User Reviews (12)

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  • This film is based on the 2008-09 carbon-quota scandal that occurred in France, but it's not a white-collar crime film like Wolf of Wall Street or anything of that sort that takes place mostly in offices, banks, courtrooms, etc.

    It's more of a street crime film, where the world of street gangs intersects with financial crimes and fraud, along with legitimate businesses, dirty cops and clean ones.

    It's an interesting film, but it tackles a subject too big and flies by too fast, making you doubt that some events took place during a week or a month. The sense of time is lost in editing. There's enough material here to make a mini-series (like Les Beaux Mecs, 2011... there are actually a lot of similarities with Les Beaux Mecs) but TV shows are not for everyone.

    The production values are high, casting, etc. The only flaw I have with this movie is the editing. There was a scene at the start of the film that should not have been there. The passage of time was also not well shown.

    Other than that, I'd give it a 6.5 rounded up to a 7/10.
  • Carbone is far the best Marchal's movie since "36 Quai des Orfèvres". The plot is simple but quite efficient. Bargain, betrayal, sex and blood. And a good Gerard Depardieu, as is the rest of the casting. I wish I had more twists and a deeper intrigue. 7/10 is a just rating i think
  • RosanaBotafogo25 August 2022
    The first half is very boring, with the long and slow introduction at the beginning, the fraud, however the second half develops with a little more action, comes out of inertia with scenes of violence, aggression and extortion... A good plot Franco-Belgian, interesting and realistic outcome... And with true nuances about the use of Carbon by the two countries and their losses...
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Olivier Marchal tried this time to tell a crime story without robbers, serial killers or drug traffic. The tale of a petty executive whose family company suddenly collapses, a man who pulls a gigantic swindle to survive and then has to deal with the underworld. The mob. And not only...You find here the usual Marchal's elements, influenced by the Claude Sautet's stuff, but you can also see other things which Marchal is not used to. For instance, some of the main characters are not hoodlums. Benoit Magimel is terrific here, as Gérard Depardieu, his co star on the MARSEILLE series. This film is also a tribute to Brian De Palma's SCARFACE and CARLITO'S WAY. The rise and fall, the common scheme that is very showed. Concerning the CARLITO link, well, I advise you to miss the first minutes of the film, because they are the last too. Those who have seen CARLITO will understand what I mean. Good stuff, Olivier Marchal's stuff.
  • lallo-21 January 2021
    The story depicted in the movie is true and son of the most idiot Kyoto protocol in regards of climate. Paris agreement - totally useless and not even applied - hasn't fixed the issue at all.

    The movie has some exaggeration but is well done. Suggested.
  • I enjoyed this movie due to it's "true" nature and the casting. I found it funny that the main character and his father in law have the same set up in the Netflix's Mairselle series. I agree with one of the reviewer the way this movie depicted time was a bit off and confused me a lot. Overall another great French film to enjoy.
  • Crime does not always pay, but when it pays, it pays quite nicely. The thing is, if you watch the movie the beginning is kind of a spoiler, because it's also the end as you can imagine. Does it still work? I would argue that it does, because you get to see how the movie and the characters got to that point. And of course you'll see a bit more than that.

    But that part I'll leave open, for you to discover, if you actually want to watch the movie. Criminal life and private life is hard to seperate. But the movie does give you both sides of our main character. The struggle, the craziness and the people around you that may drag you down. It's not always about who's fault something is, it's about "stuff coming around" (as Menace 2 Society put - although with a different word other than "stuff") ...
  • 1aranzant17 August 2018
    What a movie! Really enjoyed it. good depiction of the Parisian nightlife and all the trouble that comes with it
  • Set in the Parisian bourgeoisie business community movie shows people crazy to make money and schemes they use, and how in the end greed brings them down.

    Filmed in Olivier Marchal's very own style, very dark, very cold, very real.

    Very exciting movie from beginning to end.

    Totally recommended
  • Hi Folks, I hope you follow me when I say Un-Movie: it is all that Holliwood does not know how to do at this moment in time (And they know a lot, I love their movies, but sometime, they don't push enough, because of the kids they have to show their movies to - money of course) I mean great scenario, great actors, but also no nice feelings, a little like Goodfellas, (but without the movie filter) meaning if reality punches, it does; there is no savior, no crying guy or woman, or child saving the « hero »; it feels real; like you lost your wife, your kid, or your mother...Does that bother you ? Get over it; it is called life, and will never stop; this is just a reminder, not whatever else you are thinking about; this movie will trigger you in a good sense, build you, inspire you (well I hope: I am thinking in terms of well being of the others, not robbing the VAT of europe btw) If you need a hero, don't watch it, if you need a guilty guy, don't watch it, if you need some kind of moral, watch your favorite BS John Wayne movie; if you require the real thing or at least (I am not naive here, I know there is worse) something that comes close, watch it. Olivier Marshall has directed a few movies that come down to one thing at the end: reality in its crust; you like it, or keep playing candy crush, which I am guessing, most of you do!
  • Richie-67-48585215 November 2020
    You will be exhaling a lot at times when watching this tense thriller at work and I recommend a snack unless you start nail-biting too. Nicely presented flick about you or me, ordinary people put into a tight spot and choosing a way out of a losing situation with a high risk venture choice. I even know a guy who did what happens in this movie and it mirrors real life. We can all relate and even cheer this guy on too because its us or someone you know. What happens when you discover a way to make money fast, loose and worth the involvement? The main character discovers something that nets him hundreds of millions of dollars which is the high point of the movie but then the low point enters in i.e. can he keep it all? We root from the sidelines and let our dark sides cheer this guy on until the movie reveals the price to be paid for this "shortcut" to wealth, power and fame which is always an interesting subject. Also, we get to see the normal meaningless gains such as sex, fine wines/dining, drugs, cars, and all the rest and how once you have them the "wrong way" become no only not important, but boring, unsatisfactorily and toxic as the movie details quite well. Think it can't happen to you? That is the first sign that it will! The Universal law of "whatever you get into gets into you" is no myth and the price paid is not merciful either. The acting is real to life as are the circumstances and risks making us get pulled in quite nicely. Notice too how the innocent people around everyone suffer as in collateral damage and also displayed is the "no easy way out" scenario. Who wouldn't want to be well-off but how you go about it has to be respected. Fasten the ole seatbelt and discover what the French do quite well which is caper-criminal movies and all that go with them. Oh one last thing. Watch this in a dark room on a large screen if you can as it has a lot of night scenes that make it hard to track in lighted conditions but pay nicely in a dark theater type environment.
  • mariani-8409719 November 2021
    This is a great thriller with a good plot , a little rushed at the end which is a shame , also the pace could be better nevertheless its really in the atmosphere of the genre and the acting is perfect it's so much better than many Hollywood movies ; marshal is a real pro and knows his stuff.