User Reviews (7)

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  • Some movies take a thin smear of ideas and bulk them out with ninety minutes of dialog, overemoting, manipulation, and stuff getting shifted about on the screen. But "Old Boys" takes a rich selection (or maybe an over-generous selection) of ideas and throws them all together, in the hope that enough of the bits will stick together long enough to keep a story-line going. And keep the fun going.

    A parody of English boarding school stories? Make it an over-the-top parody. Eccentric school customs? Make them bizarre customs. A weird traditional "sport"? Make it a demented sport. French teacher writes second-rate novels? They're third rate, and he hauls around cartons of unsold copies. Role reversal at the end? Make that all go crazy. Happy ending? No, this is adolescence, and it's not meant to be happy. And it's not meant to end! What adolescence does to you is supposed to stay with you for the rest of your life. But it probably won't. When you think about it, getting all grown up and adult is a pretty stupid thing to do. Maybe this adult stuff is something for girls. I hope not.

    Yes, "Old Boys" does look like a classroom of kids were invited to throw their best ideas into the middle, and when a movie was made out of this "material", they were all able to point out some bits and say, "I suggested that." There's some very nice cutting, quick flicks between "the nerd I probably look like" and "the hero I would like to be" or "the person I prefer to see myself as, though still of course a nerd." Whatever the story's developments (if that's not too strong a word) everything always remains fresh, like a dewy early morning in a magical English countryside. If you're prepared to cut this movie some slack, and come along for the ride, you might discover that any boring parts are quite hard to find. Scatterbrain energy and unrepressed exuberance, what else is youth for?

    It's a film I recommend for the boy in every male. And what about females? Dunno. You can never tell with girls. They're a different species, mysterious, baffling. They're girls.
  • Slightly preposterous plot but very nicely acted and produced. Gorgeous setting of Lancing College and scenes in Lewes help the visuals.The story could be told in half the time but that wouldn't make much of a film! The film is set in the 1980s and, unfortunately, propogates a stereotyped version of life at an English Public School which is far from the reality. (It wasn't that bad when I went to one in the 60s!). Worth viewing.
  • Old Boys (2018) -

    I actually only tuned in to this film because I thought that Amberson (Alex Lawther) was in love with Winchester (Jonah Hauer-King), not Agnes (Pauline Etienne). The description on TV was ambiguous and misleading. As far as I'm concerned, a love triangle should meet at all points of the shape or it's just a V!

    It is however a sweet and quirky film, if a bit childish for a 12A. I think that it probably hits home more with an older generation because of the way that it's filmed. It's quite dark and gritty due to its 80's Boarding School setting, but the story is about teenagers which might only appeal to those of about 12-13 years, unless you are reliving your own Public School days.

    As such it feels a bit confused. I'm an overgrown teenager, so I quite liked it, but I can't see it appealing to everyone else so easily.

    I do think that it would have worked better if Winchester had been pretending to like Agnes to get closer to Amberson or the other way around, because it needed that extra something to it, in order to give it some more depth.

    That's where the end seemed a bit daft, because of Amberson's final choice. It would have made more sense my way and the homosexual school romance is quite well documented. I suppose that's the reason that they didn't do it that way?

    It's said to have a Cyrano de Bergerac type structure and it kind of does, but I think it could have been so much more and perhaps as a 15 it would have been freer to explore things and to deliver a more complicated story.

    While Alex always plays the goofy part very well, it fits even more perfectly here. Jonah is also very good as the airhead jock and beautiful too.

    I like the suggestions that the school is like a prison and the use of flip book animation is also very cleverly done to move scenes from one to another.

    But the more films I see about Public Schools, the more I think that they are ridiculous. They are never shown in a good light and usually depicted as chaotic and full of bullies throughout the faculty and the students. I certainly wouldn't send my child to one so it could be treated like dirt and go through daft rituals in silly outfits. It's not character building, it's just cruel. We should be taught how to raise people up and support them, not put them down. Abolish the Hierarchy!!

    The film was enjoyable and easy to watch though. It certainly doesn't require a lot of attention to follow it, but that was also part of its charm. It seems well edited and directed and the darkness of the setting and costume enforces the prison like dimension.

    Worth checking out at least.

  • ariqakbar8 September 2019
    I like it, i really do. this movie suppose to have longer duration but this one was already good either. The duration make it feels really compact for an beautiful adventure. You'll see when you watch it.

    great set, really great landscapes. a lot of good compositions scene. All the character was doing pretty good performance for me, didn't really catch a whole conversation cause I'm not really good understanding English from uk. but its pretty good story i must admit. it's give you a little tingle for every interaction which is fun.

    its a beautiful friendship and love movie, just try to take it slow to this one
  • pilot10093 April 2021
    Another of those films that start in the middle and finish at the beginning and no one is any the wiser. No very funny and not very entertaining either. My advice find something else.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Old Boys is a 2018 British comedy starring Alex Lawther,Pauline Etienne and Jonah Hauer King. The story is about a nerdy youn teenager named Martin Amberson(Lawther) who attends an all boys school in England. Problems arise as he falls for his French Principal's daughter Agnes(Etienne) but his afraid to admit he has feelings for her. So he asks his friend Henry Winchester(King) to pretend that his the one intereted in Agnus but it goes backfire. Will Agnes find out that its Amberson that is the guy who really loves her?

    Overall it was a decent flick and I guess the main reason why I wanted to watch it was for Jonah Hauer King. If you liekd Roxanne with Steve Martin and Daryl Hannah then you might like this film.

    Based on Cyranic.
  • The real star of the film is the location. Having said no to both the Harry Potter series and If, Lancing College has finally succumbed to a coming-of-age movie where the nerd wins the day. And it's the location which makes the movie, as the film-makers get the most out of it. Well worth a watch.