User Reviews (10)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    I appreciate the fact that this is made by people with religious conversations and I have no problem with the graphic violence to be cut out along with the nudity foul language. That's all fine but in a 77 minute movie i would expect more then teen angst and an odd discussion about meth is not that bad and people should stop making a big deal out of it. I know that's a very thinly veiled attempt to talk about peer pressure with out actually coming right out and saying it. The only action was near the hour mark when the fat kid takes a swing at his brother. Nothing about the plot makes sense the reason for what the police investigation barely touched on. The weirdest part is the unnecessary covert government agency part it's cleary meant to tie up loose ends within the plot but all it does is muddy what little plot there is. This isn't a movie it's an incomplete thought. It's great the kid got to make a movie his way but you cant have a horror that's all discussion with brief sightings of a red coat and occasional tense music.
  • tmccull5224 January 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    If the rating system here would have made accommodation for it, I would have given this farce a negative rating.

    The lead detective gives his best Sgt. Joe Friday (Dragnet) and Fox Mulder (X-Files) impression, which basically sucks more and harder than any vacuum that Dyson makes. He poses in various guides, you see, the latest being the role of detective. He really works for a covert government agency, and he is on the trail of a mysterious being that he calls "the Beast". The "Beast" follows a very specific pattern and methodology, one so predictable that our intrepid lead protagonist can call out the crimes in the order that they will happen. After an encounter with the "Beast", our hero gives his superiors the following advice; "we can't stop this guy, so we might as well.stop looking for him".

    So, we know how and when the "Beast" will strike, but since we can't stop him, let's just give up. Good thing that this idiot wasn't trailing a Ted Bundy, or a Golden State Killer, huh?
  • ericdhall7720 January 2020
    Bad storyline, terrible acting, horrible dialogue that almost only references drugs and "gays" as if almost condemning homosexuality. Zero scare. It honestly feels like some youth group got together and decided to make a "horror" movie as some extra reach for an agenda that no one cares about. It was just horrendous.
  • dennison-tony1 January 2020
    The worst film I have ever seen!!! terrible acting, terrible script complete waste of money why anybody would want to make this film I have no idea
  • I am astonished this has a rating of 4.9 - it truly deserves to be 1.9 or less. This would be truly MST3K fare - but I'm not sure even a good lampooning could make this disaster watchable.

    The only good thing about it? it didn't cost us anything - it was on a free streaming service. I love Sci-fi and horror films - and many a b-movie in those genres has won my affection - but this isn't a B - it's more like an X, Y or a Z.

    So many plot holes and logical gaffes - if it were a better movie it would be worth detailing - but it's so bad, why waste any more time on it? Avoid!
  • Okay first we have characters that are mediocre at best, camera work was at times really irritating. A preponderance of darkness, assuming budgetary reasons. Plot was full on wtfness. Dialog was sooo bad. The character of Spencer ( I think ), was so whiney he really needed some cheese. Also never seen a murder mystery or whatever this is without actually not seeing the crime scene!!!! Who does this? Someone said the ending makes it all worth it. NO it was just as dumb and it even tried to tie lose ends but failed miserably. Kind of saw " the beast once but as usual, to damn dark. Something told me that Mallory the production Co and as you see in the beginning credits also an actor in the film was a red flag and I was right . Just do so so glad I didn't pay for this tax right off. AVOID!!!
  • When you think Independent film, you think of dumb long drawn out stories, having unnecessary scenes just for filler to reach an hour. The Beast was a well crafted story that wastes no time and every scene is important to the story. Loved it
  • radiantmallery16 April 2018
    Good movie really interesting,good Christian message but not super obvious, worth the watch.

    P.S great music!!!
  • Thought provoking. Often movies that are labeled Christian are overtly Christian, sometimes turning the movie-goer off. The Beast seeks to draw you into the story, reach for your heart but not preach. It engages the theater of your mind rather using overused cliches and graphic scenes. Very Alfred Hitchcock-esque. Provokes the imagination.
  • ridge-407263 July 2022
    It's a slow burner with a good payoff. It seems like it's going nowhere but everything is a good plot point to the big twist at the end. It's definitely low budget but it's not offensively low.