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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Here we have "Hollyweed", a 25-minute episode that was intended (if audience appreciation was high enough) to be picked up for a recurring series, but as this was released back in 2016, it seems it will never happen. Or maybe it will, lets see. I personally enjoyed the watch for the most part. The scenes outside the store were better than those inside, i.e. all the scenes with Smith and Shaw were the highlight, also at the porn shooting. So I just mentioned Kevin Smith here, the loyal imdb collaborator for years now, and he is the man in charge here of writing, directing and playing one of the main characters. And he does a fairly fine job overall. Yes it does get a bit too much liberal Hollywood occasionally, like for example with the weed store at the center of it all and also with some anti-gun references too, but yeah, even for me as a conservative this did not take away anything really from the entertainment factor. So it's a bit of a pity this did not get picked up apparently, it could ahve made for a nice little series. But some of the actors, Shaw most of all, found success recently in other projects. Now back to this one here, this includes a few pretty well-known names, no stars or anything, but actors you have certainly come across in other projects and if you are a film/series buff, then you will recognize the faces at least, maybe even their names. So go see Hollyweed, maybe this will raise the tiny chances for it to still be turned into a show. You will not regret the watch. I give it a thumbs-up and I am positively surprised as I have not been too big on other stuff by Smith and the subject and gemneral plot idea did not sound too appealing to me either. But yeah, they delivered. Well done.
  • This is an interesting setup, and people are too quick to judge Kevin Smith these days against his previous work. This has the potential to be a weed-centric clerks set in Hollywood, in the format of a tv show, and that sounds like FUN. It already has funny, strong characters, and it needs time to develop, and find its feet. Once Kevin Smith can relax into this setup, I feel he could write some hilarious stuff, and we could be in for a cult classic. There's already some funny stuff in this first episode, and hints of the colourful character based comedy he's hoping to bring to the table. I hope it gets picked up for sure, as it needs to time to percolate and mature.
  • 10foothottdog21 September 2019
    I love watching this show. Just for laughs. The story is a perfect piece to be flipped into a film. Although I'm not going to write it, someone else should. I'm also kind of wondering what happened to the PMO sticker, it's now a disney sticker? Looking forward to more episodes or a full feature.
  • Aww, man!

    Just saw this on youtube. It was nice. Massive Clerks vibes and good humor. I wonder why it didn't get greenlit. I would have totally watched it. Well, you can't have everything.

    Maybe someone is going to pick that up.
  • Who'd have thought Kevin Smith would ever dare to make a sitcom about weed ? Much promise in this pilot. Adult language, jokes, not your everyday conversations, snoop's endorsement, room for expansion. Watch it on the internets, it's free. Enjoy and conclude with me that we need a series !
  • The funniest thing about this pilot is that they refer to it as a TV movie when in actuality it's a TV show pilot that never got bought for a full season.
  • So not perfect. far from it...but extremely fun and defo could become a cult series. :)
  • A pilot episode of a series that did not come to life. Based on these half an hour ... maybe it's better that it didn't. I love Kevin Smith, but it is increasingly evident that his genius rather faded. He is still good, but his recent accomplishments can not be even compared with the masterpieces he created in the nineties of the last century.

  • You know giving somebody a chance means actually singing down and seeing their art, and from the time I can remember watching movies until now as an adult I can say that I have enjoyed quite a few visions of visionary directors Kevin Smith is on that list not only in my movie goer in the consumer but I feel me and movies were meant to be reviewing is what I do and now is my time to shine! In regards to this movie anything that kind of Smith can tell you anything that this man puts out is genius insanity but genius and we have seen this throughout the years so with a big thank you Kevin Smith this is Justin Murphy signing out! Great movie