User Reviews (4)

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  • 28 refugees heading for a better life , decide to take over a cruise ship full of "rich people" ,a ship that wants to take them back to Africa

    We should feel sorry, because they have a sob story ,so they're entitled to what is essentially a terrorist act ?

    I mean,the fact that some people are giving this big grades is somewhat vexing for me

    And ,way to thank the people who saved you by taking of them hostage

    I guess some of the people giving this 8,9 or 10 also believe the 10000 people who invaded that Italian island to be just a option for freedom

    This series is full of stereotypes And the "rich people" ,lots of them wanted to help the poor.
  • tylerstretch5 January 2024
    On first glance I believed this to actually be a documentary series so I avoided it but when searching for a new series to watch I read the overview... I'm glad I did.

    The (at present) review of 5 stars does not do this series justice in my opinion. The multiple different stories, which are probably in fact stories of people from different circumstances is what makes this. A good look at what world some people come from.

    My only set backs is it's kind of stretched out it and think it could of been done in 5 or 6 episodes instead of the 8 and that its multilingual (but thats preference). All tho producing this type of seires in one language would have ruined it...
  • brivir26 November 2023
    On episode six and whilst some of the performances are little stilted due to English not being their first language it is a good story and I don't know the outcome yet. Those demonizing immigrants would do well to watch this.

    The wealth of the passengers is justapozed with the desperate refugees who do not want to go back to their terrible lives where they have suffered all sorts of suffering (which is shown in flashback). The set up meant that I was keen to watch the next episode due to some of them being left on cliff hangers. Made by the same people who made Gomorrah the quality shows through.
  • Timely story with some very human perspectives on all sides. Good acting from lesser known actors and good script. Well shot and doesn't delve too deeply into the maudlin desperation of it all. Realistic to some degree, but not too weighty and prefers character over style. Well, mostly, not always. There is a bit of balance and juxtaposition from certain characters. You gotta expect that. But ...

    I'm a little confused. Looking through the producer credits, I don't see the names of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Surely no two people had more to contribute to this story than they. Without them, this story could not have been told. They worked so hard on it, they deserve credit where credit is due. Such is life, eh?