User Reviews (5)

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  • While the premise of the show seems like a promising concept, the execution is pretty pitiful. The entire concept of the show is for the three hosts to watch some of the most famously epic fails presented on the internet and to comment based on what they see. However, the execution leaves a near infinite amount to be desired, from both script construction and depth of characters.

    Rob Gronkowski serves as the main host of the show; however, he spends so much time inflating his ego about his (deteriorating) pro sports career that it's almost mentally impossible for him to go five minutes without referencing it in some way. Stevie Nelson and Brandon Broady also play a part as the secondary hosts; their backstories I am not too familiar with. If I'm not wrong, I don't remember seeing them ANYWHERE other than here. Their acting skills strongly support this claim as listening to them is a literal cringe fest.

    God bless those who watch this show. I am a personal fan of AFV and love to watch it wherever and whenever. AFV and Crashletes share the theme of watching funny videos, and I will give credit to Crashletes for picking decent ones. However, unlike AFV, the hosts on Crashletes spend far too much time talking out their butts, using painfully forced jokes and cliché reaction quips to a level that nearly makes my ears bleed. Gronkowski needs to stick to his athleticism; Broady and Nelson need to look for a new line of work. At least Gronk has something to fall back on.

    For those that believe I am being over dramatic, my younger sister can vouch for this claim. After watching any other show and then seeing the opening title of Crashletes, it literally becomes a foot race for the remote to change the channel before we start hemorrhaging brain cells. The first (and only) time I sat through an entire episode, I was in utter shock at how such a show could be published. Throughout the episode I constantly shook my head while simultaneously asked myself "what even is this" because I wondered just how much money the producers were flushing down the toilet to continue constructing this trash.

    I would never recommend this show to someone, and I fail to see how anyone could enjoy it. The show lacks taste and it is basically downplaying its significant similarities to AFV by presenting itself in the literal form of cancer. I'd say giving it a 3 out of 10 just for effort would be decent, but one more one-dimensional one-liner with no depth will condemn it to the dreadful two stars. And this includes puns, Gronkowski.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I actually am watching the first episode right now, and I am brutally disgusted. First, they use Rob Gronkowski in their show, which uses celebrity bate...However, it is not as bad as "All in With Cam Newton" with celebrity bate. Then, they also use Stevie Nelson, a actress, who is ALSO used for celebrity bate, for more grown viewers, because she was on shows like "Just Shut Up!" They also have Brandon Broady, which oh let's see, is ALSO celebrity bate because he was an actor, editor, and many other things as well. Anywho, let's get to the actually disgusting part.

    On the first episode, the three of them said that less than one percent of anyone who tries sports actually becomes professional, and the show was made to "honor" the other 99 percent who failed. Then, they go to the scenes, laugh hysterically at the people's failures, then mock them. In one of the first clips, Rob Gronkowski calls a football coach for a bunch of these kids a 'bad coach' Which is very disrespectful.

    Lastly, this show just seems outright forgettable. Let me have a list of shows that this will join in Nickelodeon's forgotten shows:

    Paradise Run (hosted by one of Nickelodeon's most annoying characters ever, Trina Vega)


    Figure it Out

    Awesomeness TV

    I can go on for days, so I won't waste your time. If you have the minimum IQ of 7 you know how cruddy Nickelodeon can be, since they run 95% on re runs. PS This does NOT include 90's nickelodeon, cause that was the bomb.

    Anywho, you probably get my point why I don't like Crashletes. It's nothing towards you, it's just my debatable opinion. Thanks for reading.
  • oyeghiyan8 July 2016
    The show is, in one word, boring. I wasn't planning to watch it, but it came up on television so I thought, "Why not give it a try?" However, that was a regrettable decision. The show won't even extract a smile from you, and quickly is tiring. You can only see so many people fall on their faces before it just seems the same. The hosts are laughing but none of the fails are funny, perhaps one or two may be entertaining but beyond that it's just boring.

    Within five minutes, I was sick and tired of the show. Not only is it repetitive and dull, but the enjoyment of the hosts seems rather unnatural as while most users won't even chuckle at these fails, they are laughing like crazy.

    All in all, this show is not worth watching and will bore you not five minutes in. Don't waste your time.
  • This show was a horrible idea to begin with, see Nick? Think before you do.
  • deminsky8 May 2020
    This show is just like Americas Funniest Home Videos which is a show that I enjoy. The problem about this show is the hosts talk too much and there's not enough videos. I also find the videos on afv to be a bit more funny and not as violent.