User Reviews (20)

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  • Krampus Unleashed (2016) is a movie I recently watched on Tubi. The storyline follows a group of treasure hunters who accidentally unearth Krampus instead of the gold they're looking for. Krampus stays dormant a few years after being discovered until he eventually begins a killing spree. Can the local towns people find a way to stop him?

    This movie is directed by Robert Conway (Exit to Hell) and stars Amelia Brantley (True Nightmares), Tim Sauer (Skinwalker), Daniel Link (Wish Man), Tori Glawe Osborn (The Dead Beats) and Owen Conway (The System).

    The storyline, acting and writing in this is pretty bad. The dialogue definitely could have been better written and executed. Krampus honestly kind of looks like a troll with horns. The kill are actually pretty good and there's some good gore, blood splatters and props. I will say I've seen worse Krampus movies.

    Overall this movie isn't good; however, it's worth watching once if you're a Krampus fan. I'd score this a 3/10 and only recommend watching it with the appropriate expectations.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The first time I heard about Krampus was a special episode of the Venture Brothers and then he found his way on American Dad. Now everyone acts like this is a mainstream thing, when it is just something to tell naughty children in Germany or some country. It was not a worldwide thing and that it has gotten so big is just stupid, it doesn't even look scary. Honestly, the country where naughty children are eaten by a large cat is more terrifying than the whole Krampus story. This one, does not really do the whole Krampus punishing naughty children. It is more Krampus as a wild out of control killing machine, so while it was bad, it was fun to watch as I got to make fun of it with my wife.

    The story has some guys digging up treasure on a very unspecific date in time. They find a rock buried in a chest and it unleashes Krampus upon them! Years later a family is making their way to a Christmas family gathering. The daughter has a rather nice family and the brother has a rather obnoxious family, but forget that, the dynamics of the two families is kind of wasted once Krampus comes out as he kills everyone! Good, bad and grandma! They try to escape this being that walks around eating people, ripping heads off and bonking two rednecks to death...good thing too, as they were annoying. Wish they killed Troy a lot sooner.

    The kills are pretty funny, the cast horrible and all you are waiting for is the super obnoxious Troy to get his throughout the film! Too bad it is at the end in a scene that makes absolutely no sense as the camera angles suck and what Troy is looking at is dreadfully unclear.

    So, this movie is rather bad and another film trying to bring Krampus alive. This one just had the basic look down, which is that of some strange goat monster. This one looked like a goat monster wearing a bath rug from the 70's. The characters have lots of pointless exchanges as they have to pad this film out, as that scene where the two redneck guys talking about killing bigfoot just kept going and going! It is a fun movie to make fun of, but not a good horror film in any other way except a few good kills.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A family stumbles upon an ancient rock in the Arizona desert of all places, which houses the German Christmas demon, Krampus. There is a much-too-long cut scene at the beginning of the movie which explains how the ancient rock got there, but it is not a very creative or interesting introduction to the film.

    One of the children awakens Krampus from the ancient stone, who then chases the family about in the poor graphics style of a bad B role film, before the survivors figure out a way to trap him in a mine at the end.

    Oh, and for really no actual reason, a baby version of Krampus pops out of the dirt at the end and eats a guy.

    I watched the entire Krampus franchise, and must say this was the second-worst of them all, with Krampus Origins being the absolute worst. Those two seem to be made by the same people, in a sort-of similar universe since both of these stories take place in Arizona. This one had better graphics and a bit better of story than Krampus Origins did, but both are pretty bad, and me being a huge fan of B movies, when I say a B movie is bad, I mean it's bad.

    The badness of this movie is not even slightly redeemed by the character Bonnie, the hot neighbor, whose only important scene seemed to be the one in which she is naked in the hot tub with her boyfriend.

    There isn't really even any substantial comedic value from the movie like you sometimes find in B movies except for the totally unrelated appearance of baby krampus at the end, and no gratuitous over-the-top ridiculous violence or death either, but there was a semblance of an attempt, and for that they get credit. Two stars. Don't bother unless you seriously have nothing else to do.
  • 'Krampus Unleashed' drew me into seeing it, with a cool poster/cover, an intriguing if not particularly original premise and as someone with a general appreciation for horror. That it was low-budget, which from frequent personal experience is rarely a good sign due to that there are so many poor ones out there, made me though apprehensive as well as the low rating and poor reviews.

    It is sadly however yet another film seen recently, hence some reiteration because the exact same strengths and flaws those films have are present here, that to me was incredibly disappointing considering its potential which it doesn't do anywhere near enough with. 'Krampus Unleashed' is terrible, with a plethora of enormous problems. Low budget Krampus films have not fared well and 'Krampus Unleashed' is one of the worst examples. There is next to nothing to recommend.

    Lets start with the sole positive. The setting is sometimes atmospheric and spooky.

    Unfortunately, it is not done justice by the rather direct to video schlocky way it's shot and edited and the drab colour palette, so much so it was hard to appreciate it, it was very clear that the film was made in a rush with no care or enthusiasm. In particular, the camera work was a nauseous assault on the eyes with its excessive amateurish-ness.

    Going on further to the negatives, the story does feel paper thin, disjointed and over-stretched and some of it feels vague, under-explained in the last third where the film especially became duller, more predictable, more senseless and less scary. Too many characters are too sketchy and with nowhere near enough to make one want to endear to them. Their annoying and illogical decision making and behaviours frustrates.

    Making the film feel bland and forgettable with not enough heart put into The sound quality is obvious and utilised cheaply (being too loud in the build ups and people's reactions and dreadfully recorded) and it's best not mentioning the uniformly lumbering and histrionic acting that shows a huge indifference to the situation and what is going on.

    Dialogue can be stilted and rambling, with lots of clichés, lots of unintentional humour that makes some of the film play like a really bad spoof and no depth whatsoever, while the pace goes to a standstill very quickly and drags on forever with very little going on worth caring about and useless padding, never recovering. The minimal action wouldn't have mattered so much if the character development was present or engaging, instead not enough is learnt about the characters, the exposition is too heavily relied upon and is neither interesting or illuminating, actually dragging things down. Found too many of the supposedly shocking moments not surprising or scary and the supposedly creepy atmosphere dreary, due to the excessive obviousness, a lot of dumb and vague moments and explanations and the lack of tension and suspense. Would not have minded the lack of originality (the film is extremely derivative and in a dumbed and watered down way) if the story and atmosphere were at least alright in execution, in reality they were both very poorly done.

    A lot of 'Krampus Unleashed' has underdeveloped plot elements and often nonsensical and confusing character motivations, while too many of the things to make you jump or shocked are far from creative or scary and are pretty tame. The ending didn't satisfy and felt anaemic and the whole thing felt like an over-stretched-to-beyond-breaking-point short film.

    There is not enough threat, and what there is of it tends to be used poorly, is just as poorly designed and so laughably done it doesn't frighten at all. The film is completely unimaginative and more odd than creepy, completely failing to show any sense of horror or creativity. Everything here is neither creative, suspenseful or nail-biting. Some badly sagging momentum too. The direction is leaden and like their heart was not in it or ill at ease, with the chemistry between the characters and actors coming over as constantly random and aggressive with the subtlety of an axe. It's all very gratuitous and mean spirited and everything is neither creative or scary with a complete lack of suspense or sense of horror.

    Overall, awful with no redeeming value apart from an element that is difficult to appreciate with it being complemented so badly. 1/10 Bethany Cox
  • dcarsonhagy16 January 2017
    Warning: Spoilers
    Where in the world do people get money to make AND get these pieces of caca released? Yet another lie about the legend of Krampus. This time he's guarding the booty of "the best German robber" ever. Once a summoning rock is found by five men who cannot get out of each other's way, it's Krampus time!

    Flash forward (although those guys sure did look "modern") to present day, and we're having our family Christmas get-together in the middle of Arizona--where's there is no gas, no working toilets, and no working cell phones. Krampus is let loose again and we now get some really terrible effects.

    Rated "R" for violence and language and a BABY KRAMPUS to make sure this wonderful piece of story telling doesn't die. AWFUL.
  • I can't even begin to explain how awful this movie really is. There is nothing redeemable about this movie. The graphics were subpar, the writing was lazy and predictable, there was no time spent at all on building a decent plot line, the acting was cringe worthy (and that's putting it nicely)...I seriously could go on and on. Honestly, the director, producers, writers, and actors should never be allowed to be apart of a movie ever again. They put no thought in it at all. Their targeted audience was obviously drunks and rednecks who would enjoy watching a shiny penny. Krampus Unleashed did a terrible disservice to the horror genre and I regret wasting my time watching this mess.
  • I just came across this on Hulu. Enjoyed the Krampus film that was in theaters. This film has nothing to do with that film. Not only that, but this film is absolutely terrible. The script was absolutely terrible. The direction was absolutely terrible, Many of the performances were absolutely terrible. The editing and sound design is absolutely terrible. If you must, watch the first 10 minutes. The rest of the movie is just as bad as the first 10. It is literally the worst thing I have seen in a long time. I am an unpublished writer and watching this gives me hope. Because if something as bad as this can be made who knows. Sorry for those who worked on this movie. Sorry for my harsh words but if you don't realize that you are a terrible filmmaker then I guess ignore this and keep on doing what you love. Although I kind of wish you would find a less grotesque way of unleashing your creativity.
  • bubutler10 December 2016
    Please don't waste your time on this one. Acting is sub par, filming angles are bad. This is just a low budget movie that should have never been made. But hey, you have to start somewhere right? I only hope the makers of this film learned some lessons and will not make another waste of time. The plot is not well written, so the story is hard to follow. The dialog seems forced and not well written. Some of the actors need to be given another chance while others should just go back to their day jobs. And why make another "Krampus" movie when one with a bigger budget was made the year before? This is just a bad move business wise. The special effects are special needs. I cannot stress to you that this movie is bad. I wasted $2.50 at a Red Box site and I wish I could get a refund.
  • This is director Robert Conway's second Krampus horror movie. His first was Krampus The Reckoning, which I thought was better than most people gave it credit for, despite a really bad CGI monster and very little in the way of gore. This time around, Conway has gone for practical effects for his creature and ramped up the splatter, but the rest of the film is total trash, with a laughable plot, unlikeable characters, and terrible acting. In a way, I admire Conway's no-nonsense approach this time around - this was never intended to be high art... it's just there to entertain fans of schlock (which explains the messy FX, courtesy of Marcus Koch, and the gratuitous nudity from Amelia Brantley).

    Brantley plays Bonnie Tyler (no, not THE Bonnie Tyler), one of a group of people targeted by a rampant Krampus on Christmas Eve, the monster awakened after a 'summoning stone' (it's all explained in the prologue) is discovered in a creek by youngster Tommy (Bryson Holl). Unconcerned with who has been naughty and who has been nice, Krampus dismembers, decapitates, and eviscerates numerous victims, leaving a handful of survivors to try and defeat the monster by burying it alive. From the godawful opening version of 'Let It Snow', to the extremely rushed ending topped off by the ridiculous appearance of a baby Krampus (who chows down on irritating teen Troy, better late than never), Krampus Unleashed is z-grade nonsense all the way, which, for many, will mean it's virtually unwatchable. Once again, I think it's more enjoyable than the mostly 1/10 reviews suggest - not vastly so, I grant you, but still worth a go if you enjoy low-brow horror with plenty of blood and guts.

    4.5/10, rounded up to 5 for IMDb.
  • I wish I could give this movie a -10/10, that's how crusty it was. I put this on thinking it was the new Krampus movie that played in theaters. No this was some low budget crap with people who could not act for their lives. The editing looked like it was done on IMovie, a ten-year old could have done a better job than this. PLEASE DO NOT WATCH YOU WILL PLAY YOURSELF! I am currently no longer in the holiday spirit, thanks Krampus UNLEASHED
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is such a good movie from the long scenes that build up the context and the brutal death scenes (my favourite being when the grandmas head is taken off in a swift swooping action) I really enjoyed robert's cinematography skill and admire his work. The casting for this movie is also incredible and there is clear relationships between each of them some the lines run smoothly and there is no awkwardness between delivered lines. I found it quite sad when the dad accidently killed his own wife when he crashed the car i could feel the emotion coming from the son. It made me quite emotional and i doing it even worse when krampus himself came along

    krampus is a skinny legend.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The film opens with a story about cursed treasure buried in Arizona. A group of idiotic, but entertaining, treasure seekers dig up a rock and activate the Krampus with a decent costume and Troma effects. We move to the present as two families (lesser versions of the Griswalds, but wish it had been more) are visiting their common grandparents in Arizona. One of the boys finds a stone and Krampus gets re-activated going on another Troma inspired spree.

    Troy (Taylor Buckley) was an obnoxious teen who needed to die, yet they kept sparing the guy knowing how much I wanted him dead. The Krampus just killed indiscriminately. It was not related to Christmas or bad children. The acting was uneven and at times designed to be campy. I liked the guys looking for Bigfoot. The parent's acting was bad, but not nearly as bad as the grandparents reading lines. The sound had some minor uneven moments.

    Guide: F-word. Implied sex. Nudity (Thank you Amelia Brantley for sharing)
  • dance_orluck16 June 2019
    I love horror movies, and have been trying to start watching movies that aren't super main stream. I figured streaming services suggested it to me, so let me give it a go. The video quality and camera work isn't bad at all. I actually give that two thumbs up. However, every single character in this movie overacts almost everything. They made all the characters way larger than life, which instantly takes away from the possibility of it being real. I also feel the staging of this movie is very "just out of directors school."

    I actually think with a different cast and director this movie could have been decent. I mean... it's just a bad horror movie. If you like those; give it a go!
  • skaterjas27 August 2019
    I wouldn't waste your time on this. The budget was so low that they just couldn't make it good if they wanted too. All the special effects are laughable and you just can't help but ask yourself WTF?
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I could go on and on about how bad this movie was. The acting was a dollar budget and the actors probably cost less. For example; "Parents get mauled by Krampus and little boy sits and watches, no emotion." Or, "Mom's face gets smashed in the dashboard. Angry, smoking teenager gets out and is mad at dad. Gets out of car and punches dad. Then walks away and doesn't care that dad get's head peeled off and arm ripped off. Laughs at a rock because it's just funny?" I really looked forward to watching this. But at the end I couldn't believe how bad this movie really was. My dad and I couldn't stop talking about how bad this movie is. We just loved the "great" acting. Really, probably the best I've ever seen. No, obviously don't watch this trash. I came across this on HuLu. Don't waste your hard-earned money on this movie and don't waste nearly 2 hours on it either. Here is the nicest way I can say it, it's low-budget, crappy acting, one person produced, directed and wrote this movie, the plot was terribly written and so was the dialogue. Don't waste your time.
  • Truly unbeliever that every single actor in this 'film' is beyond bad . I really believe you could grab a group of people off the street , give them two hours training and they would do a better job. Oh and the movie is lazy in it's writing , editing, pacing , effects , direction and even sound work .
  • fqtbnsrb20 December 2023
    Warning: Spoilers
    I really enjoyed this film, all credit to the amazing Robert Conway. The casting was impeccable, the acting was amazing and overall, the movie was probably the best Krampus depiction I have watched. Robert Conway, take a bow, you are a cinematic genius. I thoroughly enjoyed the scenic shots of the movie, mixed with the raw and emotional acting. What was my favourite scene you may ask? That's like asking me to pick a favourite child, but if I had to say, it would have to be the opening scene when the old man got a ketchup filled balloon popped on his head. Truly genius. Plus ladies, Krampus is fit. The ending had me shook.... Overall it was just amazing, I can't recommend it enough.

    Ps. Who else is part of the vlog nation and watched it bc of our icon lol.
  • Heading out to her parents' house, a woman and her family visiting for Christmas learn her son has uncovered a mystic stone rumored to summon the ravenous being Krampus, and as a strange series of murders occur they realize they've called it forth and must rely on a previous victim to stop it.

    This one wasn't all that bad of an effort. One of the stronger features here is the rather intriguing and enjoyable setup that this one plays with throughout here. The opening set up in the Old West where the hunters come across the remains of the buried treasure from the outlaw that left it behind and find the stone that summons the creature leads into the creature attacking them starts this off on a fine route while also setting the stage for the rules to follow. Showing the significance of the rock as well as the means of summoning the creature at this point allows a great chance to figure out the importance of the family finding the rock and what it means later on. There's also the incredibly fun and over-the-top brutality with the creature's kills. Not only are the excessively brutal and graphic kills the best overall aspect here, there's tons of fun here as the high-energy sequences keep this one moving along. From the attack on the hunters who keep hearing it get closer to the appearance at the boyfriends' house that leads to the encounter with the family and the resulting chases through the woods, this one has a lot of great creature action. Alongside a great Krampus costume that's all practical, these here are what work for the film. This one does have a few issues. The biggest problem here is the series of utterly unlikeable characters that make it hard to get into the film's first half. There's absolutely nothing about the secondary family that's intriguing about them, mainly coming from an inattentive, sleazy jerk that talks back to everyone, spends half the time complaining about the lack of expected amenities and the rest buried on his phone looking at sleazy pictures of his family. That his mother has no say in the matter to his attitude as she's too concerned with the meet up at the house going well and the ad is an ineffectual, spineless loser that makes him go unchecked for the entire movie, giving this a real tough act to overcome. The other problem here is the film's lacking production values that are somewhat obvious to ignore and overcome. It's mostly apparent in the outdoor scenes where it's incredibly hard to tell what's happening due to the lack of lighting, while the main failing with this is the finale which is over so fast it seemed to rush by with no chance to do any kind of suspense as if they ran out of money to do everything they wanted. As well, the series of useless padding here, from the stop off at the gas station, showing everyone sitting around watching TV or the foreplay with the neighbor and her boyfriend that's spread out over several segments feels like they're included mainly to beef up a simple story they had no money to film. These here are the film's main flaws.

    Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Language, Graphic Violence, Brief Nudity and children-in-jeopardy.
  • miaellenpearson20 December 2023
    Warning: Spoilers
    Me and my friends found this movie as we fancied something festive but not too cheesy! This ended up being the perfect movie for the scenario. From the violent ways of the krampus to the lengthy scenes between the characters we really felt this festive fear from successful director, writer and producer Robert. The scariest scene for me was when krampus sent the two lads into anaphylactic shock by spreading ketchup on them. I found Troy very relatable and quite enjoyed his comedic effect on the movie. I recommend this movie to my vlognation and they're currently watching it! I really look forward to the future of krampus and hope we see more successful work from Robert! Peace and love, Mia xxx.
  • ctiborovahana22 January 2022
    Krampus unleashed is a very good movie. It has a pretty interesting story and a lot of victims with crazy brutality. Krampus finally looks like a real devil. At first I wondered where the snow was, but then I found out that they were going to Grandma's in the desert. 9/10 just because it doesn't have such a Christmas atmosphere but there is definitely something very Christmas there (Christmas tree, decorations, cramps) I recommend the film even though it has such a stupid rating.