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  • Warning: Spoilers
    chances are, if you are like me (a fan of R.E. who hates the live-action atrocities but embrace the animated films), no review will change whether or not you see this movie. i'm writing this so people aren't let down the way i was.

    visually, the movie is stunning. they did an incredible job on things like facial micro-expressions and other great little touches. i consider it nothing short of a triumph of animation. unfortunately though, the pros end there. our heroes have apparently utilized a Doom-like invincibility cheat; i have no problem suspending disbelief for zombies and monsters, but i draw the line at things like a plane's wing blowing up, except, it's our heroes' plane, so, it's just arbitrarily alright. it's interesting how often you can use the word "arbitrary" to describe what goes on in this movie. a lot of the action makes you wonder why our heroes aren't wearing tights and capes; they regularly take hits that don't maim or kill only them, and every now and then do things that make you wonder whether or not they are from the Matrix. there is a core character who is so oddly under-utilized you wonder why she's even in the movie (until you consider the need for filler, of course). apparently the zombies can move like cheetahs if they wish, but most of the time choose not to do so. there are red herrings which ultimately only serve to anger the viewer, such as the zombies being able to target specific people, a plot device used quite shamelessly for just one situation in the whole movie.

    overall this is a movie you should watch on mute, because you won't be missing anything; it looks good, but the filmmakers are obviously quite aware that anyone into R.E. is going to see it, and consequentially there is a lazy, almost cash-grab feeling to the story. for a movie whose plot is a Raccoon City fiasco in NYC, honestly it's quite boring, and almost all of the action scenes are pretty much just lifted from other, better movies. if you're an R.E. fan, i'm sure you'll see this no matter what; just don't say you weren't warned!
  • SnoopyStyle4 February 2020
    Chris Redfield and his team are sent to rescue an asset. They find only zombies and nemesis Arias. Meanwhile, scientist Rebecca Chambers is working on a vaccine when she is attacked by zombies. Arias plans to launch the virus by gas tanker trucks in New York City.

    The characters are standard but I do like them. The story is a bit jagged. It's the third in the animated series and would serve well with a "previous on" section. The evil plan is a little cartoonish. I'm always struck by how the big bad gets all of his minions to end the world. One hopes that people would stop working for Death Inc after witnessing what they witness or become whistleblowers. That's besides the point. The bigger point is the animation. They may have worked out the hair but the eyes still give it away. There is a lifelessness about them. It's not Polar Express but the eyes look a bit sleepy. They are still not living, breathing performances.
  • I'm a huge Resident Evil fan, from the games to the movies and including the previous animated attempts. They didn't exactly set the world on fire but they were perfectly watchable efforts.

    I was very excited to hear about this being released so perhaps my expectations were a tad high, and I can confirm they were not met.

    The story very generic, the animation sub-par and the fight scenes were let's just say interesting. For some reason the creators thought they'd blend Resident Evil with The Matrix as the characters seem to be able to move neo-style to such extents I found myself cringing. These are average joes not ninja *Slaps creators wrists" bad creators, bad! Seriously why is Leon Kennedy doing bullet time triple back-flips with a dragon screw rotation while shooting zombies in the head and throwing knives and writing an essay and having a length conversation with his girlfriend before even landing? I mean okay that's a tad exaggerated but not as much as you'd imagine.

    Vendetta isn't bad, it's just silly and anti-climatic compared to the previous films.
  • heckbrain13 February 2019
    I went into this movie expecting the standard Resident Evil zombie/body-horror experience, knowing full well there would be some corny voice acting and 80's action movie cliches. And honestly, that's exactly what I got. This movie would have been a 5/10 (passable) for me if it wasn't for how profoundly ridiculous it gets at certain parts. Within the first 20 minutes of this film I saw two separate characters scream dramatically into the sky while the camera pulled away. Awe-inspiring.

    This movie truly commits to the cheesy action genre it was inspired by, and it's hilarious to watch. While it was probably not the director's intent, I'd much rather scream "WHAT" at the screen than be bored. And trust me, you will be screaming "WHAT". 6/10
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I finally got around to watching Resident Evil: Vendetta and I have to say it wasn't all that bad. I honestly think that the CGI for about 99% of the movie is actually phenomenal; at times I could easily have mistaken it for a irl movie, I also love Matt Mercer as Leon as he's a very diverse voice actor and knows how to play him as the brooding and boy type that's also comical and selfless. Erin Cahill also does a superb job with Rebecca, she has some much emotion in her voice alone that it carries well into her character models performance (also I'm slightly biased as I'm a big Power Rangers fan and I love her in the Time Force season); Although that's not without saying that I have some critiques with the movie, firstly I think the story is pretty... meh? It's kind of painfully obvious where all three acts start and end, the actual plot isn't terrible it's just kind of the same recycled thing we've seen a couple times in the franchise and it had a few interesting moments but ultimately fell quite flat and stale. There's also a lot of things that really bothered me too like: Firstly, Why did practically every single Leon shot have to have at least 5 seconds of slow motion? It'd have been fine if they used it once or twice but damn it's almost comical how much they used it, he also had very over the top fighting styles ESPECIALLY on the motorway scene with the Cerberus' he did way too many outrageous stunts on the motorcycle, Secondly, What was the point of the Diego and Maria? They were presented like huge important characters that were so formidable and crucial to the story but were both defeated in seconds? Third, Maybe I missed something crucial but why did Chris act like he knew the child zombie (who could talk for some reason?) we didn't get any more information after that, the same for the women in the courtyard, again I may be missing something but I had no idea who either of them were?¿ And Fourth and Lastly, Did anyone else think it was completely weird how several casualties were just looked over? Like the women in the bar wasn't even glanced at, Leon literally caused two civilian cars to crash and explode via the Cerberus, Nadia literally blew up two buildings when using the weapon on Tyrant(?) form Arias, which kind of looked occupied.

    Overall it was a decent movie which I guess I enjoyed (mostly) for the visuals and that's why I'd give it a strong 6/10.
  • Hi guys, back with me again, I'll divide this movie from this 3 scores: Story (no story, no movie), Graphics (more reality, more we can feel the movie itself) and additional genres assessment which the purpose of the movie (such as Action, Fantasy, Adventure, etc.). Hopefully, by scoring to those criteria, readers can be interested to watch the movie. And of course this assessment is subjective (but i'll try to be objective as much as possible)

    Resident Evil: Vendetta Disclaimer #1: I am a fan of Resident Evil, both game and animation series, and the movie series Disclaimer #2: This is an animation spin-off movie; don't expect the same result as a real-life movie. Want to enjoy the movie more? Play the games.

    Story: 6/10 Yeah, it is a spin-off, has no deep of the story. But for a Resident Evil fans, they will watch it just to link every stories Resident Evil was made. But, what I like from Resident Evil developers, they always show new kind of viruses which create new result of the infected. And then there's Rebecca Chambers XDD, so long this character didn't show up.

    Graphics: 7.5/10 (Animation) I give my assessment as an animation movie. For it, RE: Vendetta gives great graphics of animation which can be enjoyed in entire of this movie.

    Additional Genres: Action: 8/10 (Animation) As I disclaim previously, nothing in this animation movie is real- life, so every impossibilities could be denied in the assessment. As an animation movie, RE; Vendetta gives a lot of action scenes which every of them success to make my eyes didn't blink. It was also helped by great viewpoint taken and slow motion.

    Thriller: 6.5/10 Trap in the room filled by zombies and facing B.O.W. (Bio-Organic Weapon) while your friend is dying are success to make my heart rate increased. Zombies, as one of the best component in every thriller movie, are inserted well in this movie.

    Overall: 7 To promote its game through the movie, RE; Vendetta did a great job.
  • First of all, I must say that I had such high hopes and expectations for "Resident Evil: Vendetta", especially since I really enjoyed the previous animated movies.

    However, they opted to pull the same approach as they did in the actual movies, making it more about mutations and grotesquely huge aberrations, more than it was about zombies and terror. And of course, it has the obligatory rogue agent gone bad.

    The storyline in "Resident Evil: Vendetta" was simplistic to the point where it was trivial and mundane. You saw everything coming a mile away, and there were no surprises or plot twists along the way. So it felt like you were strapped in for a ride that just went straight ahead with no ups and downs.

    Now, I must admit that I am more than impressed with the quality of the CGI and the sheer level of details they manage to put into the CGI here. I mean, the textures and the minute details to everything was just spectacular. Just as it has been since the very first animated "Resident Evil" movie.

    The characters in "Resident Evil: Vendetta" seemed a bit generic. Sure it was nice to have Leon and Chris in this particular animated movie, but they weren't subject to any real character development or growth, so it felt a bit tame, to say the least. And it was a bit too over the top with the way that both Leon and Chris could take on a large group of zombies and not even get scratched or come close to being in danger, and the motorcycle scene was just too far out there.

    As for the zombies, well they were there, but unfortunately it wasn't the primary cause of attention in the movie. And I really don't get the thing with the hulking brutes that they like in the series - be it game or movie franchise. They are so out of place that it is an eyesore and an embarrassment to witness. And the hulking brute with the iron mask in "Resident Evil: Vendetta" was not particularly impressive, and when he evolved into something even bigger, I must admit that I was on the brink of just getting up and leaving.

    "Resident Evil: Vendetta" is not an impressive animated movie in terms of story, characters or in comparison to its predecessors. Sure, it was a visual tour de force and a spectacle to behold. But I was left with a very shallow feeling once the movie ended, and actually said "was that really it?" This is definitely a movie for the hardcore fans of the "Resident Evil" game line.
  • kosmasp23 March 2021
    Are you aware and fond of the Resident evil games? The world it created? Maybe even the comic/graphic novels? If so, I am fairly certain you will like this animated effort too. Lots of horror, action and blood for sure. So you know nothing for the faint of hearted.

    I have said before I am a bit of a sucker for certain movies. I really dig the way this was made. Are there better rendered CG movies out there? For sure, you can find the animation here less than good. I thought it was quite fine - but I was more engaged by the (cliche) story, with characters I played. So if you have a connection like many others who played the games, you may feel more enamoured by the effort on display here
  • The film seems like it had promise. It started out OK, even though everyone in the movie, including soldiers, are stupid enough to just stand there and look at the zombies until they get attacked by them. The villain had an interesting back story and seemed like he might have depth, but then he just gets comical towards the end. Near the end everything just gets even more silly, to the point of insulting your intelligence - even for a zombie movie! The heroes never run out of bullets and can get knocked across the room without as much as a limp. It's predictable and uninteresting. I was hoping the animated films might make up for the live action ones going downhill, but I've basically lost faith in this whole game franchise when it comes to films now.
  • keikoyoshikawa10 March 2020
    It's not that bad, but it's not that good either. Lots of cliché moments and sci-fi horror tropes. It is what it is - an average animated movie that is only somewhat interesting if you're a fan of the Resident Evil games.
  • Action: 9/10, best action CGI movie compare to previous two CGI movies (Degeneration & Damnation), looks like John Wick rip-off movie with a combination of zombies (in a good way)

    Storyline: 5/10, predictable story, lack of emotion compare to RE: Damnation, have a cliffhanger at the end

    Overall: 8/10, Great, way better than live action movie, recommended for Resident Evil (video games) fans
  • Warning: Spoilers
    # Intro #

    Stuff you should know before watching this movie:

    • You should watch Resident Evil Damnation, before you watch this movie. They will spoiler essencial parts of RE Damnation in RE Vendetta.

    • They changed the face of Chris Redfield and now he looks like the son of Chris Redfield and Freddie Mercury.

    # Review # This movie surprised me - it was okay to watch, even though it had some typical B-movie moments. I'm talking about "Zombie Dobermans chasing cars on a highway, throwing them through the air"-moments. This is the point where I usually decide to stop watching or continue but Resident Evil Vendetta was good enough to be watched til the end.

    The GCI-Quality was great and they had an eye for details. Dead zombies where bleeding out like in the old PS1 RE-Games (I started laughing every time a zombie died.). I also enjoyed the violence level in this movie, very well balanced.

    The story was okay - but too much melodramatic...a typical Japanese CGI-movie. You can watch this movie and you will not be bored.

    Since this has to be important for some people ;) - These are the Resident Evil games I've finished:

    RE 1 (original) RE 1 (remake gamecube) RE 1 (remake ps4) RE 0 (remake gamecube) RE 4 RE 5 RE 6 RE Revelations RE Revelations 2 RE 7
  • -Ok we need to make a good animated horror movie,what will be the ideas? -Let's make stupid blockbuster without any logic and cannonic story. -It's ### great idea. What's your name i'll give you an reward. Really why I'm watching John wick in the style of horror and not resident evil with a frightening story?
  • I enjoyed it but its laughably cheesy, but i love it for that the action is pretty good though lacks originality.
  • Resident Evil (RE) is a very well-known series of games and films to the mainstream people. If even my parents known about this series, you get the point of what I'm saying. This series name is strong.

    However, not that many people may known that there is a spin parallel animated series. This film is the third on this animated series, and, to be honest, this film is much of the same if you compare it to the former two others.

    The main risk factor here is that the animation is not top-notch. But the film is somewhat enjoyable if you are a fan of the series. It is full of crazy stunts and maybe not that many zombies, which is not good. (But if you think about it, not even the game series is still going with the zombies thing. In the end, it is all about BOWs.)

    I recommend this film only to fans of the RE series. The plot is shallow and unimpressive, but, if you are a fan, you won't mind that much. With animation, you can see your "beloved" game characters on spin-off stories in the RE universe, so have at it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    There has been about 10 "Resident Evil" films or animations over the past two decades. That's a) a blistering pace if the same production team were used, b) the most exploited "franchise" audiovisual product of the 21st Century.

    The GOOD. The CGI renditions are the closest to realistic to date; in some ways, the characters look no less "plastic" than actors/actresses in full make-up and benefitting from digital makeovers, or even some misguided performers whose face is pulled into tautness, in contrast to their mature hands. The next steps to make them truly realistic (Hollywood style) would be asymmetries, imperfections, less "flowing" motion, and more nuanced facial expression. Hell, in time, actors won't even have to turn up on set if their CGI animated heads can be stitched onto body doubles and stuntmen, and the dialog is introduced post-production.

    The MEDIOCRE. I HATE "franchises"; it smacks of purely milking a concept for profit at the expense of creativity, originality, and performance. Do we need ANOTHER Die Hard, Matrix, Superman...? Why do studios have to focus energies on productions of hundreds of millions, tie into absurdly paid "stars", and not take "risks" with novel concepts? At least the streaming media producers (Amazon, Apple, Netflix, some cable) have given a new boost to "independent" productions AT A GLOBAL LEVEL.

    CONCLUSION. Fine action entertainment, neat and packaged for brain-dead adults, or bored teenagers. Suspension of reality, physics, and two-dimensional personalities.
  • Boring, predictable, shallow, over the top, ridiculous. The worst animated movie of the series, as bad as Anderson's movies. The only good thing is the impressive CGI, animations and details are really incredible. The rest is totally pointless. Basic plot line, one dimensional characters, absurd and not realistic situations. Plot is the same story told over and over again over the games: new villain spreads a virus, heroes fight zombies, heroes fight a final boss and save the city. There is absolutely no twist or a new focus on story that could make it more interesting.

    Only recommended for Resident Evil hardcore fans, casual viewers be warned: this is a total waste of time.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Just returned from the theatre. With the movie still fresh in my mind, I'm writing these thoughts.

    This is a true Resident Evil movie by Capcom, unlike the abomination franchise by Paul W S Anderson and Milla Jovobitch, both of whom I hate with a passion. I will not talk about them. Back to this movie.

    The mansion at the beginning of Vendetta is fantastic. The location is reminiscent of the creepy mansion from the original game. The suspense of the bedroom scene is so well done. The idea of the boy's remote toy truck... brilliant!

    The corridor scene of Chris and Leon killing the walking dead is awe inducing. Great action! And the motorbike chase scene with the zombie dogs, fantastic! You can't go wrong with Leon on a motorbike.

    Now, I say this from the perspective of a fan. There seems to be a major plot hole. Later in the movie, the toxicity of the A-Virus is intensified. But why is it that the enhanced virus takes 20 minutes to take effect, whereas the normal A-Virus takes only five minutes? Glen Arias, you said the virus was made stronger, right? Well... Not that much stronger, it seems...

    Also, my complaint with this movie is the absence of Ada Wong. Be sure to bring her back next time!
  • Greetings from Lithuania.

    So the main reason of why this movie was made in a first place i think is that they needed to fill a gap for these Resident Evil characters, since they didn't appear in games since Resident Evil 6 - so the players won't forget these characters, because they will eventually return in this game series, although 7th part took a different direction - they will return, mark my word.

    "Resident Evil: Vendetta" (2017) is an animated film made basically to the die hard Resident Evil games fans. If you are not in it and you don't know the characters very well, you can safely skip this movie. And here lies the main reason of why this movie kinda fail in my opinion - i have played every Resident Evil game ever, except for the 7th part so far, but these characters are just sooooo 2 dimensional. They lack any kind of feelings, except of those written in a very generic way. The movie lacks any kind of suspense, when you know non of our main heroes won't die - ever. The script and the whole story of "Resident Evil: Vendetta" is as predictable and generic as you could possibly imagine. Why couldn't screenwriters attempt to make it somehow more original, throw in some real humor, maybe even some love story between some of characters - they are just soooo generic. And while the movie does look kinda stunningly good and i did kinda enjoyed while it lasted, i just can't recommend it because if you will skip it you won't miss anything at all and if you do watch it you will forget it in a blink of an eye. The story here is more then generic and predictable - you have already seen it in hundreds of movies and video games, done with more originality. All in all this is a very good looking but unfortunately highly generic and predictable film that lacks any kind of originality or excitement.
  • josenelias26 February 2020
    Relatively well done in terms of CGI. The story is acceptable, but for the end, in the action scenes it fell into exaggeration. The hand-to-hand fight with the pistols is a complete exaggeration, and the acrobatics with the motorcycle at the level of the absurd.
  • At first time, i was disappointed when my girlfriend ask me to watch this movie, because at first scene shown us an animated movie, i don't know this movie before, because i never see the trailer before.

    But, in 10 minutes, everything's change, OMG this movie is so epic, Chris Redfield, Leon, Beautiful Prof. Chambers, everything has reunited there ..

    Beautiful characters, good plot and scene, and bring us nostalgic moment :D

    Thanks Sony, Thanks Capcom
  • I was so excited to see this move since I'm a fan of RE games. This is the The animation was beautiful and I like the mo-caps. It was nice to see the bond between Leon, Chris, and Rebecca. Also, extra story is what fans - at least me are longing. For me, the previous movie was better since the characters design and fighting scene vibe were close to the game's. Also for me, the movie tend to a little bit exaggerate battle scenes. The level of battle exaggeration is the same as "Metal Gear's Game Cut Scene" exaggeration. I think this movie is only suitable for veteran gamers since veterans know the series well
  • Warning: Spoilers
    firstly, i was taught to save more ammo instead of wasting it all over the zombies. This is some kind of "resident evil" style more than any other zombie movies. Secondly, who wouldn't believed that it was finally the main antagonist dead, or do the final transform ( which always almost at the end, showed up with extra-muscle appearance, and also yelling the main protagonist name ). I don't get the reason why the developer would create this kind of cgi-movie. Well at least a person like me, who enjoy "resident evil" franchise so much, i believe this one is the most boring one. Bringing Rebecca that switched to professor? pfft. kiddos. Come on, resident evil now is at the edge of it's popularity.
  • ashfordofficial23 October 2022
    1. A sequel to Resident Evil: Damnation and the third and final installment with Leon Kennedy as a main character. As part of Capcom's animated Resident Evil feature length film series, each installments surpassed its predecessors with cutting edge animations and fluid character movements. In Vendetta, the animation and character designs was a near realistic perfection with so much effort put by those talented artists.

    2. A sequel to Resident Evil: Damnation and the third and final installment with Leon Kennedy as a main character. As part of Capcom's animated Resident Evil feature length film series, each installments surpassed its predecessors with cutting edge animations and fluid character movements. In Vendetta, the animation and character designs was a near realistic perfection with so much effort put by those talented artists.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I call nostalgia glasses and faded memories the symptom for everyone who cares to claim that the other movies were better.

    Degeneration was entertaining, but not much more. Still average 5/10 as an action movie. Damnation was uninteresting and meh, clearly worse than average movies are and therefore worst of the 3. Vendetta was a) pretty b) a waifu simulator and c) had the coolest animated fight scene that didn't look like anime. d) That charged gun-shot was awesome.

    Saying this is the worst animated movie is like saying RE0 is a better game than REmake; Resident Evil fan would never argue such.
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