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  • pdel-324882 February 2017
    I am an enormous fan of Bill Burr. I have seen him twice live and I listen to everyone of his podcasts and some of them are better than this special. By far his worst special to date. Half way through I lost interest. I hope he rebounds with better/new material. Some of it seems to be getting old. The audience didn't really seem into it either. Maybe Nashville wasn't a very good choice to film a special that so many have been waiting for. I am surprised they filmed this, watched it, and thought it would be worth a special. Don't get me wrong, it has a few LOL moments but nothing like his previous specials. Not even close.
  • I love Bill Burr. His last special, I'm Sorry You Feel That Way, is one of the best I've ever seen. His podcasts are hilarious as are his appearances on podcasts and late night shows, especially Conan. I hate to say this, but this is not as good as the previous one or even as some of his podcasts or appearances. Some bits I've already heard on Conan and elsewhere he appeared, others felt overly long and acted out too much. I'm afraid being married and expecting / having a kid might have reduced his "psychosis" as he admits to trying to being less angry and stuff. It's really difficult to come up with 10 lines of review, so I recommend listening to his podcast for those who haven't until now.
  • nevespablo4 February 2017
    Like any other long time fan of Bill Burr, I was really excited for this new special. Can't say I enjoyed the result, though.

    This special has the same dynamics of his podcast. Bill rants about specific subjects, exposing his raw (and hilarious) opinions about politics, the population problem and other subjects that his long time listeners are already used to.

    The point is: in the previous specials the jokes were sharp and had zero fat. This one looks like a job still to be finished. Bill went from "funny old man mad at the world" to "crazy uncle Bill went too far in the rabbit hole". It's like he didn't have time to develop the jokes due to his personal life at this very moment.

    It's still worth taking a look, though.
  • Bill Burr is not the most politically correct comic in the world. So I wonder, why in the hell was this special filmed in Nashville? He's performing jokes about fat people, Kanye West, and Hitler in front of a rural crowd. It's not even about the stereotype - it's about culture. Certain jokes work for certain demographics. Some jokes simply don't connect to particular crowds, and this special is a shining example of having excellent material wasted on a fickle audience.

    The content itself is typical Bill Burr. Insane rants about how to solve overpopulation, famous dictators and their kill counts, psychotic stream-of-consciousness ravings on the 2016 presidential election; it's great stuff. It's also relatable to whatever slivers of psychopathy you have floating around in the back of your brain. He put thought into these rants, and they're somewhat rational, in a really demented way. But that's what Bill Burr is all about. Pushing the line of where comedy and reality intersect; challenging people to forget about the politically correct mentality for a minute and to think about what's logical. How do you get rid of overpopulation? Kill a lot of people. Simple. Extreme? Sure, but it's funny and it's true.

    Some of his jokes don't land well with the audience. What's great about Bill Burr is how he calls them out on it. He has a good read of the room and can tell when jokes are heading south and when the audience is starting to turn on him, and he immediately picks up on that and fires back. It's a joy to watch. If he had a more receptive audience, I think the overall tone of the special would have been far more upbeat and engaging.

    As it is, though, "Walk Your Way Out" is another quality standup special by Burr and is bound to appeal to fans of his cynical brand of humor.
  • He should have chosen a different location for this special. These people are too sensitive. Did they know anything about Bill or were they just randomly selected from the street? I am not saying that this was his best stand-up performance but the audience wasn't the best either.
  • Burr's take on the world are hilarious! It has a slow start (probably because I never thought of BB as someone I'd enjoy watching). But I was wrong! I found him to be every bit it funny as Chappelle or Rock. BTW, this was funnier than C Rock's latest Netflix showing. I'm going to have to go back and check out his other stuff.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This stand up special was not all outrageously funny but it had some absolutely great moments. The parts about McDonalds and Hitler were absolutely hilarious.
  • Factual antifeminist legend. Also has a dark mind which equals to dark jokes which i like. Truly a legend that doesn't care. Those types of comedians are extremely extremely rare. In fact I think there is only him and dave chapel.

    Whenever they started until now! I respect that.

    Not like the majority of comedians who started strong and now they say whatever ppl want them to say. Like puppets.
  • Bill Burr once again proves that he is among the most creative, original, and hilarious comics working today. In this special, he mocks everything from politics to race to fast food. His rants are often hilarious, self aware, and undeniably creative-and at times a little concerning. Part of the fun of watching Burr's stand up is his love of politically incorrect dark comedy. Burr has no limits, he is not afraid to do an entire bit about how he would eliminate people if he was a dictator, and he still comes across as a likable guy! In today's political climate, a no nonsense, anti PC, but also somewhat anti right wing comedian is a real saint. You can tell that Burr doesn't give a damn, he says what he wants to say and makes it hilarious, unique, and entertaining for all of those who can handle it.

    There's one 20 minute segment in which he just talks about a video on a gorilla that learns sign language and his reaction to it, which leads to a Planet of the Apes like dystopia. This show is a masterwork of creativity and dark humor, and I cannot wait to see every single one of Burr's stand up specials in the future.
  • A Bill Burr stand-up comedy special filmed in Nashville in 2016.

    Another great Bill Burr stand-up routine. Even more daring than his average routine in that he takes on politics too - the 2016 US election campaign was in full swing at the time - and thus risks alienating his audience. He did balance it out at least by having a go at both sides.

    Some interesting, relatable topics and a take on communicating with gorillas. His use of self-produced sound effects is superb too.

    Not the best of Bill Burr though. Some jokes fall flat and some of the stories go on for too long. The audience is also a bit flat and thus doesn't help the atmosphere.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Comedian Bill Burr takes the stage in Nashville and riffs on such topics as overpopulation, fast food, dictators and gorilla sign language.

    What makes Bill Burr great is that he's just talking day to day stuff, saying some things we all think and it's funny, plus some looney concepts. The more he goes with a story the weaker it is, because he's more funny in the moment, like he's able to react to the crowd and so forth. He does some decent voices and self made sound effects too. I will say it's not tight from start to finish here, going off on tangents. The McDonalds bit's good, without the drink driving, the last portion of the standup's not great. Good stuff though.
  • I read a lot of reviews stating this was his worst special yet but in my eyes it was still greatly entertaining. Doing a show in Nashville with that kind of material is a bit risqué. Thrashing Trump, fat people, and racism, all that in Nashville it's just looking for a confrontation to happen. Let's face it, there are a lot of fat Trump loving racists in that part of the USA, denying this would be ridiculous. You can feel the audience is not completely on board with his stories, which made it even funnier for me. Respect to Bill Burr for standing by his principles, if you don't like it move along. His humor is most of the time spot on, he's a great entertainer that uses every trick in the house to bring his show the best possible. I agree it wasn't his best show but it's for sure entertaining enough to keep me interested.
  • The crowd is PC zombies obviously but bill burr still keeping it real with his reality based comedy always having plenty of fun watching him
  • jameskidac27 December 2017
    Warning: Spoilers
    Bill Burr at his best. He is evolving to cover topics in a way that doesn't land him on the front page of the NYT or Washington Post, he always has a few experimental topics (the monkey and cruise ships) and some audience are more receptive than others with those edgy ones. Other than that he was so on point it makes it worth it. Thanks for the having the balls to try new material and stuff, its literally mind blowing how you stay at a high level for such a long time. Long may it continue Mister Burr!
  • elacinom17 May 2019
    I have never known anyone funnier. I can't wait to see what's next. His rant is classic. He says things that everyone is probably and should be thinking. I haven't found any other comedian that is this honest.
  • I don't know if Bill had an axe to grind with Nashville but this is clandestine hostility at its finest. This crowd was not ready for the content and that was Burr's plan and made it so great. Uncomfortable Southerners. I believe he purposely is trying to berate the average Hellbilly type of the South but there are just enough people clued in that to me it's hysterically obtuse comedy. The bit about being able to pick out psychos is me and my neighbors. My wife would react the same way and then acquiesce after time proved me to be correct. One neighbor was boning his mom and the other one was a woman hating nut job that accused his wife of being gay because she pecked her best friend on the cheek. And his plot to reduce the population? I'll help Bill.
  • I became a fan when a friend made me watch Let It Go. I couldn't stop laughing and loved it so much I watched it again a day later. Amazingly funny.

    I listened to his Monday Morning Podcast a few times but didn't laugh as much so I never really got into it.

    Last night on Netflix I saw this show, Walk Your Way Out.

    Finally, a comedian who does not go after the blatantly funny but after our social ills.

    Bill makes no bones about being a misanthrope. He also hates stupidity and he hates people who don't take responsibility for their own actions.

    It seems to me that Bill is heading toward being our contemporary Lenny Bruce or George Carlin. He's a reverse Kenny G who started as a sophisticated jazz sax player by the name of Ken Gorelick and moved into smooth jazz as it was simple and appealed to the masses, to the point where he got rich from dumbing down his playing. Serious jazz musicians don't consider him a serious jazz musician but average people love him. Bill started out as a very accessible comedian and with this special, shows that he's more interested in becoming a sophisticated comedian with no regard for commercial success, having achieved it already. Why do people dislike mainstream jazz, Frank Zappa, Lenny Bruce and George Carlin? Because they don't pander to the masses but try to make statements through art.

    If your looking for great jokes that get big laughs, it looks like you'll need to look elsewhere. If you're looking for comedy that makes you think both while watching and long after, Bill is moving toward being a giant in his craft.
  • keithcsuhr3 February 2017
    Like the reviewers before me, I'm a weekly listener of the MMP and a huge fan of his specials. I've probably listened to each of them twenty times. I've been waiting over two years for this one to finally arrive. But, this special did not get off the ground for me. Some of the bits seemed rehashed, some of the phrasings recycled and it seemed like at one or two points, he lost his way in the material and had to circle back around. There weren't the memorable bits that hit you like a comedy asteroid that each of his earlier specials delivered. I don't think the crowd felt the pull his stand up usually DEMANDS! This didn't have the weight or the force of his previous work. It was a disappointment.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I'm relatively new to Bill Burr's stand-up material, having only just having discovered him around a year or so ago. While I haven't seen all his specials or heard all his albums, I've seen enough to appreciate his voice and, more often than not, I find him to be a pretty funny guy. Bill Burr: Walk Your Way Out, his new Netflix special, has some of the better material of his I've heard, but also some dead spots as well. Burr's routine here on McDonald's is one of the best comedy bits I've heard in a while. McDonald's is an easy target for comedians, though it absolutely to Burr's credit that he's able to make jokes about McDonald's feel not only fresh but also hilarious. My sides hurt from laughing at the routine, and I rewound the special just to watch those few minutes again. Unfortunately, the best jokes are in the first 20 minutes of the special. While there are certainly other good, smart bits throughout the rest of the running time, a lot Burr's rants go on for far too long and become somewhat repetitive. Even so, there's enough funny material here to recommend 'Walk Your Way Out'. 6/10
  • Warning: Spoilers
    ...this might not be his best work; perhaps the audience had been infected by the overly PC (fascism disguised as politeness) bull-slit that seems to have destroyed the USA and freedom of speech...but he still delivered the usual brand of old skool truth. I admit that the gorilla sketch was a bit dull, no argument, however, the rant about how Doosh-Toob video ended was spot on: People are turning into emotional masochists.

    I would not recommend skipping this one, but if you're new to the Bill Burr scene, I'd watch this first and be wowwed by the later shows rather than in the opposite order.
  • zoki555522 February 2017
    Compared to his other specials this one is not on same level, got some very funny moments but overall its missing something.

    I got feeling like I was watching MMPC, Im not saying that like it is a bad thing, it just didn't feel like a special. Its more like video from youtube.
  • I love Bill Burr, but he's running on empty in this special. It's not offensive (the more offensive the comedy the better), it's just rather dull compared to his older specials which I have listened to countless times. This special reminds me of his dreadful podcast, where he drones on and on with little point and seemingly with even less preparation. It's like he's trying out new material for the first time and decided to tape it while doing so.
  • It's not a comedy, not even a decent rant. I love Bill Burr, but this just isn't good. Some of his podcasts are funnier than this special. There are very few topics, which last too long. It's slow paced, and feels like it's never going to end. He recycles overpopulation material once again, and for the first time, it's exhausting rather than funny. The only part that I found funny was the blogger digression.That could have been a 10 minute piece about political correctness, done his way. But no, he rather spends time talking about gorillas and Stalin.
  • This will be remembered as the moment burr stopped being funny and just went fr shock value, and going against the grain for 'being different's sake.
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