User Reviews (87)

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  • The ingredients to make a good movie were all there but in the end Drone is just an average movie. Not awful though but certainly not great either. The cast and the acting were not bad, just not award winning acting let us say. I was expecting a lot more action but besides the first ten minutes where there is a bit of action the rest is all a bit too slow and sometimes a bit boring. It could have used a bit more suspense to keep it interesting. Also the story was too far fetched to make it believable, like there is no way a guy would just find out who exactly from the CIA would bomb his family. Not even an advanced spy would come with that information, let alone a random guy. The story was just too slow and not believable enough to make it a great movie.
  • The movie was slow to develop, Sean and Patrick acting was OK, but the ending was good. I've seen a couple of movies with the same theme but this was a bit interesting as it involves interaction with the victim's family.The Neil's family crisis was highlighted too early to begin with i thought Imir's character should be develop further on. Worth a watch at least once.
  • Gripping and intense film with plenty of intrigue , tension , suspense , twists and turns . From a facility some drone pilots control the bloody terrorists by remote control all day long . But these drone raids are different than first-person shooter video games , these are lethal machines to kill . The missions feel wrong because the strikes are executed indiscriminately . There appears the starring Neil (Sean Bean) a family man and a private drone contractor who spends his workdays flying covert missions , along with his colleague Gary (Joel David Moore) . All of them work without question their job as drone pilots , neither the ethics of this twisted assignments . They are flying the U. S. drone the sky above remote countries , they are who will ultimately pull the trigger . Then Neil goes back to a family life of suburban mediocrity - without his wife or son knowing about his secret life and Neil wife is cheating with one of co -worker - until a whistle-blowing site exposes him to a deadly threat . Then a suspect Pakistani businessman tracks him down . Do they carry out the assignment knowing there will be collateral damage? . Choose Your Target Wisely. The war on terror is about to hit home. They are fighting a war without end .If you never face your enemy, how can you face yourself .The commander is in USA . The terrorist is in Pakistan. The drone pilot is in America . And the authority to strike is up in the air. Welcome to the new front line. The longer you watch, the less clearly you see.

    Nail-biting , tense and dark anti-drone war drama leading to a harrowing confrontation with magnificent acting by the fine cast , adequate production design and professionally realized by Jason Bourque . Exciting and enjoyable modern-war drama includes intriguing events , intelligent dialog , adequate cinematography , appropriate sets and sensational performances . This brooding film contains thrills , suspense , intrigue , plot twists , and results a be pretty interesting in which Ideologies collide with fateful results . It was originally conceived as a tense as well as amazing thriller about the possibility of collateral damage at a case of terrorist slaughter and an avenger who seeks for vengeance . This ¨Drone (2017)¨ bears remarkable resemblance to ¨Eye in the sky¨ (2015) by Gavin Hood with Helen Mirren , Alan Rickman , Ian Glen , Jeremy Northam and ¨Good Kill¨ (2014) by Andrew Niccol with Ethan Hawke , January Jones and Bruce Greenwood , dealing with similar issue , but under another view-point . The cast is pretty good , giving decents performances , starring Emmy-award winner Sean Bean, Sean Bean as the private contractor who executes undercover and deadly assignments , Mary McCormack as his adulterous wife and Patrick Sabongui as the enigmatic revenger who considers him responsible for the deaths of his wife and child.

    The motion picture was well directed by Jason Bourque . "Drone" was an award-winning theatrical feature as an indie successful story. It was released theatrically in the US and was the #1 Indie and #2 thriller on iTunes. Bourque is a prolific genre screenwriter based in Vancouver British Columbia, Jason has written thirty produced scripts and has several high-profile projects slated for 2022 including the action thriller "Sixteen", the supernatural horror "Iris" and the comedy drama "Widows Club". Recent releases include "The Fixer", his second television mini-series for Sonar, Muse Entertainment and FOX UK. Jason served as executive story editor and writer (2 episodes) on the new high-octane thriller series "Insomnia" released through Crackle and Starz International . He's wriiten and directed a lot of telefilms such as : Hallmark's My Christmas Family Tree , A Christmas Tree Grows in Colorado, Meteor Assault , Grand Theft Auto Girls , When Time Got Louder , The Fixer , The Right One , Maximum Surge , Under the Cover . And occassionally for cinema as his first feature, was Maximum Surge (2003) , following Black Fly , Hotwired in Suburbia, Crash Site, among others. Drone 2017 Rating : 6/10. Acceptable and passable .
  • What was the accent that Bean was supposed to be using? it changed as the film progressed.

    As for the storyline, well, the premise was good but the acting was second rate to say the best. The over emotional kid.... and the ending I've seen more exciting in made for TV movies . Plenty of time for it to have been controlled better and the twist, I'd guessed that was going to happen from the earlier dialogue.

    Can't see why it was called drone, apart from that being his day job, better to have been called a little light drama of dinner.

    I stuck it out to the end but, wouldn't recommend it to anyone.
  • There are two other drone dilemma movies, Good Kill and Eye In The Sky. Drone carries on the same theme, and is on par with them. If you liked those two movies mentioned then you'll like this one. The framing of the shots in Drone is special. Fantastic use is made of mirrors and arial shots. There is also a brilliant soundtrack with a tragic Eastern edge, which overlays really effectively on the main drama, almost all of which takes place in suburban USA. Initially we see the contrast between the two cultures, drawn with lovely vivid colour and detail. The theme of war is carried through with subtle, clever touches, such as a flag fluttering, domestic aircraft either seen above or heard in the distance, or a clever fusion of traffic sounds and a gameboy, creating an odd sound eerily like a barrage in the distance. It's all building up to something. My gripe with the movie is the over-complication of the theme of truth, as opposed to the main theme of collateral damage and responsibility. For me that was too much information serving only to overdramatise the story. The film wasn't a long one, which helped. I wondered at the wisdom of casting Sean Bean. It wasn't his acting so much, which was very good, but rather his character role. He seemed very untidy and unkept for a man at the forefront of new technologies, and seemed to be constantly fidgeting, as though he didn't know what to do with his hands. What the hell, maybe that was a hint at conscience. If so then it didn't work as well as other aspects of the movie mentioned above. It's a good movie, with just the right amount of tension, craft and thoughtfulness for its length, and of course, as we pilot a way forward in a new world of technologies we certainly need movies like Drone.
  • Most part of the movie is a picture taken from the sky. Real mechanical drone versus human eyes drone. Great comparison by the director. For the first 5 minutes, I was worried thinking I came to the wrong foreign movie. It is true thriller with a common theme but from a different angle. It is not really a military movie. Sean Bean's acting is excellent. He is secretive but covert. His facial expressions are amazing and his handling of stressful events are masterful. He lets himself helpless and vulnerable only at times and places were is heart is near and dear. The villain Amir SHaw ( Movie Name) is a talented actor who displays great control of his emotions most of the time. When he lost his composure he acted truly as a suffering madman. Every one had a part to play and they were wonderful. I am sorry to say the crowd attracting phenomenon was not there because of lack of commercial advertisement. I give this movie 6.5
  • markjhanson22 May 2017
    Warning: Spoilers
    This is a totally unoriginal story. Very similar to the recent Pierce Brosnan film IT. This narrative has been played so out so many times in so many films you can skip the unsurprising ending. If you want to save a dollar just watch the trailer, you have the whole unimaginative story.

    Sean Bean & Patrick Sabongui are excellent actors and their performance are first rate considering the material but the rest of the film is a complete dud and hard to watch. Looking on the producers list of past films he is not known for ground breaking or original stories and this is waste of 90 minutes of your life.
  • lavatch24 August 2017
    Warning: Spoilers
    In the bonus segment of the DVD version of "Drone," there was a deleted scene that was instructive in defining the dysfunction of the Wistin family. The teenage son named Shane is being counseled at his high school, and he opens up to the psychologist about his home life. The youngster is grieving over the death of his grandfather, but the grief extends to Shane's frustrating relationship with his dad with whom the youngster is unable to communicate.

    The inclusion of this deleted scene in the final film cut would have explained more completely the backdrop for the troubled Wistin family that was left vague for filmmgoers. And the core emotion of guilt is what drives the parents of Shane: the guilt of the mother Ellen who is having an affair and the guilt of the father Neil who is a contractor for the CIA involved in drone strikes in the Middle East.

    The film opens in Miramsha, Pakistan on March 21, 2016, where innocent civilians are killed in an American drone strike. On the one-year anniversary of the strike, the scene shifts to Renton, Washington where on the fateful anniversary, the Wistin family will be confronted by Imir Shah, whose wife and daughter perished in the strike.

    Unintentionally, the serious drama lapses into near comedy, due to the naivety and indeed stupidity of the husband, who fails to perceive the danger posed by Mr. Shah, arriving at his home with a briefcase and claiming that he wishes to spend $16,000 for a used boat! No other motives about the stranger's bizarre appearance on his property occur to the dim-witted Neil.

    Without a doubt the most interesting character in the film is the inventive Imir Shah. He succeeds in evading the feds in entering the country. He skillfully tracks the top secret work activities of Neil. And he shadows Ellen, capturing her on camera with her lover Ted. In the most moving part of the film, Imir helps Neil with the preparation of the eulogy for his father, suggesting that funeral speech should open with a childhood memory and then address the three constituent elements of how the dead live on in our memories through (a) their good deeds; (b) charity given in the spirit of their good name; and (c) the knowledge they leave behind that benefited others. Those words of wisdom seemingly had never been considered by Neil.

    The heart and soul of the film is the confessional that occurs in the Wistin family. Yet the aftereffect of the family's newfound understanding seems shallow. Neil was in violation of the Geneva protocol. Will his whistleblowing actions serve to expiate his sins? Will they be anything more than a drop in the bucket with regard to the covert operations of the CIA? Similarly, it is not clear if Ellen will be transformed from the experience. Her background is in ethnology, and she teaches "comparative cultures" at the local community college. Will she become any more enlightened from the traumatic encounter in her home?

    The family member who appears to have the greatest humanity is young Shane, who fittingly sends out a toy ship into the lake with a nobel tribute paid to his grandfather: "I'll see you in Valhalla, gramps!" Shane is in the best position to transform his life out of the ashes of the secrets and lies of the Wistin family.
  • Don't waste your time. The storyline is reasonable, but the implementation is awful. Painfully slow for the first hour or more, then all rushed at the end. Acting is woeful, with the exception of the 2 male leads. The wife is hopeless, and the son is worse.

    What could have been a reasonable film is so poorly done that you'll be lucky to sit through it.
  • When I looked at the poster I thought: A war movie focusing on drone warfare. Sean Bean in there made me watch it. I was quite surprised to find a drama that addresses real issues. And quite a poignant one as well. The pace of the movie and the initial suspense created carried through very well. The score I found to be exceptional, building the drama subtly but methodically. Yes, there are many places it could have been better. But overall a good watch with a well-told story that builds to a surprising climax. Patrick Sabongui was excellent. I would love to see him in deeper movies, as he has the talent to achieve much more (than Flash and Shooter). I would rate this as a good family movie, as it makes you think about the world we live in. Intolerance, building International tensions and as Roger Waters aptly said: "The bravery of being out of range".
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The acting didn't seem all that special, to be perfectly honest. It was unclear why they were all so troubled and tired. Was it that grandpa died? The characters were not very rounded, not well formed. It was a messy script, more suited for an episode of a B-class TV-series. And above all stands; The core of the story seems entirely fabricated in order to discredit whistle-blowers worldwide. How much did they get paid extra by the US-gov to make this movie? It tries to make it look like leaking or whistle-blowing by definition is unredacted, unchecked, unedited before going public. In *all* war-related leak cases known to the world this was never the case. The leaks have always been checked for names of (like in this movie) drone-operators and the likes, in order to not have them become endangered by the leak, and to have the whistle-blower remain innocent of indirect murder and such.

    Thus far there has not been 1 proved case of endangerment of people involved in the leaked information, making this movie rather unfairly assuming a lot of false info.

    The strangest part of the story however is the fact that it blames Islamic hackers for the breach of NSA data, which has never happened for real. The leaks came from the inside, from within the NSA/CIA/FBI.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Based on the comments I read here, I wasn't going to watch this movie. One even said this was basically the same as the movie I.T. which is silly. They are two entirely different stories.

    Yes. They both involve psycho's but I.T.'s psycho is truly going psycho for the most flimsy of reasons. I couldn't even finish watching that movie.

    This movie however really delves into a legitimate reason why someone would do what the antagonist did in this movie.

    It avoided a paper thin presentation of the Muslim's rage against the guy who killed his family by drone strike. And it had a totally different take on the possibilities where this movie could end up. I'm saying it like that so I don't ruin the movie.

    The acting while not stunning was quite good. The writing was actually understated which I liked. The response of the government to this situation seemed more plausible than some movies that are so over the top.

    This should be rated higher, at least a solid 6.5 to 7.0. In my mind, this movie is worth an 8.
  • This picture designed for thinking audiences, looks at modern warfare and should leave the thoughtful viewer with plenty to consider. Have we become too desensitized to push-button drone strikes from afar, and lost the ability to consider the innocent by-standers..the 'collateral' damage?

    It's a well-made movie with strong cinematic visual elements (especially at the opening) good central performances, and bares its soul allowing us to see some of the sorry outcomes of assassination from a distance - this time, offering insights into family impacts from both sides. It won't please action fans but also doesn't outstay its welcome. For some, it might seem a little confusing at times but patient audiences should appreciate the overall impact and statements. One of the better Canadian productions.
  • The story line seemed very promising. But this is one of the corniest movies I've seen in a long time. The acting is terrible, even from Sean Bean.

    The music does nothing but emphasize the oppressing atmosphere created by the awkward dialogue.
  • shyrama28 May 2017
    Waste of time... this movie is awful. Its slow the acting is bad waste of a good evening.....Cant believe Sean Bean was in it, Not one good thing to say about this movie.. Watch something else, paint drying would be an option. Can hardly fill 5 lines to get the review out there.
  • Here are a couple of examples and they require an attentive mind to spot them. I see a man who wouldn't hurt a fly. To me I see not a gentleness but strong religious beliefs.

    Another good example is of a man slowly and carefully washing himself using a pail of water. What I see here is ritual.

    A third example, the most persuasive in the opening act, is watching that recently cleansed man walking out into the daylight, coldly and calmly past his still quivering victim along a waterway choked with floating garbage.

    This is a movie that makes the viewer read between the lines.

    You have to study the context and emotion, not a dialog heavy movie you can listen to in the background and accomplish other tasks.
  • A complete waist of 90 minutes of my time. Sean Beane and Patrick Sabongui were very good at trying to pull this one out of the fire.

    The story like another reviewer mentioned is nothing new. They should have called it "Muslim Scare". OK maybe to harsh but it really had little to do with the Drone warfare practice the United States use against specific targets. Maybe should have use the working title of "Incursion". That would have been more inclusive of the drama of killing RITs.

    The producers as well as the directors tried to make this seem more than what it was. Just not as entertaining as I was hoping for.

    I was looking for something like the movie with Ethan Hawke "Good Kill". That movie gave you a better understanding and feel for the men/women who do the dirty work of the CIA.
  • If you look past Neil and Ellen Wistin's cast's acting, this movie is pretty good. The plot is sound and the movie wasn't boring. It was slow but they didn't stretch it out longer than this movie should be. I think the movie got it's message across.

    And it leaves you with a question as to why is the US still going on with it's drone strikes if they know that the collateral damages/civilian casualties will just facilitate terrorist groups get more bodies on their side? They are fabricating terrorists themselves and then going around killing them; and in that process, killing more civilians leading to more terrorists.

    It is a pretty good movie for one time watch. Give it a go if you are not looking for something thrillingly entertaining but just a casual Friday afternoon.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I liked the movie at the end because it sends a personal message about one taking lives without giving any thought. Besides that, nothing else were any good.

    Sean Bean tried to pull this one off, and was fairly successful, but came up short. The acting from the supporting actors was horrible, never seen anything like it. It made me cringe all they way, and not in a good sense.

    they tried to put the entire action and climax at the very end- But that ruined it. The first 1 hour and 10 min were complete trash, where the viewer has no idea what is going on. Glad this movie didn't hit theater because people shouldn't bother chosen this movie over anything else.

    This movie should be forgotten
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I new from beginning the kind of movie I was going to enjoy.Especially when is from Sean Bean.The movie was slow at times.And with weak dialogues.Why will Neil Winston(Sean Bean) put it that people behind 9/11 deserve exactly the same from his government.Logically you don't say this to a person you know for sure is a Middle East man in a conversation.So I think the dialogues were weak.But I enjoyed the acting and production.
  • crypticocean12 August 2017
    Poor story line and below average acting results in a disaster named "Drone". On top of that movies is full of hilarious factual inaccuracies. It is pretty evident that movie was not shot actually in Pakistan but even Major details have been missed by a mile. Whole of Pakistan's part have shops with all markings in Hindi, Indian Vehicles from Tata and most of all when the show the skyline of Miranshah, I was like WTF, Miranshah is a pretty small town near Afganistan's border and nothing like what is shown in the movie, a city full of sky scrappers and the list goes on. Overall it is a Total wastage of time.
  • Some reviews is based on how well acting and all the bull people like to critique about. This is my first review. I never post reviews, but this movie hit me hard. This movie has a message that is told well and anybody with a soul that watch this film will feel sadness about the world we live in. I'm a proud American, but wrong is wrong. How can a country that is considered so great, send drones to countries that's live in poverty. I don't think you can tell me a reason for this way of killing, that will change my mind. This movie will be swept under a rug, because it tells a shameful truth about America in a very disturbing way. So this movie will never get the proper recognition it deserves.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A decently made film, however, I am extremely offended by the political innuendos made in the film. No one wants to lose loved ones in a war, including the war on terror and it's absolutely horrible to see innocent people get killed as collateral damage. I see this film as a slap in the face to the US Government and to those defending our Country honorably.
  • There are lots of wrong detailing in the movie "Drone" 1. The producer of the movie has no idea of the geographical location of the city of Miranshah which is shown in the movie; first the city of Miranshah is located close to the border of Pakistan and Afghanistan, secondly it is city surrounded by mountains but in the movie, it is shown close to the sea which is totally wrong. 2. The city in the start is shown Miranshah where as it was actually filmed in India, all the writings on the walls are in Hindi and the vehicles are made by TATA where as in actual in Pakistan TATA manufactured vehicles are nowhere to be found. 3. The area shown is full of dirt where as in actual Pakistan is much cleaner then India and as it was an Indian town so the area shown is too dirty. 4. Moreover, the language used by the characters is Hindi whereas the words in conversation used are Hindi words and not Pakistani which was also wrongfully shown. It is therefore requested that in future if movies on such topic be produced at least the factual errors must be omitted.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    DRONE is a promising would-be thriller exploring the morality and political fall-out arising from America's policy of using drone strikes to take down terrorist suspects abroad. The same subject matter has fuelled a slew of recent movies, but unfortunately aside from lots of soul-searching it really isn't handled very well here. When I saw Jason Bourque listed as director my heart sank (he's the guy responsible for tedious fare including ASTEROID: FINAL IMPACT and STONADOS) and things get very uninteresting after about 20 minutes in. The whole thing plays out as an extended family dinner; it wants to be intense and suspenseful, but it's just long-winded and boring. Sean Bean seems to be struggling with his American accent and none of the other actors are very interesting. A missed opportunity, then...
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