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  • This is an Australian show about a girl who's 29 years old and seems to be a mess. I don't want to give any spoilers. All I am going to say is that the drama works in most of the cases, but there are also some cringe-worthy moments.

    There is a bit of a comedy and there is a lot of heart, the emotions of the characters, their opinions and their desires are shaped across this show. There is no evil character, but only complex characters with both evil and good sides, both professional and naive, both lovely and cruel in their own ways which makes for a lovable show. Furthermore, all the characters go through some intense moments that help them evolve and look at situations in various ways. You could additionally see some very well known formulas such as last moment interventions or last minute saving from awkward situations, but I think they fit kinda good inside this show.

    So if you are interested in drama-based show with spice of a comedy, but which highly focuses on emotions and emotional conflict, this show is for you! The Australian accent is a plus!
  • Headturner117 November 2021
    So far. I bought Peacock premium streaming because it was the only place I could find this. I loved Jessica marias in Love child. This is ok. Kind of sinilar to say Offspring( which is muuuch better and maybe the series Younger. I think I watched about 6 episodes so I know it's not going to get better just different things will happen with the character etc. I'll continue with it as I started this and 5 bedrooms( with Billie from Offspring) which I'd say are about equally as good. But it's an ok quirky Australian soapy, drama like show.
  • meganwoodfield15 August 2019
    Although the writing and acting can be a little stilted at times, I really enjoyed the series.
  • Warning: Spoilers

    This show had all the elements it needed to be a brilliant show: awesome cast, great storyline, brilliant premise.

    However, the ending was VERY meh.

    After all that umming and aaahing about who Lily would end up with, we don't even get closure about whether she ends up with Pete or not. The anti-climax was unbearable. That's completely ignoring the fact that we were all rooting for Jack and for a delicious moment when they kiss in episode 9, we assume they might just get back together (which would've been an explosive ending!!).

    Anyway, I loved the show but the ending really left a bad taste in my mouth. Why she'd leave Jack, who she clearly loved and who adored her back, for someone she doesn't even end up properly being with is honestly beyond me.

    Season 3 please? With a Jack-Lily reunion?
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I suspect the reason this show only lasted 2 seasons is that there was simply way too much going on. If they had toned down the soap opera aspects of their plot, it might have had more legs. The comedy aspects are of the gentle humour type, not the LOL type.

    On the whole, I don't regret having watched it, but it is unlikely that I'd ever feel the urge to re-watch it. It is a cancelled series, but the 2nd season wraps enough that you won't feel cheated by not having a third.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I only lasted about 10 minutes into the first episode, the amount of politically correct propaganda was just too much to deal with. Usual poor quality Australian acting and writing as well.

    If it wasn't for the law stating a certain amount of Australian content on Aussie TV shows like this wouldn't last more than 3 episodes in a proper competitive market.