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  • I discovered this channel thanks to Oliver's custom Superman III trailer which made it look far better than it is (I say this as a fan).

    Oliver's content has excellent production value, on par with traditional television (and exceeding TV when it comes to the content). The Retrospectives are in-depth, researched well and very fair. The rare times he makes an observation I disagree with he generally includes a qualifier that is hard to argue with.

    A big part of the appeal is Oliver's delivery. As a fan of the material he covers he brings a lot of enthusiasm and it really makes you want to sit down and watch the film again.

    Pick one of your favorite films and watch his Retrospective of it, you won't be disappointed!
  • I've been watching Oliver Harper's Retrospective/Review videos for sometime. I think it's a shame he has not been discovered by the BBC, ITV and Channel 4 and not offered his own segment on a TV program which he does reviews of movies, video games and TV show or his own TV program. I describe Oliver Harper as the new Barry Norman. Oliver Harper is a natural reviewer and critic and his reviews and presentations are spot on and his editing is outstanding, especially when editing together scenes for the film as the trailer before he gives reviews on the films and he points the flaws of the film and what they could had done better and is not afraid to give his honest opinions of the films. I hope in years to come, Oliver will do not just reviews of films from the 1980s and 1990s, but films from today and more reviews on TV shows. I like to see him do reviews on films such as Mannaja (1977), Strings (2004), Nemesis (1992), 9 (2009), The Disappearance of Alice Creed (2009) etc. If you love movies, I recommend you watch Oliver Harper.
  • Oliver Harper is proof that hard work and passion pays off. I've been a subscriber and viewer for nearly ten year's. Well made passion project that deserves recognition and notoriety. Well done. I have contributed thousands of views to this project. Aliens, The thing, predator, highlander, crow, lethal weapon, batman begins. All are awesome movies made better with this docu-series. Over a hundred episodes reviewed but more importantly retrospectived. It makes an excellent choice for entertainment. So much knowledge and details are included I love it. Keep it up and good luck in the future.10 out of 10.