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  • When reading the previous reviews, one person complained about the title song not being the original version and 2 others complained about the show not being original.

    I came to this show because I tend to enjoy the two leads in their previous work and I enjoy shows of a similar style such as Rookie Blue, Burn Notice, Suits, etc.

    This is a light entertainment admittedly, but definitely worth watching. You have 2 charismatic leads plus a really good ensemble. If you ever enjoyed Castle for the secondary characters such as the relationship between father and daughter or the two detectives working with Beckett, you should enjoy this show.

    The stories are simple but also make sense for the type of work that is supposed to be represented. This is not a spy story or a cop show although there are interactions with police and they do resolve crimes. It is more about family and interpersonal relationships.

    Also, if you live in Canada, it is really great seeing a show with so many recognizable sites and images. Normally, shows shot in Canada will usually use scenery that can easily be seen as American so as to aid in either international sales in the case of purely Canadian productions, or are being exclusively produced for an American network. This show does not hide that it is filmed here and I applaud the producers for this.

    Based on the episodes that I have seen so far, I hope that Private Eyes comes back for a second season. If it does, I know I will be watching.

  • The trolls are at it again. How is it that something can come along, remind us of something else and immediately it gets panned as unoriginal? There is nothing new under the sun. This quote itself is nearly 3000 years old. It was true then and it's true now. Yes, this show reminded me of Moonlighting with a dash of Castle as the remade man who considers a different career. However, it dares to consider than just "bringing the killer to justice". There have been resolutions to stories that I didn't see coming or consider to be regular justice. Remember, these guys are PRIVATE EYES, not cops. Justice doesn't have to include iron bars. I like the chemistry between the leads and having Jason Priestly raise a blind daughter whilst having his own dad around for a foil keeps him grounded. Not to mention that, for once, here is a show with wide appeal that is made in Canada that doesn't pretend to be somewhere else. I've enjoyed the tour of her cities and countryside without it being purported to be "somewhere in the US". Yes, Private Eyes does draw from ingredients we're familiar with, but then some of the greatest cocktails are made from stuff we never consider combining before. Give it a taste!
  • At first glance I really liked the show. It reminds me of Castle, the story about a father and a crime solving duo. The story lines are smooth and the comedy is natural. The most important thing here is that while it is being compared to classic shows, it has a present twist. From a personal point of few, this feels fresh to me and that's why I like it. I hope this as long run. After Castle ended, I had nothing of this genre to watch! A comedy, crime series helps in reviving my mood. Its not about the art, the originality nor the clichés for me, its about the successful characterisation which transcends the realm of the 2 dimensional television and plays out as a reality in my head. I'm giving 8/10 for just that. The show has managed to reach out to me and I would like to show my appreciation.
  • I like lighter crime procedural shows. I was sad Castle and Bones are ending. I loved Psych and Monk and shows like that or if you really want to do a throwback, McMillian and Wife and those kind of shows. There is really nothing left on like those right now. Both the lead actors, the Grandpa and the daughter are all quite good. I like Ennis Esmer from The Listener, another light crime show I miss. The premise is good and the chemistry between Jason Priestly and Cindy Sampson, (whom I have never heard of before) is good and it works. I like that they are not trying to hide Canada. I watch a ton of shows shot in Canada that try to be somewhere else. It gets annoying. This show is fun and light hearted and relaxing to watch. I hope they give it a 2nd season. Update, they gave it more than two seasons, going into season four. Very pleased. Keep up the good work. They all seem to have found their flow together and the show feels like it really found it's pace now.
  • There have been a lot of detective shows through the years. Some lean to being campy comedy like Moonlighting, others end up a murder of the week procedural like Castle, and others like Veronica Mars end up being side jobs they do while doing other things. Granted I LOVE all of those shows but it's been a while since there has been a good P.I. show where the characters are both actual P.I.'s with random cases to solve. Veronica Mars came the closest.

    Here we have a more realistic side to the P.I. life. I really don't care for spoilers myself and I don't want to spoil the plot so what I really need to say is... if you've hungered for a pure P.I. show with random cases this is what you've been waiting for. It does, again, air a little more on the realistic side but without being dark. Like how it's not realistic for Magnum P.I. to be doing a stakeout in a Ferrari. Or how it's not realistic for a writer to be involved in every murder that goes through a precinct in Castle. Or how it's not realistic for a man to take the name Remington Steele so the female P.I. can solve cases that only the big boys get. So anyone that appreciates those kinds of little touches should, like me, find a lot to love with Private Eyes. It may start out seeming like it isn't going to live up to the claims I'm making but stick it out as it's definitely more than the first impression gives.
  • My husband and I really enjoy this .show. Funny, Witty and serious. Just thought you'd like to know😄 We love that the show is filmed here in Toronto Canada. Jason Priestly is one of my favorite actors. I was excited when I heard he was back filming again. We love the premise of the show. It has been a while since it has aired, so I hope this is a new season. Friday nights will be something to look forward to once again😄
  • Jason Priestley who will forever be identified with Beverly Hills 90210 as all American Brandon Walsh for several seasons has changed his famous zip code to a native Canadian postal code. His name certainly guarantees a bit of box office attraction for his new Canadian series Private Eyes.

    I did a bit of a double take when I saw he was born in 1969 making him as I write this 49 years old. Granted he was no teen when he was playing one, but I have to say he looks pretty good for his age. We should all age so well.

    Priestley whom I remember on a long ago interview said he was a hockey player as a kid plays an ex-hockey player and is now trying to reinvent himself as a private detective. He works for Cindy Simpson who took over her dad's detective agency and he's come in as an operative.

    The series has a Remington Steele like quality to it with the chemistry between Priestley and Simpson. Hopefully it will have as long a run as Remington Steele did.
  • I didn't think I was interested after the pilot episode. It seemed too gimmicky and redundant. Yeah, yet another pair of ill-suited, mismatched detectives "forced" to work together blah blah... But, I'm glad I watched a couple of more episodes. They made some right turns in the development of the characters and their relationships. I appreciated they toned down the macho animosity and even turned the Shade/Maz dynamic into a sort of reluctant buddy kind of thing. I'm really tired of all the hatred and competitiveness in everything you see these days. This show takes me back to the last century (I can't believe I'm old enough to say that!) and PI shows like Harry O, Rockford and Magnum (the REAL one). Lighthearted humor and a little escape from reality in a relaxing manner is a welcome change from all the explosions and shootouts and car crashes and helicopter crashes and plane crashes and military invasions and, well... you get it. Oh, did I mention all the shouting and backstabbing and assaulting and battering of the "reality" shows? Thanks for "Private Eyes". I'm glad it's still on.

    Addendum: The way I rate shows... I don't usually review anything less than a 7 because 6 would be a failing grade and I won't waste my time watching it. I'm old; I don't know how much time I've got left. Since I probably turned it off before getting even halfway through, it wouldn't be fair to rate or review it. 7 is watchable but I may go a while between episodes since, though somewhat entertaining, there are other shows more interesting or compelling. 8 would be a regular in my lineup. 9 is a must see and probably bingeable. 10 is just the epitome of superbity and headed for my all-time favorites list. I'm adding this to my reviews because it seems there are a lot of binary reactions to pretty much everything these days. I am not a like/unlike kind of guy. I see a lot of grays so if I give something a 10 it doesn't mean the only alternative is a 1.
  • The premise is pretty close to Castle, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. You've got a "famous" bad boy teaming up with badass female Cop, although she is a PI in this. Shade even has a smart daughter who he has deal deal with growing up just like on Castle. The show is more of a "kiddie" version though. My biggest negative is Angela's character development. In Castle the writers let you know that Beckett knew she was in love with Castle while they strung you along, but she couldn't deal with those feelings, but at the same time further developed the character. On Private Eyes the writing/plot send the way Angela acts in directions that don't really make sense for her character and relationship with Shade, all the while you dont know what she is really feeling. It's a little frustrating.
  • So far the stories although not mind blowing are fresh. I'm not watching re-made versions of other mystery shows. The premise I have seen a hundred times. The male female partners, flirting and will they wont they thing. Heck it works though.

    I have watched a lot of detective shows that just rehash the same stories. So far the stories and mysteries have been different and not just rewritten or predictable. The show is just plain cute. More you watch it the better you will enjoy it.

    They are not doing a true crime story here, this is light fare.

    On a last note I love the fact it is openly Toronto based. Check it out.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I thought this sounded like a Moonlighting/Remington Steele remake but it's different. It's an unlikely couple doing P.I work but it's not as comedic or cliché as the other shows. It's a little more serious. I do like that Jason's character is a father. He working hard to be a good father. His father lives with him and his daughter. There's more debt to his character than to the Bruce Willis or Peirce Brosnan. He's more realistic even though he's a former pro hockey player. He's still cute to look at. Cindy Sampson on the other hand, she's lovely to look at but I'm not impressed with her acting. The writing's alright the stories were good, it's an entertaining show maybe with more experience Cindy will become a better actress? I'm not sure if this would be considered a spoiler; the daughter is legally blind, I admire the fact she's shown in a positive light and she's not a stereotype. I like the show, is it great art, no but I wasn't look for art, I was looking for something interesting and entertaining, this filled the bill.
  • I like the non-violent aspect of it. So many shows these days don't do detecting, they do shooting, shouting, punching, and yelling. Love the intelligence.
  • I'll be honest and say watched the first episode purely out of curiosity as to what had become of my favorite Beverly's Hills fella! This series has really grown on me, and whilst there's the stereoptypically him/her banter I am thoroughly enjoying a show that has interesting plot lines, well rounded characters and is not too much like 'hard work'
  • Stopped watching during season 4 due to choking on the wokism that was shoved down my throat.
  • This show is so good that it deserves to be on a network station like Fox or ABC. Not too many people watch the ION network so its not getting the audience it deserves. Jason Priestly is great as always. When you have a show with 2 leads, the chemistry has be amazing...and theirs rightfully is. Its different than most shows in this genre. If you are lucky enough to catch the repeats on the ion network, i would recommend it. You won't be disappointed
  • Ed-Shullivan31 December 2016
    Finally we have a gem of a television series with a well balanced crime/drama/comedy detective series that will appeal to a wide range audience base and not just one that concentrates on a murder of the week, or based on a genius detective that solves each weeks crime in the last five (5) minutes of each episode.

    Private Eyes stars 47 year old Jason Priestly as a retired professional hockey player named Matt Shade who is raising his legally blind teenage daughter Jules (Jordyn Negri) with the assistance of his own father Don Shade (Barry Flatman). In the series opener Matt Shade is trying to establish his second career as a bona fide hockey player agent but instead falls into the business of investigating what caused his potential first round draft choice player from collapsing on the ice and almost dying.

    Matt Shade develops a personal/professional chemistry with a female private detective named Angie Everett (Cindy Sampson) who as the series opener provides a new career choice for Matt Shade. Why I like this series is that each episode provides a completely different story line and at the same time we get to know a little bit more about the two main characters, the retired hockey player Matt Shade and his partner in crime solving, Private Detective Angie Everett.

    Season 1 only provided us with the first ten (10) episodes but this series has proved in its debut that it is here to stay and I look forward to it surpassing its 250th episode by the year 2025. It is a gem of a series that will have you also saying OOO-LAH-LAH!

    I give the series a 9 out of 10 rating.
  • Not being a huge fan of crime series, the name of Jason Priestley represented , for me, the basic motif to see it. And, no doubts, it was not a bad decision.

    It is a very charming series for humor, chemistry between Sampson and Piestley, for smart stories , for atmosphere, for the good frame of Toronto for each new case.

    Short, just charming - including Jason Piestley with the gift to adaptate in good manner to the challenges of career.
  • Enjoy the show but get frustrated every time Jules acts like a spoilt brat or does something she should be held accountable for and is just told 'oh that's ok honey' and gets her own way (Italy) given the means to carry on doing as she wants (clubbing in Italy). She is a 16 year old and that is not how parents bringing up responsible young adults would behave! If they just send her to her mothers permanently or ground her just once her character would be a little easier to tolerate
  • garetthennigan2 August 2016
    Great show! Light comedy/drama entertainment with a Canadian backdrop. Enjoyed all the episodes, some similarities to Castle but not really as the stories not so formula as Castle where you can always pick out the bad guy. Doesn't have all the crime scene gore of Castle. Some of the other reviewers are bit harsh. Other reviews say it is a copy of other shows while I think the whole tone of the show is unique with a Canadian wholesomeness to it. Heartland version of a PI show. Characters are fun and the banter is smart. Background characters of Slade's daughter and wife, and the the two detectives round out the show. Highly recommended! Give it a try!
  • I was hesitant about checking this series out, but am glad I did. A light, innocent detective series, similar to those popular 80's shows that many still tend to remember! I steam episodes when I have time, and most are excellent at relieving the stresses of the day. But....

    I was really getting tired of Cindy Sampson's lip augmentation, which began later in the series. This new look has been growing with women across several platforms. What is it with female insecurities? Ms. Sampson, and all the others, like actress Catherine Bell, looks like a freakin' clown. She has destroyed her looks by doing a botched plastic surgery job. It became so much of a distraction that I had to stop watching. Is this why the popular series got cancelled out of the blue without any warning?

    If you can get past this distraction, the show is a fun, light hearted escape from the usual bad-acting series that are out there these days.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A enjoyable 60 episode run was left to 90 seconds of the final scene to what we waited for. Kinda bummed.
  • stemal-117 June 2017
    I'm not jumping on the 'Castle-lite' bandwagon. Had IMDb not killed the forums, you'd see that I started it after episode 1 of season 1 screened.

    In fact Private Eyes makes Castle look like a gritty police procedural, and without the charm of Nathan Fillion to help it along. I had it down as a cert to be cancelled after one season.

    But it wasn't, and I'm happy about that. It was and still is an entertaining and undemanding watch. It knows its place and that it will get a loyal audience.

    A word of caution to the team behind the show. Learn from Castle. The two leads must never get together.
  • I am a fan of shows like Moonlighting, Bones, Rizzoli & Isles, In Plain Sight, Elementary and so forth...they all have a "who done it" and a back story to connect from episode to episode but you can slso just watch each individually since each episode can also stand alone. The show is fun, quite entertaining and will not stress you or make you feel angry or depressed during your relaxation time as can be the case with dramas and such. The main characters work well together...they fit. It can as lso be watched as a family show because I don't think it ever has gone past a PG13 rating in any of its episodes so far, in my opinion anyway.
  • I don't know if the actress is bad or her script stinks, but she is the dead weight. She's always presented as snide and cynical, as if that were interesting. It isn't.
  • Private Eyes is one of those unfortunate shows that tries a little too hard and winds up as self satire.

    In this case the satire is of the light hearted "teamsy", "sort of" romantic, crime solving "duo" show. Its a crime sub genre made popular by shows like Hart to Hart and Remington Steele.

    Whilst the former shows sort of worked, this one badly malfunctions. Its simply tries far too hard to be all these things and ends up looking a lot like a badly crafted comedy. The stories are pretty much standard fare but where it really falls down is in the characterizations. They feel hackneyed and badly clichéd. Worse still, the often corny narrative, reinforces this feeling.

    If the characters and narrative were to be dialed down a few cheesy notches, this show might still work. That said, I have my doubts Private Eyes will make it to a second season. Four out of ten from me.
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