User Reviews (2)

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  • I'm very disappointed with "Hyde and Seek". It is possibly the best Australian produced TV drama in many years and they're not going to make a second series. I cannot believe it. TV dramas made in Oz are typically cheap productions with poor acting (overacting) and miserable scripts. So when a show as refreshing as "Hyde and Seek" comes along I got quite excited. In contrast to it's predecessors, it has complex characters, great scripts, world-class acting and intelligent plots. I think where it failed was the fact that you actually had to watch it to enjoy it. I just wish there was more TV like this.
  • janojas18 October 2016
    Only 2 episodes in to this quality Aussie cop show, but it is fast paced and extremely well acted. I have been a big fan of lead actor Matt Nable since I saw him in the wonderful Bikie Wars : Brothers In Arms, and he continues his good form in this drama. Like I said, I am only 2 episodes in, but to me the sign of a quality show is when you can't wait for the next episode to drop, and this is definitely one of those shows. There are bombs, snipers, terrorists and corruption aplenty, and like I said its only 2 episodes old! I give it a 9 out of 10 for what has happened so far and if it continues in this vein I would expect I may re-visit this and give it a 10.