a couple scenes from the movie "Spice World", in which the gang starred around that time. It is certainly one of their slower songs, but as such it stays a bit shallow at times I must say. Still the chorus is nicely to listen to and my favorite Spicey Mel C. gets lots of solo parts, so this certainly makes up for it. In my opinion, the girls have done better and worse on some occasions. Overall, it is a decent watch, but don't get your expectations up too much. It's clearly inferior to their other ballads.