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  • The only question we can really have about this film is to decide whether it is a better masterpiece then Papa ou Maman or whether the first one was better... That is really the only question we have to debate

    • So I have been watching them one after the other and again and cannot separate them. The inappropriateness of behaviour of those two parents in both of those films is a masterpiece of the genre; a sort of Little Red Book of all the things parents should never do. In the first one the father took his 11-year-old daughter to a strip-joint to make her want to stay with her mother.

    • The mother gave her son a negative Mohican at the back of the head so he will pick his father as his guardian

    • In this second film the kids sort of turn the tables on their parents but not really in the end

    • The only problem I have with both of those films is the scattergun rhythm of the speech delivery it is almost impossible to catch more than 85% of what they say I could find good subtitles in French for the first film but could not for this one and so I missed bits and pieces here and there and that is a shame. This is extremely well-written apart from the scenes the language chosen is almost every time sublime the insults the belittling language they use for each other is rip-roaringly funny almost every single time if you liked the first one watch this one too

    • The first one was 2015 the second one 2016 too many years have gone by now so I suppose there will never be a third one but it would be nice; the kids by now would be grown-up which would mar the experience probably

    • I had to give this a 10 it is the least I could do.

    PS: best line in this one "Ça t'excite ta mère en culotte rouge?" a question Laurent Lafitte asks his fifteen year-old son ... Classy!
  • I do not know the first part. But this second episode of the adventures, defined by imature parents and too wise children, proposing humor from nice nuances to the vulgar ones is a good comedy of absurd situations, love and revenges, easy solutions for laugh and chaos in pure form.

    It reminds many easy French comedies and it gives a surprising touching image about couples defined by powerful attachment.

    In short, just nice, against the not little temptation to critic it very hard.

    But the humor just works and the smiles are so often than only a crazy comedy can inspire them.

    So, easy humor, not bad acting, Reunion and absurd in large slices.