User Reviews (60)

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  • JoBloTheMovieCritic13 November 2020
    5/10 - creative mix of Peter Pan and Alice in Wonderland lacks the punch it needs to fully explore the interesting juxtaposition of staying young forever and having to grow up
  • faer_kr10 January 2021
    A drama without adventures. It is about the antecedent story before being Peter Pan and Alice in Wonderland. Nonsense in many situations. Quality. Parsimonious to the extreme. With a situation modeled on confusion. Although the approach is good, it stays with the attempt and ruins the classics of Peter Pan and Alice in Wonderland. It is interesting that the protagonists are black. The few effects are quality. The era well recreated and good changing rooms. Good performances. A failed attempt.
  • I love fantasy and the two movies mentioned above. However this was slow, depressing, and the few fantasy parts in it were weird and annoying. It felt like they didn't know their target audience. It was not for kids, nor adults to enjoy. I can't see teens liking it either. This was just a melting pot of nonsense.
  • I'm not all for remakes of movies, or intertwining them together. The thought of doing this was very creative, but it just lacked on screen. Maybe the screenwriter is to blame, not for sure. Wouldn't recommend.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It is not appropriate for children, and i don't see how teens or adults would enjoy this. It was depressing, disjointed and nonsensical. Random themes of Peter Pan and Alice in Wonderland mashed together in an unenjoyable and dull manner. Has a child being smacked and drinking her mother's booze. This must have been the movie where afterwards Angelina Jolie said she will start choosing her roles more wisely. Michael Caine has a wasted appearance. A 5.9 rating? Should be closer to 2.9. Struggled to get through this one.
  • Despite the stellar cast, the film is a mess. The story is confusing and doesn't go anywhere. I was honestly bored.
  • Go into this film open minded. The concept alone merits a person to do that. Families are very seldom in this world a single facet. Cinematography is a poem. Love the detail. You shall be uncomfortable at times, as in the original stories did on purpose. Redemption and lessons learned await you later. Casting - absolutely wonderful. I recommend this film in the story, acting, visuals and all. We have purchased this on iTunes.
  • daveym-649-44496214 November 2020
    Read the basic info in this and it sounded great

    Wow, couldn't have been more wrong. It gets 3 points for the lovely acting from the youngsters

    The film itself is so slow and boring

    It looked like it was about to get going with 15 minutes to go and my daughter said maybe this is just the first part.

    Well no such luck. 5 minutes of "adventure " in the whole film I would say

    Don't bother people!
  • I think a lot of people are just getting lost with this one. When I saw the trailer, I assumed it was about children escaping harsh realities through fantasy and I assumed mostly right. I agree that the movie didn't really know what audience it was going for though. I think if they had fully targeted adults and dove deeper into the dark and psychology of it, it could've been better but they still did well. I enjoyed looking through the kids' eyes, the fantasy mixed with dark, e.t.c., and I especially liked the ending. It could've been so much better but it's not bad either.
  • reemtolah15 November 2020
    The whole movie was boring there is no concept in the film!! At the beginning it was a just a little fun like only 5 minutes. All the movie the kids were doing things that kids should not do like going out of the house alone, drinking alcohol,selling things that your father love without asking him, saying bad words about your father and a lot more. If i could choose zero for the review it will be better then 1!
  • nsurette-3130716 April 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    I don't know why all the bad reviews, I loved this movie, I understood it fully. I loved all the little nods to both Peter Pan and Alice in Wonderland. I loved the imagination of the children during the difficult times. I thought the acting was great, especially the children.
  • The film was abit confusing but enjoyable for fans of the secret garden somewhat. It's slow paced not very much action and has several storylines entwined with nods towards the fantasy stories of Alice in Wonderland and Peter Pan. I think it was trying to cover real life issues and how people deal with those in different ways but the abstract parts of reality and fake world became abit blurred although noting towards other movies for an older audience it had similar questions. What was real what wasn't.

    Is it for children? I had it on with my 3 year old and 10 year old my three year old liked the start with the kids playing but didn't really seem bothered after about 30 minutes and my son surprisingly watched it until the end. He did find it somewhat confusing but I think he secretly enjoyed it.

    It is based in old (what I consider to be) England times and seems based around the them of debt and loss of a child/sibling, it also boarders onto difference classes of that time and family.

    I think the aim with the help of Alice and Peter Pan was to help children better understand those issues we faced in society in those times.

    If you're looking for a story this may not be for you it had no real understandable conclusion. But if you are looking for a well acted little movie it isn't very graphic but does encounter some intense storylines then maybe give it a watch with an open mind.
  • ritakar13 November 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    Waited and waited and waited for a silver lining but it kept getting worse and worse .

    kids were horrified by it, gambling, drunk kids, debt, child death, amongst a whole lot more!

    do not take your kids to it... we walked out so that they don't get even more scarred!
  • Not related to any of the film's this is the worst rubbish I have ever experienced. Excited to see Angelina Jolie and that was about it the whole film belongs in the bin boring miserable tarnishing the originals don't even watch it will ruin your childhood
  • Me and my girlfriend were kind of excited when we saw the trailer for the first time. We thought we were in for a Neverland / Wonderland adventure. But we definitely didn't get that here. I won't spoil anything but the trailer lie to you.
  • jcstrength18 November 2020
    So... a 2 seems like a high score for this movie but I give them two points due to the good acting, design and special effects but who wrote this? There were several stories going on at once and they never come together and have some very odd themes throughout. Confusing, mindless, twisting story with no end or beginning. Do yourself a favor and clean the kitchen rather than watch this movie. It will be a more entertaining and productive use of time.
  • While I was looking forward to the movie when I heard of it being made, the subsequent reviews after it opened had me worried. After I decided to judge it for myself, I was surprised that the critics seemed to be so unanimously bent against the movie. Personally I found the story to be beautiful, well told and well acted, and supported by stunning cinematography and a sensitive direction. I guess it all comes down to personal sensibilities, imagination and perhaps expectations.

    I see a lot of reviews that command you DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE and I say make up your own mind. Try it. See how you like it. Maybe you'll find yourself bored by dialogue if you like more action. Maybe you'll find the darkness of certain topics to be too much to bear for your overwrought heart. Maybe you'll wish it was a movie made for children so you can watch something with your kids.

    Or maybe, just maybe, you haven't forgotten how to dream and you'll find it enchanting, moving and poignant and you will enjoy the time you spent chasing after shadows on the edge of Wonderland.
  • Maybe it ain't a masterpiece, but the 1 or 2 ratings are ridiculous. I believe people have the wrong expectations. It's about that imagination of children during very real life experiences. The movie is layered between the sad and hard reality of life and the innocent dreams and fantasy of a child. The links between two popular stories is fun to see. If you get the clue of this movie, I'm sure you'll love it. Go in the wrong expectations, you might be disappointed... but try to be realistic when you rate a movie. Look at the acting, the script and the meaning of the film.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This film start with a mother "Alice" telling story to her children, and the introduction of a couple(Jack, and Rose) scene! As turnout, this film is about Alice telling her childhood story to her children! Entire film full of boring conversation, and annoying overuse scene! Such as, overuse of the imagination scene, overuse of the running scene, overuse of the calling names scene! Make the film unwatchable! Barely intense scene is, Peter imagine he cut off his uncle's hand, and eat by a crocodile! At the end, we found out, this film just a story of Alice's young self! That's it! Completely wasting time to watch!
  • jp_916 January 2021
    "Come Away" is an interesting film with a different script involving "Peter Pan" and "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" stories into a tale of fantasy, imagination and relationships between childhood, adulthood and family. This script could be better, sometimes is illogical. The good points are the beautiful cinematography and filming locations, the costume design is good too and the music score is wonderful. Not a masterpiece but an interesting film, that is "Come Away".
  • Nothing of the fantasy I was expecting to see. It's boring, the story makes no sense it is very slow and nothing really happens. Huge disappointment and waste of acting talent for Angelina Jolie to be part of such a bad production.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Of the well-known tale of Peter Pan that explores addictions, racism, classism, and the eternal conflict between imagination/creativity and the dull daily grind.

    There's enough surface of children's adventure & trials for kids to get into the story, and enough subtext/context for parents to find it engrossing. The terrors that both adult & child characters face are initially age appropriate and not-too-threatening. However, the story darkens, and the characters' varied means of coping with grief & loss are only too understandable in a time when millions of families are struggling with those very emotions.

    There's also resonance with generational sibling rivalries and the children's efforts to understand & categorize the various adults through their limited life experiences.

    Mingling both adult and child oriented stories in a single pretty, gritty movie is a complex undertaking. The balance is a challenge to attain and maintain. But it works, especially in the mother/daughter relationship, the slow creep of addictions, the terror of watching parents disintegration, & the chase for some brighter fantasy future where pain is no more. A great many children can identify with those terrible family dysfunctions far more than the adults around them might wish to believe.

    It's understated performances like this that from Angelina Jolie that remind us she was an accomplished actor long before she became a sex symbol. She easily holds her own against BAFTA-nominated Anna Chancellor, who generates surprising moments of warmth for an actor more often cast as (and here plays) cold, officious, self-righteous.

    The gold paint that rubs off the coins is the perfect visual metaphor for this movie. Everyone seeks to first create the ideal world and then, when the gold wears off, to survive through such escapes as are available, however dangerous or self-sabotaging they may be. Ultimately, although children won't catch the subtlety, sisters never stop hoping their brothers will come home.
  • Come Away is such a beautiful movie. To be honest, the story of the movie might have several holes that may leave you with a feeling of nonsense, but the other components are so fine. The actors did a very great job, especially the main young ones. The cinematography is aesthetically well done. The dialogue and sounds are able to build up emotion.

    The movie tends to present the retelling story of Alice in Wonderland and Peter Pan, which is quite interesting, but instead of going all the way through fantasy imagery, they decided to present the blurred line between reality and fantasy world. It is not a very dreamy fantasy type of movie. The messages in the film are pretty dark, and not every individual will notice or feel related to them, but that is the beauty of Come Away. By trying to understand the reason for each decision of the characters, the fun will start when you are able to connect yourself to them. The film shows a lot of the vulnerable side of the characters and shows how they cope with it. This may trigger something in more adult audiences, while the younger audience is still able to have fun focusing on a good chunk of fantasy adventure.

    Overall, it's not the best fantasy movie but totally enjoyable.
  • The trailer made this movie look so good and I was so excited to watch it. But it was terrible. The subjects in this movie were super heavy and depressing. It doesn't have Peter or Alice's adventures in it, just a few months worth of horrible things. Subjects include death, a child drinking, mother slapping her daughter, and mental/physical torture! DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE, especially not with kids!!
  • Warning: Spoilers who is the expected audience? I don't think children would understand much of it. Teens wouldn't be interested. And most adults would opt for something totally different. It seems to me that this film had no audience. And the box office receipts would bear that out.

    Of course, I'm odd. So I found one redeeming quality in the movie -- the acting. The child actors here were remarkable. Jordan Nash in particular. I could even tolerate Angelina Jolie here. And I continue to be impressed by David Oyelowo.

    And then, suddenly, after an often slow pace, the ending of the movie rushes to completion leaving one feeling as if the story isn't finished.

    The concept had possibilities...never fulfilled.

    I will say one thing. Those who dislike race-neutral movies...that's just too bad. I support the concept for FICTIONAL movies.
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