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  • Wizards of the Lost Kingdom was a truly horrible and shameless attempt to capture the popularity of Star Wars AND fantasy movie audiences of the 1980s.

    Bo Svenson (who plays sword-wielding superhero Kor) will probably be the first to admit that his performance here was truly awful! But he's not alone. Everyone who took part in this stinker deserves a bloody good ribbing! This is another one of those "so bad it's good" films.

    Sometimes these terrible films can be watched as pure entertainment on their own and riffing on them doesn't always work... but the friendly crew of the Satellite Of Love brings its 'A game' to this outing. This showpiece is destined to be one of their classics.

    'Wizards' is the tenth movie adoption for the MST3K 2017 reboot and in my mind, it's the best one so far. (I'm watching them in sequence.) Lots of gags and references and they almost all hit the mark. The onslaught of great comedy is relentless as Jonah and the bots really find their groove.

    Best gag: "Ah... the night they invented Tinder!"