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  • We all can watch a serial killer show and not really care about neither the killer nor the victims because the odds of you ever having met one is very low.

    But, most likely you've known someone suffering from cancer or some other painful disease. This is where the balance of the show might be hard to grasp for some.

    As someone who thinks PETA is really messed up for killing over like 80% of their 'survivors' (look it up), people don't think too much about it. When it happens to be a human life it's entirely different. Maybe that cat they 'put under' isn't ready to go. But if a human being that wants to end it's own suffering from non-stop pain in a sound's not allowed in all but a few select places. This makes no sense to me, but that's another story.

    Mary and her sidekick do just that, for a price. They are in some weird way 'killing people'. I'll never understand letting people suffer who really want to just die and stop it all is humane, but that is the nature of our modern world I suppose.

    Anyway, this show seems very promising right away. Within 4 minutes I was emotionally effected as this is a very profound ordeal. So far the characters have been great, and I can't wait for more. Mary is not only an Angel of Death, but a very likable person. It's a bit too early to judge since I usually go by the 3-5 episode rule before really getting a grasp on a show, but after this pilot I am excited for more.

    It might give people some heartache though. You will always want more time with your loved ones obviously, but maybe Mary could have made it easier for them and let THEM choose when they were ready to pass on to whatever lies beyond this planet.
  • As an avid supporter of assisted suicide, I believe as I am in charge of my life, I should be in charge of my own death. I wish in reality we had freedom to die without pain & surrounded with people we love. Not in agony in cold hospitals
  • I really liked the show, and was pleased that the cast was diverse, but truly believed in the right of the terminally ill to die with dignity and/or end their suffering. Much as I appreciated the varied characters, I found the detectives roles a bit "Keystone Cops" for me. I'd have to believe they'd have better information and background on their suspects, that they wouldn't be so obvious and seemingly bumbling. Question: why didn't her daughter, upon seeing her cat at her aunt's house, not question her mother?? The cat was supposed to be dead. I'm pretty sure a teenager, especially when she's already stumbled upon her mother's euthanasia drugs, would have pressed the issue. Regardless, I kept watched every episode and had to root for Mary and her cohorts. I've witnessed people suffer at the end of life, and it's terrible and cruel. If one is not mentally incompetent, I believe one should have the right to choose to NOT suffer. Suspense and a real life issue.
  • Michelle-imdb24 February 2017
    But you will enjoy a creative script, identifiable characters with really good acting. The Canadians have delivered another gem in this 6 episode series. This is really worth watching, there is a start and a finish to the entire story which will take you beyond straight drama to the edge of a thriller. The plot includes end of life situations, yet it is quite believable. This is not your usual police/detective TV show. If you accept end of life with assistance then you are more likely to agree with my praise for this show. I'll make this short and say thank you, it was an enjoyable ride, well done all concerned.
  • I really enjoyed the first episode, it has great potential original script, great premise to explore and even though it deals with assisted death it is not depressing - there is a great blend of darkness with humour. Stellar acting from all involved, especially Jay Ryan, Caroline Dhavernas and Richard Short and it left me wanting more. The characters are all multilayered and believable and it has got great pace throughout. I cant wait to see what happens next and I cant see how the characters will develop and whether their viewpoints will shift as the episodes progress. If you want to watch a show that is original, fresh with amazing acting and well written check this one out
  • Warning: Spoilers
    So far only the first episode is out, so this is based on that only. I don't know if I like this show or not. It's an interesting premise and the title character, Mary, seems to have a backstory that led her to what she's doing. What she's doing is helping terminal patients die by choice. She's an ER doctor by day, heroically saving lives. Her partner is referred to as a "former plastic surgeon", suggesting a past that didn't go so well. He also seems to have been an addict - they get the drugs they use to kill their terminal patients from his former dealer, who is suspicious as to what he's doing with the drugs. The plot gets more complicated when we discover that a patient Mary goes to visit is actually an undercover cop who is working on a sting to put her away. Oh, and her kids have discovered her stash of drugs. That's all in the first episode. There's the potential of good secondary plots that explain or elaborate on the story line. Some nice tensions. The actors are good, suit the parts. I just don't think I like them very much. There's no sense of altruism about what the doctors are doing - just money. Except...she starts to talk to the cop but then the conversation doesn't go anywhere. Maybe it'll come out a bit at a time. I'll watch again. There's definitely potential. But I'm still undecided if it's a keeper.
  • gakennedy-0028511 February 2018
    I like the show, sensitive yet intriguing. My only criticism is the eldest daughter is way too old to play the part. I tried to find her age and couldn't. I suspect she's late 20's playing a 16 year old. Please replace her in season 2.
  • Mary kills people is not only a good show but it's original and great with stellar acting and amazing thrills , well watching the show Im finding myself always trying to find out what's gonna happen next yet it's something's you wouldn't think . Very good show it's a very binge worthy show and definitely worth a watch . The besr Canadian show I have ever seen hope to many many many more seasons and episodes it never gets old
  • It's a good thing to have a controversial and topical subject on TV, and even better if it's entertaining. So Kudos to Mary Kills People which deals with assisted suicide. The ER doctor played by Caroline Dhavernas does a marvelous job transmitting the mixed feelings when a physician considers such an enterprise. For some reason Dhavernas keeps getting medical roles ("Off the Map", "Hannibal") but the truth is she far too beautiful to be a physician – who would ever stop being sick if they got to have an exam from her?

    My one criticism of the series, and it's a big one, is that every episode seems to want to have at least one botched job. That may help the entertainment value, but I don't think it accurately portrays the reality. One might be tempted to think that it's a black comedy, but the rest of the material is handled as reality.

    Bottom line - it's great to have a show about this topic, but more realistic scripts would make it even more valuable.
  • First of all it's not even trying to compete with Dexter, I saw many viewers accuse it of. This is one of the most good-written, well-executed series for family watch. Yes, we all need a dose of compassion, trust, real people connections cause all this gore and violence and senseless killing on TV should honestly be taken off the shelves, killing for shock value is the worst, piles of dead bodies shouldn't be our ordinary TV show premise. Mary Kills People is about death not killing, more of Bryan Fuller's approach to it. You are moved so much by some of the scenes so much and you want to rewatch this gem again. I just loved it as a fan of Caroline and Bryan Fuller although he has nothing to do with MKP (:
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I really wanted to enjoy this series which appeared to have much promise. Although it had a few badly conceived issues in the early episodes, it was nonetheless engaging and pretty entertaining.

    Sadly, I was soon disabused of these opinions as a consequence of the significant plot flaws and implausible situations. Whilst the overall acting performances were pretty good, this was undermined by outrageously dislikeable characters and too many unbelievable relationships, not to mention wholly incompetent cops. Mary's "holier than God" (albeit at a hefty charge!) despicable attitude, together with her ingratiating smile (smirk?), soon became a real turn-off.

    In common with most extended series the desire to continue the programme for as long as possible resulted in contrived plots that increasingly detracted from the original premise. For sure, series one may have justified a review score of 8 or so, but by the end of series three things had transgressed well beyond the bands of believability such that I couldn't see past a score of 2 or 3. Hence my overall rating of 6/10.

    I am the first to appreciate that entertainment quality sometimes needs to stretch the realms of reality but there has to be a balancing degree of plausibility. At the conclusion of this series the fact that Mary, Des and Ben had all avoided lengthy jail sentences epitomized the reality problems depicted by the programme.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    What I like the most about this show is that it is focused on characters and their personal journey that brings them to judge assisted suicide in different way. And that's a plus because it is not another medical drama or crime show, we have plenty of that and most focused on theme. Even from the first episode we can see that characters' life is not linear, their behavior is conditioned by their past, while present and emotions are something they had to deal with in the meanwhile. Well casted, all actors are able to show characters' strengths and weaknesses, with a bit of humor that mitigate very intense moments.
  • rsgraham-95-24915816 March 2018
    Filmed in Canada where doctor assisted dying is no a constitutional right.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Mary kills people started out with potential. The Pilot episode held promis as the new show about Female Kevorkian.And it looked like it had something to offer about a provocative real assisted suicide issues in real life. However, it Very Quickly changed it's tone from that, and became your usual soapy drama involving doctors, cops, and drug dealers. Such a missed opportunity. The writers could acctualy created interesting meaningful drama over the show's subject but chose to go to shonda rhimes's sloapy soap drama.It really showed that the writers haven't done actual learning/research regarding this spesific issues. It got murky around the middle, the cop stuff was embarrassing, the euthanasia issue and it's complication got totally wasted with an ending that any viewer could see way before the last episode.
  • spunky_kez25 April 2019
    Thoroughly enjoying this series the acting is superb
  • Warning: Spoilers
    First, there is an accuracy problem: Euthanasia on demand - which would be the right term for the procedure which this show is about - is not "allowed" in Switzerland, but actually in the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. It's a common error that people believe, one could have ended his or hers life happily in Switzerland for a fee. That is not the case. Assisted suicide, however, without any financial interests, doesn't fall under jurisdiction there, but also not in Germany,

    Sweden, Estland, Canada and in six US states, where it runs under the term Medical Aid in Dying.

    My problem with 'Mary' is that the show indeed approaches a very sensitive theme area, but in the first episode, at least, tries to make a farce of something, that isn't one, or at least could be one only in the hands of very very sarcastic and deep black humorous writers. Advertized as a dramedy or such, 'Mary' could only work as announced with constantly reminding the audience how crazy our life today is, how much of a paradox, thus pointing out how funny it must be for someone watching us from the outside, that in the end we would have to pay some well-meaning serial killers for providing us a way out of our misery.

    This should be the point, where 'Dexter' comes in as a model for a successfully laid out farce or black comedy. But the writers of 'Mary kills' didn't have the sarcastic powers of Dexter's writers.

    After watching the pilot, I didn't exactly know what I watched, since it wasn't a comedy. We saw a man die, a healthy looking (but terminally ill) and wealthy man, and his death had to be forced - that wasn't funny. We saw the cop pretending to be terminally ill - not funny. And a friend of Mary's daughter poisoned herself with the death drug - also not funny.

    So, it's not a "dramedy", and the producers did good not to make any further attempts in comedy after the pilot episode. Then, it's not a real drama, but a dramatic story, showing the main characters struggling with all kind of difficulties, while trying to keep their businesses running - euthanasists and cops chasing them as well. Personally, I think Episodes 5 and 6, which were broadcast-ed subsequently, are the best ones. The problem itself is often discussed briefly, but only in some moments the writers have to say something that has some weight (ep.5).

    Caroline Dhavernas is probably the best possible choice for 'Mary', as she can look in one moment icy cold, and in the next moment vulnerable, for example. She dominates the cast, which delivers of course a great performance.

    Actors and overall execution earn 8 Points, but the writing is a harsh 5, so, I only give a 6 overall.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A twenty-first-century woman, mother, family helm in her hands; established at work, responsibilities burdening on her too often, plus a deeper dimension, more personal and thoroughly less shareable in which she needs to move following her values, her sense of ethics, her need for answers. The magic touch, the sign of the uniqueness and value of this series created, written, produced and directed by women, is maybe the authenticity of Mary since the first frames and in every single moment of this premiere, her daily routine narrated with priceless candor. Mary is not perfect, in fact quite messy. Mary is not invulnerable and doesn't even try to fight against her weakness. Mary is not emotionless, a whirlwind of feelings simmering far beneath the surface of her apparent control. In this dynamic premiere, serious and funny at one time, viewers are thrown into the middle of this woman's life, while she admirably unravels between her family, daughters and ex -good in his mood and maybe in his intentions, but rather inconclusive, with his compliance as a choice to escape responsibilities – and work, in fact, the works.

    Engaged in E.R. we see her sharing her boss' responsibilities simply because, as often happens, "you're so much better than I am…"

    But it's the other job the one that unveils her involved body and soul, the support work, shared with Des, incomparable, the amazing Richard Short, in helping terminal patients to choose to die. Quiet and discreet as she is, we must bow to the amazing Tara Armstrong for her delicate touch in picking up a subject as thorny, exploring it in substance, no space left to any hint of controversy, simply highlighting Mary's deep moral involvement.

    As though much of the routine was something to be done and what she does with Des something she cares to do, the intensity of her emotional involvement properly tells us about something that's inside out justified, rather than seen as a cold business.

    Suddenly the effort to get out of the chaotic routine, always showing an excellent mastery (kudos to Dhavernas for her astonishing delivery ), reveals the passionate fragility of this woman, with all her need to get lost and to vanish into something to find herself back, to know and to feel that she is still alive, mind and emotions trapped in the Mary that everyone expects, but still hers, still throbbing. Knocking on Joel's door, approaching him on that couch, and breaking in a blow all the rules of common sense and of protocols so meticulously prepared as walls, erected to protect her vulnerability, respond to an impulse much more emotional than torrid We all are Mary when Joel's apartment door opens, we all are bewildered as she is, swallowing empty because Joel has the appearance, the look, the voice of Jay Ryan. If they had cast him just for this "power", they would have hit the target, totally.

    However, it's Jay Ryan, indeed.

    Immediately after that priceless gift, all natural and physical, to arouse lustful thoughts, the powerful compelling intensity of his emotional performance takes over and prevails, and you totally forget the appearance, em-pathetically captured, bewitched by an emotional universe that strongly reveals the complexity and the depth of character's personality. Even about Joel we know nothing, except that he is torn.

    Torn, fragile, tormented, both in front of the mirror than sitting with Mary and Des, his eyes wandering restlessly to not leave open too many windows, then suddenly direct, to inspect others' cracks to look for a control he knows he has no more but which is accustomed to manage.

    There's too much, in Joel, because Mary did not choose to return.

    Too much fair, charming and tender in that wound vulnerability, in that desperate as proud request for help.

    Too much wrong and perverse, at the same time comfortable and reassuring, in that nonsense, irrational attraction, in that subliminal appeal to the zeroing of all defenses.

    We get Mary, totally.

    For a few moments, in the arms of Joel, in the nothing of passion, all makes sense.

    She is alive.

    So we're to believe and to understand Joel's hesitation too, so much as we think we understand his abrupt reaction to Mary's words about his disease, as much as Mary seems to get him too.

    We believe we have seen the painful side of Joel's vulnerability, the conflict between what you would like and what it is, sadly. But Joel holds for us the bitterest of the surprises.

    Conflict, hesitation, uncertainty, we took quite rightly, but his reasons are all wrong.

    Joel investigates Mary and Des.

    Joel allegedly pretending illness, undoubtedly simulates mood.

    Yet the hesitation, transportation, conflict, sorrow, seem totally real in front of Mary and as she walks away.

    Joel sees the same Mary that we see, and in spite of his will, he does not come out unscathed.

    After all how can you come out unscathed and remain insensitive to the impact of so much truth,so much authenticity and honesty?

    Especially when you're the one who lies.

    When you have responded to all her truth just with lies and pretense, the awareness can lash, nobody free by a brunt.

    The honesty of Mary requires Joel to want to be honest, at least in responding to the desire.

    Realizing it compromises the fictional castle built, the desire to close everything quickly reveals the fear which he cannot avoid to lie in response to Mary's heartbreaking sincerity.

    The clash between the emotional storms afflicting these two individuals which we have a tempting glimpse of, in this first episode, promises to be almost alone the core of the story, keeping us stuck to our chairs.
  • I loved this show! Instantly hooked from episode 1 but I'm so upset I can't watch season 3 anywhere. Whoever had the decision to cancel this show was an idiot.
  • Love Mary & Ben together.....wish there was more about them. Making out and, well, etc etc..... Love the concept of it....I believe in doctor assisted termination of life. Would also like to see more of that. JAY RYAN ALL THE WAYYYYYYYYYYYY BABY. YUMMERS!!!!!!!!
  • susiekhoo17 February 2019
    I am really enjoying this series... entertaining, refreshing, sexy and realistic, all at the same time. Probably not for everyone because it does bring up some controversial issues. Just on a superficial note, Mary could wear much more funkier shoes, and Jess's poor me scenario of having a bad mum, boo hoo.... I know it's just the script that she has been handed.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I get the fact that they are plastic surgeons and end of life care might not be their strong suit, but smothering a patient is not assisted suicide, it's murder and any doctor, or simpleton would not smother someone because you've cocked up a euthanasia. It wouldn't happen, you just come back again for another attempt.

    And if a guy uses their service for assisted suicide, he has probably thought it through. He definitely wouldn't need a retarded pep talk from a doctor on existential crises so that he takes the poison.

    Why did the drug dealer dilute the pentobarbital? It's not as if that stuff will be racing off the shelves so cutting it won't increase profits... and he made sure the doctors won't come back for more.

    And who the hell buys that stuff from a drug dealer? And did they not check to make sure the seals weren't broken beforehand. These doctors are so inept at being doctors that the whole programme just falls apart and isn't really enjoyable to watch.

    The two doctors undermine each other in front patients. A 15 year old kid finds the pentobarbital stash and drinks it because it looks like alcohol... except for the bottle top that won't open, the lack of the word alcohol on the bottle, the funny smell, and the keep away from children warning. But what the hey, let's drink it anyway.

    But worst of all, it takes a serious issue, and an idea with real potential for a deep and meaningful insight into the human condition... and sprinkles it will glitter and tepid light entertainment. What a woeful programme.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This review contains spoilers

    First off, the name of the series is not exactly the most catchy of TV titles. I think the title itself speaks as a spoiler. I watched the entire series and not surprisingly it came to a close after only 6 episodes, or so I thought. It seems the series will continue.

    I watched the first episode of Mary Kills People and the premises was predictable. However the end result of the series, I couldn't wrap my brain around it, somewhat of an exoneration to the main character.

    The main actress played by a gorgeous woman surgeon does a sloppy job of assisting the ill in their final decision involving euthanasia.

    1000 words are too much to describe what is very obvious, she's breaking the law and she knows damn well.

    There's nothing likable about someone who is a hypocrite example to their audience. I have a hard time believing the suffering would pay huge profits for a pleasant death.
  • I love this show. I love the fresh new take on life.
  • I agree with Mary that true liberty is being in control of our life and our death.

    We all have the right to choose our death! This could be a trigger for many.

    The acting is wonderful. The writing dynamic!
  • Elizabeth Wettlaufer I suspect. Elizabeth Saunders does a fantastic job.

    I enjoyed the show and how it portrays a very complex situation in an entertainment environment.

    I'd watch Catherine do anything regardless.
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