User Reviews (5)

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  • fcrtscnd4 March 2017
    Warning: Spoilers
    I was just reading a review saying the episode was "strange for strangeness' sake"; it so misses the point of the whole show. How can it not be strange to be in a mind that has what is real what is not. It is the strangeness of the show that makes it unique and different from other Marvel comics adaptations, and I love the P.O.V. that they are using to tell this certainly strange story. This is a show that has an incredible potential and one can only hope that they keep doing what they are doing. The strange mix of 60s look in a world that is only a bit off, in a past future of sorts. Yes, I do like the very strangeness of it!
  • "our fear for things we don't understand, violence in other words is ignorance" I can say for sure, I got frightened in this episode. David is frightened because he don't understand his power, others got fear because they don't understand David, some audience is frightened because they don't understand the episode. Truly, this kind of jumping views of frames and all the sci-fi things, are not and can not be understood by some. But it is too soon to say Legion is bad.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    (Shortened summary in the bottom of the review)

    (Legion: Chapter 4) was quite a ride or an outer world funhouse, something utterly crazy, but in a good way, such an entertaining episode that always had something fun or serious to offer and they never focused too much on the same few things, instead the gave you this great spectrum of things from different points in time about what of David Haller´s memories that is real and what that is not.

    Really entertaining episode that you need to watch if you have made it through the great first 3 episodes!!


    Shortened Summary: David Haller´s friends are trying to learn more about his memories in this all over the place and crazy episode which had a really fast tempo, all which was done great.
  • The first episodes of this series were kind of interesting. It was a different take on the superhero - a deeply troubled man trying to find himself in a torrent of chaotic events.

    We are now on Episode 4 and already the story begins to show serious cracks. Tired old tropes badly executed, like when someone asks a question it never gets answered, just ignored - over and over, and the Question is not even an interesting one to begin with. This is supposed to keep the mystery but in this case it gets old really fast. The way people talk and interact, even the supposedly sane ones..... that is not how people talk or act. Anyone remember the phrase "Save the cheerleader, save the world"? This is less interesting and thought provoking than "Heroes" were.

    There is no logic to this episode. Just look at what happens at the end of the episode and you'll know of what I'm talking about.

    This week we got a David Lynchian vibe but without the intelligence.

    I'll sit the rest of the series out. There are so much better ways to spend 50 minutes than to waste it on Legion.
  • larosat6 March 2017
    Shows done. It's completely unwatchable. It has lost 60% of its live viewers and easy to see why. A kaleidoscope of inept madness and incomprehensibility. Even David Lynch would be scratching his head with this schlock. Just because it's different doesn't make it better and some people cannot figure this out. In no way is this show enjoyable to watch!!!