User Reviews (7)

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  • I'm only on episode 1 but so far the acting is horrible! The lady who narrates talks so nasally and like a robot, it's hard to watch. There's no actual photos or video of the people they're discussing or any interviews with anyone who was involved in real life! It's just all narration and terrible re-enactments.
  • dlc-5247026 July 2023
    While watching the 4th episode, I decided to Google the case about the Nona Belomesoff and Chris Dannerbig, where the producers decided to hide the fact that her family were Australians who appear to be Indigenous Asiatic People, the bald dad was shorter than the mom and it looked like she has an older brother. Couldn't the producers have cast actors with dark hair, at least? Ugh! Lol!

    Chris Dannerbig wasn't some "out of shape" giant slug, but an okay looking average weight tall young man she certainly would have felt comfortable meeting, a fact that would have made the story make more sense as to why she'd see him again.

    And to top that off they did not include a major fact that he had just been released 8 days ago from prison for KIDNAPPING before he got his claws into Nona! EIGHT DAYS BEFORE?! Never did they mention he had a criminal past. So along with this finding and that annoying background music score, I lost interest in the show after reading that.

    For whatever reasons, the producers weren't forthcoming with vital information about many of the criminals featured in this series, something that would have made the show much better. That's lazy writing on their part, so they didn't deserve my attention anymore.

    1st episode Payne/Potter was done by I think Dateline, they featured real footage of the investigation of the victims and criminals. It's one of the most infuriating and creepiest investigation I've ever watched.

    Well, at least I did find out 1 big mystery, and that was the face behind the beautiful voice that's been narrating 1 of my favorite crime series, I got to finally see the narrator of "Snapped" Sharon Martin. Yay?
  • Each episode of this series took me by surprise. Here were people who decided to kill others after reading certain posts on Facebook, Twitter or what have you.

    One woman decided to kill a man who loved someone else, and his love as well(their baby survived). And worst of all, she was able to get her dad to do the shooting. Even more shocking was the number of online aliases she used--and they thought she was mentally challenged. She was clearly smarter than she seemed.

    Then a group of teenagers decided to knock off a boy who'd disgraced them. How they disposed of him was downright sickening.

    Another young woman lost her life when her live in boyfriend and a few others overstayed their welcome. If they had just left on friendly terms, she'd still be alive.

    Other instances were caused by anger, jealousy, and other factors. Only ten episodes, and my mind is still reeling.

    In fact, the only one I felt was rightfully angry was a boy who killed a man who made him a sex slave. The kid couldn't take it any more.

    Believe me, this series will make anyone think twice before posting just anything on social media. Your own BFF may become your mortal enemy.

    Then there was the episode about the guy who lured a girl into the woods, and killed her when she refused to have anything to do with him. Heck, she thought he was training her, but he wanted more than that.

    When it ended after just ten episodes, I began to wonder when Season 2 will begin.

    All things considered, this series stands out like a sore thumb. Posters, beware.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This show plays fast and loose with the truth. Aspiring (and blow-dried) actors who usually don't look anything like the real-like people they are portraying, add to the misleading nature of the show.

    For example, an episode describing the murder and attempted suicide by a husband who was set off when his estranged wife changed her status to single on Facebook actually occurred in the UK. But this episode depicted it with American actors and set it in the U.S. It made no mention of where the crime actually took place. I guess the producers didn't think their audience would care enough about a British victim of a heinous crime.
  • The Jackson / Bargo episode is very poorly produced. Lots missing and incorrect details, some participants are missing, the actors are not nearly representative of the actual people, and the writing and narration is pretty bad. If you want the real story, all of these losers' interrogations are available on YouTube. It all comes out when the detectives grill the group. What these kids did to Seth was horrific. And one of the stepfathers even helped dispose of evidence! This particular telling of it is just overly simplified junk. After watching this one, I didn't even bother watching any others.
  • Potter/Payne case was goosed up to attract TV viewers. Several details were either inaccurate, wrong, or fabricated. Please listen to or read "To Pretty To Live" by the actual prosecutor of the case, Dennis Brooks. This case needed no fabrication. I refuse to watch any more episodes if they just blatantly put out false information. The victims deserve more, as what they actually did was so much worse. I do not understand the reason to misrepresent key facts as the prosecutor not only wrote a book entirely on facts, but is happy to speak on it. What a hack job. #liars #badresearch #misinformation.
  • This series is a travesty in so many ways. Like many crime shows, it makes the tragic mistake of feeling like it needs to remind us every five seconds of what we already learned about the story. Literally 75% of what you watch is a recap or a preview of what's to come. I don't know who decided this was a good way to produce a story, or why they think we're all too stupid to be able to follow a story for less than an hour without forgetting details, but it's so annoying and unnecessary. More importantly, the stories are reduced to the most basic details, without fleshing out any parts of the story that pay respect to the victims and their families. This is irresponsible reporting, and everyone involved should be ashamed of themselves. Save yourself some time and annoyance... don't bother with this show.