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  • Warning: Spoilers
    There's a lot going on here.

    As I finish up watching it, they blow through a stop sign that doesn't exist. They're on a main road, the cross road has the stop and when they show the reverse angle, there's no sign visible.

    Anyway, this movie is a mess. The location change from, what is apparently rural Georgia to LA makes absolutely no sense. For this family to go from "dirt poor" to very, very wealthy in this short amount of time is ridiculous - the kids that are born in the first scene are, what, 10 years old when they're rich. I don't even know if the father was actually in law school when the first two kids are born. Later on, they talk about an old couch that they got when he was a student and had to carry up flights of stairs, but they lived in a home when they were poor, not a 4th floor walk up.

    All that is to say, that the ultimate message is a good one. They realize that money isn't the key to happiness (something that can be argued), but it's not that they were rich, it was that they lost touch with what it's all about - family, relationships, caring for one another. They learn this lesson from an improbable firing (a partner in a law firm doesn't get canned without cause without a very large golden parachute) and a failing store.

    It has its moments - more bad than good, but there are some cute scenes and it's, in the end, a somewhat touching Christmas story.
  • When I sat down to watch "Christmas With the Anderssons" it was part of a Christmas movie marathon together the family. However, this movie turned out to be one of the least entertaining and it was quickly turned off again, because it was just absurdly inappropriate and ludicrous.

    We managed to suffer maybe 20 minutes or so through the Christmas ordeal that is "Christmas With the Anderssons" before we threw the towel into the ring out of sheer boredom and lack of entertainment value from the result of director Michael Feifer.

    The characters in the movie had the charisma and appeal of wet cardboard cut-out characters. They were essentially every bit as useless and pointless as the script and storyline turned out to be. And they were characters that you just didn't connect with on any level.

    As for the jokes and situations in the movie, well they were every bit as rigid and mundane as the characters turned out to be.

    Regarding the acting in "Christmas With the Anderssons", well I can't claim to remember a single of the people in the movie. And I believe it was not the acting talents themselves, but the fact that they had absolutely nothing to work with in terms of script, storyline and characters.

    This is definitely not the stuff that Christmas classics are made of, and I have no intention to returning to this movie to finish it at any point in time. This movie just wasn't worth it in any possible way.
  • frukuk29 December 2016
    Warning: Spoilers
    This film is so unrealistic, it's impossible to "suspend disbelief".

    Michael appears to come from humble beginnings, yet his father runs a law firm.

    Michael is a partner at a law firm (and owns 49% of it), yet his father (who owns the other 51%?) simply fires him and leaves him without any income. (I'm not sure how partnerships in law firms work in the US, but I assume Michael would get some "dividend income" as he still owned 49% of the firm.)

    For a film like this to work, there really needs to be a sense of "we've just lost our income and we're over indebted, what on earth are we going to do?" Yet any problem that is thrown up (e.g. being sued for emotional distress caused by a product bought from Caroline's "Bubbles" store) is easily resolved.

    And Michael's character seems to be all over the place: from humble through jerk to compassionate.

    The only redeeming feature is Christy Carlson Romano's performance as Caroline.
  • misserinnicole27 May 2020
    I love cheesy Christmas music movies but this isn't the good kind of bad. From huge plot holes, poor production, bad acting, to accents that made my skin crawl... this was a fail.
  • bjp24924919 December 2020
    This movie is weird and confusing. Poor family has kids, get rich and become snobs, become poor again. It's just dumb, don't bother
  • Please! dont waste your time. this is what you get for giving socks, underwear and toothbrushes to children of low income people. ???
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I've watched a lot of bad movies before, but this has to be the worst. We sat down to watch this movie and we had to turn it off after 30 mins. From bad acting, to terrible writing. The plot makes no sense. The characters keep changing from the perfect family to utterly horrible people with no rhyme or reason. The premise of the movie really makes no sense. The dad who is supposed to be salt of the earth lawyer fires he son on Christmas and despite having 49% of the law firm is broke? Then even though he is this successful hot shot lawyer without scruples for rich corporations he is unable to find a job? The premise is as ridiculous as the dad's Caesar haircut.
  • wge195418 December 2016
    Warning: Spoilers
    This show provides an upbeat but realistic portrayal of a family undergoing financial hardship during the holidays. But unlike others, it does not become sappy or sink in a quagmire of despair before the expected upturn occurs.

    Beware that Grinches and Scrooges who hate Christmas may denigrate it. OK, it is not "The Third Man" or "Picnic" but it should keep you entertained.

    Two other more serious, but not depressing, movies that might interest adult viewers are "Midnight Clear", with Stephen Baldwin, and "Silent Night" with Linda Hamilton.

    For humor there is, of course, "A Christmas Story" and "Christmas Vacation". Like there is a single person on Earth who has not seen these two classics.
  • keyradscott27 November 2019
    I gave it 2 stars and not 1 was because the production was good and it's not their fault that the writing, story and acting was terrible. Only watch this if you're in the mood to laugh at the ridiculousness of a bad Christmas movie.
  • If you like a movie where the actors look like they're reading lines with huge bulging excited eyes, contrived situations (like twins that always appear together and smiling), soppy rubbish thrown in such as home made decorations (including one where a baby supposedly ate uncooked dried macaroni off it without choking), and like to hear the phrase "I love you" said constantly by an annoying family (said phrase even appearing on an inflatable Christmas decoration), then this is the rubbish for you.
  • brodierobert5 December 2022
    This movie advertises itself as a family friendly comedy with a Christmas vibe for the holidays. For a majority of the movie it seems that none of those words actually apply. Humor is not found easily in this film. I mean it when I say I didn't laugh during one scene. It also comes with some very cheesy and cliche lines. I found myself yellling at the screen on more than one occasion. None of the characters stand out and to be quite honest none are very likeable either. It's almost as if the studio that made this movie gathered all the world's cornballs in one place. Seriously an hour and a half I'll never get back of my life. Don't make the same mistake I did. Watch something else. I wish you could give zero stars.
  • krysamor24 November 2019
    An E for effort. Felt like a low budget film to me. I just could not get into it. However, the message is a good one. Just a poor delivery.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Some once-humble snobs lose their privileged lifestyles for 1 month since daddy fired his son from the law firm, and the stay-at-home mom's boutique that resembles a dollar store of soaps has zero customers near Rodeo Drive. They think they've hit rock bottom, but the storyline doesn't hit hard enough to make you care about the miniscule character development they go through. Watched the whole thing hoping for some real humbling character development, but no Christmas miracle occurred.
  • TheMunkeyBoy17 December 2021
    Poorly edited and put together. Boring story that just plods along like a grandma doing 30 under the speed limit on the freeway.

    The characters are so cliche and one dimensional delivered with some pretty average acting.

    I would say avoid this movie - It's not even worth laughing at how bad it is.
  • megach-2688211 December 2023
    My husband and I saw this advertised as a comedy on Hulu and nothing about it was funny, it was so boring. It was cheesy and the acting was terrible. The movie started fine and then the story got completely lost. None of it was realistic, and frankly I was just upset that it wasn't funny as we wanted a comedy. The characters are lame and not relatable at all. The family complains they're going to be broke for Christmas but they literally have a storefront on Rodeo Drive that they could sell. The whole movie seems like it's the story of a privileged family's tax write off. Would not recommend at all.
  • A beautiful Christmas movie - everyone seems happy working together, a fun script & characters, and a great message. Legally, it doesn't make sense - but still I loved it!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie was boring and not much character development. I knew from the start it was going to be bad. The opening scene is a man driving his wife that is in labor down a very remote dirt road that is little more than two tire ruts. But for some unknow reason a cop is sitting just off this remote road with no cars just waiting for speeders. Totally implausible. The family faces a series of problems and each problem is magically solved with little effort or story development. The cast show almost no emotion as they delve into these problems. The viewer is left with no buy in or reason to care weather this family makes it through their issues or not. One example is a woman that moves in with the family and helps solve some of their problems. Apparently this person was so horrible that when she lived with the family before they moved without telling the woman and leaving no forwarding address. But this time around the woman is wonderful and shows no hint of being a toxic person. So this part of the storyline makes no sense.
  • bellzboyz25 December 2020
    I was very pleased and also excited to see that my hometown was on the opening scenes in the film! Phillipsburg is a small town in New Jersey and I was shocked to see our downtown area on my TV. I'm still trying to research which film director added it to their movie!! Overall great movie