User Reviews (2)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    I found this movie a disappointment. Billed as a twisty thriller, the Slovak 'Godfather', it failed to deliver. The only twist was a tacked-on happy ending that neither fit with the rest of the movie nor was at all credible. Basically it is the story of a work and family life of a tough criminal, the head of a smuggling ring at the Ukraine / Slovak border.

    Other than the ending that didn't fit, the story was very predictable and linear. Our hero is up against a bigger crime lord who has more money, more thugs, more forethought and is far, far more ruthless and vicious than our hero. And our hero was no scheming Michael Corleone. He wasn't even a Sonny.

    Another odd choice was to throw in a two short nods to surrealist whimsy. They didn't fit here, and felt like refugees from another movie.