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  • This film requires no direction and no script. Women tell the stories that happened to them as they were growing up and what is happening currently. This is a documentary about women by women and it is what is it. There is no contradicting what happened to these people and the stories speak for themselves. Women are not yet equal in society and it used to be even worse. Despite the progress the fight needs to continue because of the attitudes towards women expressed in the film and the very reviews from this website.

    This happened! This is happening! Women have not been able to vote for 100 years!
  • ..and a very sad male/female ratings ratio. Over a quarter of men who voted gave it 1 star. 1 star! Unfortunately this is not surprising, still disappointing though. The title of this documentary can be interpreted literally: it shows stories of 2nd wave feminists who talk about their experiences as women, feminists, activists, they also cover a bit of general history of their times. The documentary doesn't cover all feminists nor the history of feminism as a whole, it would be a much longer movie. But it's still an important part of history that should be widely watched and discussed as any other history documentary would be.
  • This documentary is a sentimental and almost poetic portrayal of the experiences of women from different backgrounds. Gave it 8/10 because it lacks a bit the "documentary" style but I guess the aim was not to depict history, rather giving a glimpse of the moment these women shared in the 70s.

    I believe the comparison with the Red Pill is wrong, as this documentary is not focused on an issue that needs to be debated or a phenomenon to be analysed, as opposed to Jaye's. Also, to those asking more self-reflection like Cassie Jaye did, a journalist or documentary maker should not appear on camera. The topic is the protagonist of the documentary, not the filmmaker.
  • This is a fantastic documentary and made me appreciate these amazing women so much more. I feel ashamed to have really only understood feminism in my 30s. It's too late. We all need to embrace feminist theories earlier. We need to teach our kids. We need to teach our kids about intersectionality. As a mid 30s woman in an industrialised country who has had almost every advantage, I still struggle with being a woman. If I were to add any other aspect such as skin colour, disability, lower income bracket, I would have struggled more. I'm lucky for sure, but I recognise that. Most don't. I do however see that we all need to work together to ensure equality. And maybe it's more about equity anyway.
  • rebeccao228 November 2018
    It was certainly not a bad time watching it, it just wasn't super great either. I am of course sympathetic to the women featured and enjoyed hearing about their perspective as very active participants in second wave feminism. On the other hand, it was just okay as a documentary. The 6 stars come from the fact that it was not poorly made and I care about feminism. No more stars, because it was just not a very compelling film.
  • kristinajanelawson20 October 2018
    This was an excellent documentary that provided an insider's look and a rare opportunity to hear from female Artists, Activists and leaders of the feminist movement of the 70s.

    Don't let the bad reviews deter you from watching - they were probably written by angry dudes!

    I feel empowered and motivated after watching this film and it's a must watch for any girl and woman today!!
  • CerridwenHawk4 November 2018
    This Doc was Stellar, Affirming, Inspiring, Hopeful...

    Now we need one looking at the present day Sheroes of all hues who are moving Feminism forward!!
  • Gendorius9014 October 2018
    This Documentary seems to focus a lot on how bad things were for women who are now old, when they were young, and in an age where the rights of groups have become almost a cold war in some sense this documentary feels like propaganda.

    Many shots feel like they could be taken for a movie about feminism then or how the MRA movement today is viewed, and as an example in the movie the line "What are you, some kind of Suffragette?" and the way she speaks of it then is how I see people today treat people who just do the same, but for a different group: Men. Another example is how they point out how "Be a good girl" refers to that you are not a good girl already, but no real thought about that maybe that goes for everyone and not just girls, but because they are girls they only take that point of view even today. As such the movie feels like it is very clearly targetting feminist women and turn things to fit the narrative. Another example is from the womans march from 2017, did it happen? Yes. Did it happen the way it is portrayed and compared to a march from 1978 being superimposed over it? I severely doubt it, because this decade has made the ideas political and sharpened it to point people out, but unlike a documentary like Casie Jayes the Red Pill there seems to be no selfreflection in the documentary, but instead it doubles down and wants to throw fuel on a fire that is no longer needed in the same way it was several generations ago, and with the problems being seen in the media and the social media there are things that still need ironing out, but instead it gives a really strong feeling of not needing to iron out any flaws but just get a bulldozer and it doesn't matter if some corners are severed.

    The documentary actually has several good messages, foremost is: Be who you want to be and shape your life from what you want it to be like and don't listen to what others think the world should be like, and if only the documentary wasn't so stuck on being a feminist documentary there are very strong scraps that could be used to make a movie for everyone.

    A rather horifying example is from Fonda where a clip is just used to have her say that we should always be in a revolution without seeming to care for how revolutions have usually been done in history, which points to how western feminists appear to view revolution as their kind of politics. The same goes with that they included victims of the bombings in Japan from the second world war, it has nothing to do with feminism, but everything to do with politics and how you should feel about certain people and certain groups.

    Something that very clearly shows how skewed the views are someone left a review that gave a 10/10 based on that "boys should be afraid", what kind of equality is that? My score is based on that it is decently shot, it is well cut and it feels like it has a point to make, but because of how it is portrayed, as propaganda, it do not feel like it can even be used as an example in 50 years to look back on.
  • caventina19 October 2018
    Great movie, that shows how far we have come on some points, and how much work there still is to do.
  • This is a spoiler free review. There was some genuine talent in this production. And it didn't feel like it was underfunded like I worried it might be. However, they did seriously miss the mark. When I first heard of this I hoped it reinvigorate the movement taking in to consideration the best parts of feminism and leaving behind the other parts. Sadly, it achieved the opposite. Feminism isn't a young movement anymore. Over the years we've collected very good data on what works, and what doesn't. I didn't see these lessons portrayed at all in this film. In fact, I saw many of the parts that don't work well put up as the movements shining achievements. I was particularly dismayed they suggested that we should choose a president solely on the basis of her gender. This is an example of entitlement, not as earning and deserving of ones position. With simple logic like this how can this movement be taken seriously? It left me with the icky feeling afterwards that this was nothing more than haphazard political propaganda paid for by the least ethical of special interests groups. The fact that is was released just before an election, with a political message that was telling us how women should vote didn't help. I wish they had taken this opportunity to share what women have achieved and how to revive the movement from its currents remnant status. Public opinion polls show the movement is at an all time low. Its less popular now than in the 60s when it was new and a foreign scary way for both genders to think. And its still falling in its status today. If you ask your friends and family today what is feminism? You'll likely get a response something like its a bunch of maladjusted angry women who care more about whats bad for men, than whats good for women. After watching I took the opportunity to discuss it with friends and co workers. The responses were not encouraging. Ladies, take back the movement from the radicals. Feminism is seen as a dangerous and angry group by most today. Without some thoughtful reform this movement will fade in to history as another misguided and failed political movement. As of this moment, feminism popularity is in the single digits. Its demise is closer than you might want to think. If you don't engage now, it might be too late tomorrow. It is possible that we could achieve a world where gender is no more considered in a persons worth than hair color or height. It truly is possible. But we're heading in the opposite direction. Feminism is making women less valuable not more, in its current form. I debated for some time whether to include a reference to Ms. Hekcate's review here. However, if we're going to save the movement, we need to be willing to step in to uncomfortable territory. Her review was titled, "boys should be afraid", and included a line that stated, "Your terror of women is well noted, boys .. as I can hardly call you men :)" This is exactly the type of man hating bigotry, that real feminists have stood against and whats turning people away from the movement today. When you encounter men or women in the movement with outlooks like these, try to befriend them and find out whats driving them. Perhaps with your compassion and taking the time to care about them, they might grow in to healthy and helpful representatives of the movement. Hers are the only voices that people hear and remember. We really need to change that. Improving the station of women in society shouldn't be perceived to come at the expense of trying to destroy men. And since they still have the power, how likely are they to want to share it if we advertise we celebrate their demise? Would you let someone in to your club who openly despises and wants to destroy you? Men as a group may have their follies and faults, but they aren't suicidal or idiots. You really can represent women better Ms. Hekcate.
  • acukurin8 February 2021
    Loved this! The only thing that is missing is - more! I wanted this documentary to be longer, to be a series, to hear more stories from the women in the documentary and others! Please make more of this!
  • It was wonderful and accurate, and if anything it was kinder than it needed to be. I can only assume that the poor ratings come from insecure men and women who are afraid of a fair and just society.
  • I think everyone who didn't get the meaning of feminism should whatch it
  • chielg2 December 2018
    Its all about a one sided view, dont watch this trash
  • saimin221 November 2020
    This was completely and utterly moving. A wonderful look at second wave feminism, told through the voices and eyes of the women who took part. So powerful, and so moving, full of righteous power, beauty and with a real voice.
  • murphyslaw-1542122 October 2021
    A movie about feminists with full frontal female nudity. Ironic. I expected something more from the movie. It was quite a turn off to see exploitation of women.
  • Not just for the feminsit but for everybody. Not just for the artist or the gender equalitist. Not just for those who want to see the workd become a more equal space. This retoric is for everyone. A must watch!
  • Excellent pace and storytelling. Hopeful message of future potential and gains made.

    Pink titles. Duck that. Christ man, any other color in the spectrum. Literally. Any. Other. Color.
  • marthaines15 November 2018
    Warning: Spoilers
    I loved this. It was so interesting to see all these strong women talk about their life. I loved it when they looked at the pictures of themselves and their eyes were filled with pride. Some of the reviews on here do have a point but I still felt very empowered watching it and it made me want to fight. These women are just telling us their storys and some stuff maybe wasn't they way they told it but it was a long time ago and a lot of it was the utter truth. It's important to see how long we're fighting already and how far we've come but still keep in mind that we're a far way from done. I'm still very young and sometimes have trouble to do the right thing and I love to learn from older people and their view at the world. This was very helpful just seeing them remenissing about their lifes. I aspire to be as satisfied with my life as they all seem. When I was done with the movie I cried because it was very overwhelming but in a good way. I wasn't sad or hopeless nor did I feel like we should stop fighting and the world is alright. I was amazed by these women they spoke so well. They didn't just highlight the bad stuff they talked about their boyfriends how much they loved their fathers. They talked about how much fun they had with all these other women how they explored theirselves and this was very important to me. They had to figure out who they were and they needed time to see inequality. I could really relate to that. Thede women get so much negativity on here and they don't deserve that. I'm not entirely sure if this is still a review and if it's understandable but getting this off my chest was good.
  • In 2023 we still suffer. As a human race we haven't evolved in the slightest. We still place one another into sections/boxes that only continue to expand. Documentaries like these do help to keep or reinvigorate the flame in us too not fall into despair.

    The flaws in the film speak very loudly to our faults as a human race. During the whole film (which definitely should have been made into a series or parts to continue on with our history and continued fight) there were very few people of color (3 alive, 1 deceased and barely shown). They could have made the film a touch longer and speak more upon the racism in the movement. Should they expand to make it into parts or a series they must include those of us in the LGBT box.

    Overall it's was a good and necessary watch. They way life is in this current year in time we definitely need more series/films since as women we are very divided and must do more to ensure the safety of all our sisters.

    Enough is enough must come some day why not make it TODAY?!