User Reviews (5)

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  • RandomTard29 October 2019
    The biggest problem with this movie was the pace. It's just way too slow and boring. The characters are all monotone and depressing and there is no depth in any of them.

    The plot was very predictable and just not all that clever - not to mention ridiculously unrealistic. It could of been a decent episode in some tv series but as a movie it was just too meh.
  • smoke010 September 2019
    This film starts out like just another bad Lifetime movie you never saw and then transforms into a tricky thriller which answers every question you may not have had since you thought it was just another bad Lifetime movie. That's it, just watch it and be rewarded.
  • A very predictable thriller made unwatchable by terrible script and emotionally erratic performances. Whatever sense of dread was aimed for was undercut by wildly inconsistent tone. It was impossible to believe in any of the characters ultimately, which made all the plot machinations more annoying than threatening. Made me think the sole reason for its conception was the filmmaker passed through Oregon coast and thought it would make an interesting setting. It didn't.

    However, I highly recommend visiting the the coast, especially in the off season: rugged cliffs, sand dunes, good seafood, lots of lighthouses.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Roger Kesler (Matt Shingledecker) and Daphne Miller (Ariana DeBose) are in love. They both hide their relationship from their parents. When Roger's father dies, he gets a partial inheritance, a home in Seaside, Oregon. The rest of the $15 million will go to any heirs. Our happy couple elopes and as it turns out Roger has a past in Seaside, namely Susanne (Steffanie Leigh). She claims he got her pregnant and dumped her off at planned parenthood. He claims it was a one night fling, he was drunk, and she was never pregnant. This causes a bumpy road.

    Things go along like a Lifetime Film and then at 50 minutes we get a wicked twist and then more information 20 minutes later and then a final twist. There are minor hints such as the sex scene which lasted less than a minute and both parties rolling over and going to sleep. How often do guys get away with that? But don't expect anything specific.

    It was a good story with a decent twist. With top name stars, we would all be singing praise. Well written/directed.

    Guide: F-word. Sex. Brief nudity.
  • A thoughtful thriller full of great twists in a gorgeous location. This films explores isolation and revenge with Ariana DuBoise giving an extraordinary performance through Sam Zalutsky's evocative direction.