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  • Last year, Leonard Nimoy's son, Adam, made a documentary called "For the Love of Spock"…and it was one of the best documentaries of the year and is available to watch streaming on Netflix. This year, at the annual Star Trek mega-convention in Las Vegas, Leonard's daughter and her husband (David Knight and Julie Nimoy) debuted another film about the man and his legacy. However, "Remembering Leonard: His Life, Legacy and Battle with COPD" is not just a rehash of Adam's documentary. Instead, it focuses strictly on the positive and is sort of like a love letter to her recently deceased father. Adam's documentary is more a 'warts and all' treatment of the man…so the tone is quite different. Both films are worth seeing… particularly if you consider yourself a Trekker, Trekkie or even just the casual fan.

    The film begins with the death of Leonard Nimoy in 2015. Then, it backs up and gives an overview of his life and career. But, it does not explore it in the same depth as Adam's film…mostly because it's almost like a family project. Just about everyone seems to be in it, talking about their love for the man…from his wife to his kids, grandkids and even great grandchild. It's almost as if you've been invited in by the family to talk about the man they loved and what they loved about him. In some ways, it practically elevates him to sainthood in the way it talks about Leonard and it is not really intended to be a film about the totality of the man…mostly about him in his later years when he came to terms with being the patriarch of the family and his struggle with COPD, brought on by decades of heavy cigarette smoking. At times, you also see and hear Leonard himself talking about his struggle…and it's quite touching. Hardly a dry eye was there in the auditorium.

    So is this film for you? Well, if you have little interest in Leonard Nimoy, probably not. In fact, I would say for most folks "For the Love of Spock" is the better film and the one to see. However, if you loved the man and watched him on television like about 90% of us, both films are most welcomed and enjoyable.
  • kingofthejs31 December 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    My grandfather died of COPD and there were many touching scenes about him amd his family. BUT, there was maybe 10-15% of this dedicated to his life. I don't see how anyone could think a 57 minute film could cover the life of Leonard Nimoy. A 57 minute film couldn't cover mine, and I'm a little over half the age he was
  • kh-174383 October 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    I have a problem with the second half of this documentary.

    There are very few pictures of Mr. Nimoy's first wife and the mother of his children.

    So we find out mid documentary he got a divorce and dumped his wife, but oh how wonderful, sarcastically I write that, he then met his "intellectual equal" to live happily ever with, and be married to, yet again. And that the newer wife saved Mr. Nimoy's life with her love and his family was so important to him.

    The kids, I would estimate, got the message that to be in their dad's life they had to go along with it all and the narrative as his daughter said she was "not surprised" at her parents divorcing.

    I have had 11 step siblings and 3 stepparents. I can predict what people will say and make themselves believe in these situations, and I'm jaded now.

    This narrative about the end of long term marriages always annoys me and it's not that anyone will care what I think or write about this situation.

    I was just caught off guard this evening watching PBS, and didn't realize Mr. Nimoy had followed in thousands of other men's footsteps. I am just disappointed, that is all.