User Reviews (22)

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  • You can't blame a movie's quality if there is a lack of budget. In a perfect representation of "you get what you pay for", a low budget movie will appear so.

    First, the good. When you get capable actors Heather Morris, veterans Judd Nelson and John Rhys-Davies, and talented newcomer Damian McGinty, you would think there could do something worth watching, but they can only do so much with what they were given. Other than that, this movie feels like it had its heart in the right place, but there isn't much more to celebrate.

    So now, the bad. Again, the production quality is hard to ignore as it becomes evident in almost every scene. That said it's hard to get pulled into the story when fast motion makes the video strobe (watch Mrs. Ortega walk in front of the tapestry), when characters look yellow when they're indoors (no white balance?), or when McGinty's great voice sounds like he's singing in a bucket.

    I could even look past these production issues if the story/humour/narrative is pleasant. But strange errors, stranger decisions, and an awkward story make that an impossibility as well. I could look past the punny title of this movie. (It's in Santa Fe, get it?) I could look past 'toaster effects' to show the characters travelling cross country. I could even look past the climactic finale's "proposition" that is, well, odd. But when the FBI agent says a briefcase needs to be fingerprinted, then IMMEDIATELY hands it to his partner who is not wearing gloves, I couldn't help but yell: DID NO ONE SEE THIS?!

    So, while this was a valiant effort, this movie unfortunately falters in almost all aspects. 2 out of 10.
  • whydoiwatchthiscrap13 December 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    What time period is this supposed to be? The guy says he's an orphan, who worked on trans Atlantic liners, then jumped ship and disappeares into the big apple. Fair enough, but everything is MODERN. The cars, the dialogue, the fashion, even the prices.

    There haven't been regular transit Atlantic liners for decades, and you can't just wander off of a ship, and disappear into the city to find work these days. So, is this set in an earlier time, with insultingly low attention to detail? Or is this set in modern times, with an insultingly implausible story?

    It just doesn't make any sense, and that is saying a lot considering the already implausible crap produced in this movies genre.
  • I wonder if the movie scenes are for real... I like low budget cheap flics.. but this... no words to describe how lame it is. What have you guys smoked?? Who is the target viewer?
  • The singing is almost as bad as the acting. Don't watch it. Worst than a hallmark movie.
  • I found "Santa Fake" to be a unique and delightful family Christmas movie. The film is well-crafted and set in Santa Fe at Christmas time. Damian McGinty as the central character has a natural flair for comedy. He is sincere and believable in the dramatic scenes. Santa/Damian and the kids are really touching. Damian's fine singing adds much to the story and its setting. This movie is worth telling your friends about to enjoy with their kids. Hopefully, we will see more of Damian McGinty on screen.
  • I cant wait for the soundtrack to be released........really great family movie for Christmas. Damian McGinty--you were excellent!!!
  • Wish there was more romance. Loved all the songs, Damian has a great voice.
  • This will be a new classic. The rolls were well developed, with just the right amount of magic, romance and singing. This will appeal to a large Christmas audience.
  • daricy1 December 2020
    Absolutely love this movie. My Grandkids have watched it several times as well as I have. Damian was a awsome Santa.
  • Loved this movie, I could watch it all year long. I certainly hope there will be a sequel to it. Hopefully all the same characters will be in it along with some new ones.
  • dfc172 December 2020
    A great movie for Christmas Damian McGinty has a beautiful voice that never fails to impress. The perfect heart warming movie for the whole family.
  • I watched the movie for the first time at the beginning of November and have watched twice since then. Damian's margarita scene was hilarious, but the scene with the children was very touching. Great movie!
  • kdp-5928423 November 2021
    A totally different story line and Damian did a great job as an actor and a singer....have watched it several times and will continue to watch it every year.
  • Loved the entire movie. Damian played the part perfectly. Beautiful voice and great acting. Loved everything about the movie, great story.
  • This movie entertained 3 generations. Awesome singing and great story line. Even the littles connected to this movie.
  • This should be every family's new Christmas movie watching tradition. From Damian' acting chops and beautiful renditions of some of our Christmas favorites to the comedy, romance and heart-warming Santa moments, this movie has it all. Perfect for everyone in your family.
  • Such a cute family friendly movie. Damian McGinty does an amazing job not only acting in this film, but also his singing, will definitely put you in the Christmas spirit!! I also highly recommend the Santa Fake CD to go along with it!
  • msantesson2 December 2020
    This was a really cute movie and the singing was excellent!
  • Best Family Holiday movie I have enjoyed in years. It was great to watch with the grandchildren. Lead actor Damian McGinty was incredible not just acting but his singing was awesome. A movie that will be a new Christmas tradition in my family. Thank you for such a wonderful movie.
  • I love all the music and Damien is an amazing singer! The story line was sweet and made my heart happy! Movies like this can fill you with happiness and chase all the gloomies away! All of the performers were great! Filled with Christmas spirit and happily void of ugly words so it is safe for all ages to enjoy!!
  • vas-213551 December 2020
    The cast is so fun! This is a very cute holiday family film. Damian McGinty shines and Heather Morris shows her post glee acting chops making for a great reunion between the two. The story is very original and the antics are hilarious.
  • With a cast full of stars, a brilliant musical score and alternating funny and tender moments, this movie is an absolute must-see for people of all ages. Grab the popcorn and hot chocolate and put on the Christmas lights. This movie will instill the spirit of Christmas all year long!