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  • A Moment In The Reeds does build slowly, but truthfully I wouldn't want it any other way. It's all about the small moments.The emotional intensity between the two lead actors is great. Both giving completely natural, nuanced performances. Their shared chemistry on screen is captivating. This film has a lot more to offer than your typical erotic romance though. Both men are forced to confront issues in their lives that have long been ignored. Finland's beautiful countryside serves as a breathtaking backdrop to the emotional turmoil they're both going through. For fantasies unfortunately has to meet reality.

    A Moment In The Reeds is an incredibly sensitive, seductive and poignant film. Impeccably directed with stunning cinematography and performances.
  • A Moment in the Reeds is a well written, well directed and well acted story, full of sparking tensions, alluring contrasts and painful realities. The story of an intense connection, forged in an uncomfortable, imperfect setting, is deeply affecting and compelling. As the characters navigate their blossoming relationship, they are forced to confront deep-rooted issues in their lives, the differences and similarities of their personal situations, and a reality that the bubble of bliss they occupy is as transient as it is passionate. This is no PG feature - the sex scenes sizzle; the leads have chemistry that could set asbestos on fire. This is a film not afraid to dive in and own its convictions. Well worth a watch.

    (post review-reading rant) Too many IMDBers are projecting their politics, hangups and ideals onto this film. Watch the furking film, people, instead of reinterpreting it through an Instagram filter. Sometimes I think too many people live in their sanitised PC white-bread InstaGrindr bubble and don't actually realise that different people engage with life and the world around them in different ways, and derive meaning and pleasure quite validly whilst operating within this "different" frame. The queer community is becoming a pasteurised, limp-dicked anaemic clone of its superior antecedent. If you want an idealised fantasy tailored to your over-sanitised sensibilities, go hire a celibate, gender ambivalent, emotional support quasi-romantic de-triggered missionary-sex-bot (/post review reading rant). Have a nice day.
  • Great to see intelligent scripts and good production and direction in GLBTQI Cinema. A Moment In The Reeds, while obviously a Gay Love Story I think could an should be seen by any audience of any sexual orientation.

    It's a 2017 Prize Winner from Finland , partly in subtitles but mostly In English. The three actors are Janne Puustinen as Leevi the Art Student returning home from Paris to assist his moody disapproving father renovate the family and his childhood cottage in Finnish Midsummer.

    Boodi Kabbani is Tareq a handsome Syrian refugee who's been employed by Leevi's Dad Jouko as a labourer, even though in his own country he's a qualified architect and it's eventually obvious to Jouko not only that Tareq is highly skilled but also that Levi and Tareq have more in common than carpentry.

    There's much more to this film than the attraction of the young men , anyone worried about the male sex scenes note the ratings . Sex and Nudity :moderate Violence and Gore :None Profanity : None Alcohol and Drugs /Smoking :mild Frightening/Inttnce scenes : none

    It's contemporary setting shows the difference and difficulty of refugees trying to start a new life in a very foreign and suspicious culture and the deep rift that many Gay men experience with a parent or parents that just won't accept their children for who the are. It's interesting to me that with a some good exceptions European GLBTQ1 films are of a much higher quality and able to reflect stories that while obviously are aimed at The Queer film audiences also can resonate with any open minded progressive audience
  • I consider entering the world of gay movies as one of the most important points in my life and I feel like this movie now has a very special place in my heart. As someone who has watched many movies of this kind I I'm very critical when it comes to story telling as it usually tends to repeat itself over and over again with many clichés. This movie shows us once again how less is more. Every dialog is well put together and has it's purpose in storytelling, developing characters and explaining their experiences, therefore there is no unnecessary babbling that would take away the beauty of the moment. Director somehow manage to trick us not to feel the lack of conversation perhaps by bringing them together quickly, like they known eachother forever or they understand eachother at some level we can't comprehend. Yet when they do talk, it's overwhelming and we can learn so much about the different worlds they live in and also about passion they have for one another. Thing that bothers me is how easily this affection that seemed so strong broke at the end leaving us with that weird feeling of being deceived to believe in something that doesn't exist, which is why I think this story needs a sequel.
  • The truth is that this movie is part of a trend in gay European cinema of handsome refugees falling in love or lust with a local they've been hired to work with or for. This movie came out the same year as God's Own Country, which is raised by magnificent acting, editing and a story that went beyond the basics. Unfortunately, while this is not an awful movie, it pales in comparison. The actors do their job but the lead up to their first kiss is clumsy and everything after it is just badly paced and boring and you lose interest in the story, the characters. Instead of telling the story of gay refugees in Europe, it kind of fetishizes it in a weird way. It's not unwatchable but not as good as it should have been .
  • ...captured like spiders' silk on film. Apart from the slow start, there is nothing negative about this production. I don't even see the four people in the film as acting; it's as if the camera is simply there. Not boring, no miscasting, beautifully shot and directed. So gentle, so tastefully done. So very different to the stuff Hollywood churns out these days. Stuff that is instantly forgettable. This one lingers like wisps of vapour from a long-ago summer.

    I love everything about this movie. I rarely buy dvds these days, but this one is an exception.
  • This is a film about two young guys oppressed by the society, and their attempts to struggle free. It is an emotional journey to feel and be touched by it.
  • hotdefinition7 February 2019
    Warning: Spoilers
    This film has some good actors, location is gorgeous and (briefly) touches on some important issues and viewpoints...

    However, it is let down by a several issues.

    The pacing is really slow and the run time is far longer than it needed to be, it could easily be twenty minutes shorter and still tell the same story (perhaps better).

    The story is very generic and you can see pretty much everything coming. I liked the inclusion of the refugee storyline but it could have been used better.

    They become friends very quickly and then lovers - they somehow just know that each other is gay which is a little unrealistic. The romantic scenes were a little stretched out too which, whilst helping to develop the lust and emotional development, felt tidious and there to pad the runtime.

    There is also issues with the editing and quality - one shot of the lake is the same shot mashed together with the water suddenely flowing backwards!! Another scene clearly shows the boom mic and another early on shows the mic taped to the actors chest below his shirt. These could easily have been spotted and rectified and therefore were an unwelcome distraction pulling me out of the story.

    Overall, it's a nice film and worth a watch but it isn't anything new or groundbreaking. Try Gods Own Country if you want something top drawer.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I love how this movie pulled off something that other gay films have difficulty with. Like the movie "Weekend". It is when a movie tries to make sense of two stranger meeting each other for the first time, and for some reason they found a spark and voila~ love begins. This movie was casual in painting that narrative that it just flows and you just left drifted with it, no qualm, no questions because the way their lives collide, the small talks, the stolen glances are real. And the three recurring actors appearing the screen makes more sense, comes to life from how well they act. Even the old lady neighbor is a treat.

    There's so many things to appreciate from this film, other than the fact that it makes you feel present there, in that same moment, same energy, same world, even you're worlds apart watching it.

    A Moment in the Reeds was honest in portraying conflicted characters of father and son relationship, being an immigrant, being a university student, being a son, being away, hating the world, hating life, and the endless tug of war of those emotions versus other people's realities that ripples to you, changing your state of mind and dissuading those emotions. For example, Leevi doesn't know that his own home could feel different again because a sudden person changed that.

    I feel like each person in the world has their own "A Moment in the Reeds" kind of experience, when an unexpected life event or a person, just makes you feel something special in some way, even it's in the cabin, old house, a bar, or whatever. Those moment can come to you in a lightning, popping to your head in loop, rewinding without missing a bit of detail from that feeling, a moment. In fact, I believe the setting itself: a worn-out house, an almost remote countryside village, and a time-stopping lakeview and autumn reeds, sums up something that will make a moment...moment.

    The message weaved in the film are so subtle and deep not rubbing in your face that it's about homophobia or racism, or any kindred of hatred that's present in some LGBTQ films, but its more than that. Its' about denial, acceptance, the ugly truth of reality, the consequences of our decisions, and the ache of not having a view of our future.

    The way it ends is a cesspool for negative interpretations, but the future already leads you from their previous dialogues. When Leevi said after he finishes his study, there's nothing holding him in Paris but also crushed from the fact that, there is nothing left for him in the countryside. And Tareq said "I will not view this place the way you view it, this is my home now". Those exchange of ideals shows two extremes of opposing conundrums that shoves anything in its way.

    It means that, the answer to the question 'what happens after the ending' is simple. That's it. There's nothing for them to be. Leevi will for sure venture his life and Tareq will continue building his rough life but new home, Finland. The movie belongs to that moment, their moment. Nothing else. And that's what make it so poignant and gripping, how people don't hold the choice that the world can throw to them, that we are driven by forces we cannot control.

    Tareq and Leevi's lives intertwined at the right place at the wrong time, but at least it left them both with one special, timeless, forever living moment.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I had high hopes of this film: A Finnish take on the excellent God's Own Country. However we get treated by yet another open-ended unsatisfyingly negative ending. Why is it that so many modern film makers think it is 'artistic' to end movies with so many questions unresolved? Do they run out of money halfway through the project or do they expect viewers to draw their own conclusions? Sod the praise and awards - to me this is a 'watch once only' film.
  • I truly don't understand the negative reviews i've read here. This was a spectacularly beautiful movie about a brief, but heartwarming encounter. Slow paced, that's true, but it wouldn't have worked any other way. The chemistry between these two boys elevated the whole to an even higher level. You rarely see this kind of genuine chemistry in gay interest films. So the movie had an open ending... Get over it. Nothing in life is ever wrapped up in a neat little bundle for you.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    First of all I will say the movie is alright, but has plenty of flaws. If you're after a generic story which doesnt really get the chance to develop with the same unhappy endings most lgbt movies throw out then this is for you. The sheer fact they go from having a friendly drink, to staring at each other, straight to the bedroom after one day is baffling, but then to carry this tryst forward to an abrupt halt is bizarre. The ending ruins the experience and to me. The stereotypical bigotry from the dad was expected from the start. The fact tareq just leaves and that's that felt like i'd wasted 110 minutes for nothing. Overall, movie was alright but don't have high expectations and you'll most likely enjoy it.
  • I liked this movie, I liked its way in telling the story. Yes, its tempo is slow but the story streams perfectly. Dialogues and acting are very successful. There is no exaggeration or "unnecessary emphasis". Both players, Boodi Kabbani as 'Tareq' and Janne Puustinen as 'Leevi' did well-done job. I slightly disturbed in some scenes (not in scenes with sexual content) when the camera moved too much. For example,, the camera was moving (like shaking) during the scene where two guys were swimming in the pond. I don't know whether it was necessary. Camera moves are usually preferred for horror scenes or for increasing the tension.

    I liked the movie but I have some general critics on movies which place "gay issues" at the focus. Why do generally gay movies have to be shut in an isolated places? Far from people, creating a lonely planet have started to be a cliche. 'A Moment in the Reeds' repeats this cliche too, like 'on God's Own Country'. (Likewise directors may create another getto instead they wanted to demolish the walls??) There is also often a hidden sadness in the background and it causes a slow motion streaming. The balance between "drama" and "comedy" are missed on purpose. (That's why I liked more the movie 'Theo and Hugo' due to its tempo.) Gay style-movies also like giving too much priority to dialogues. In the sound structure, the audience listens to dialogues more than the other sounds. These dialogues are also mostly between two main characters. Soundtracks, sounds of city, or other people's dialogues are usually less. This makes movie less believable and less real!! Despite of my general critics, 'A Moment in the Reeds' was directed quite successfully and deserves to be watched!
  • jromanbaker20 April 2022
    Given the fact that it has overall a high score here, the reviews are often very bad. Like so much in life this makes no sense. The two young lead actors are good, and the sexuality that develops between them is convincing in its realism, and its poetic beauty. A young Finn comes ' home ' to Finland to spend his holiday with his father and in the summer house they partly live in there is a young Syrian refugee helping with refurbishments. At first I found this contrived but then all films are to a certain extent, but my reaction changed when the sexual and emotional tension develops through a long evening discussion about difference and identity. This long development led quite naturally into a passion that reminded me of ' Les Amants ' and had the same quality of surprising revelation in sex so rarely seen on the screen. To those who read this remember sexuality and desire are both equal, heterosexually and homosexually. This film transcends the often ghetto feeling of gay lives as depicted in the cinema, even among the best films and I watched it with the sort of reverence due to a film that is made up mostly of silence and the nature of a beautiful Northern country. But the copy I had was full of subtitles that were not that faithful ( a lot of the film is spoken in English between the lovers and the father ) as the young Syrian speaks English along with both the son and the lover. I am late in reviewing this and I have no reason why as I have seen it twice, and I repeat it is a slow ( in the best way ) experience filled with melancholy, the transitory nature of people who cannot truly unite for a future together and above all a poetry of place and sound only seen in the greatest of cinematic experiences. A film to be seen much more than once for all viewers , hetero, bi and homosexual.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I bought this DVD film few days ago as the cover photo caught my attention - rather similar to the Call Me By Your Name cover photo (you know, two guys standing back to back, looking to the sky). Even the font was similar to Call Me By Your Name's font (you know, like a child's handwriting in chalk). Hmm... Then I read the story line on the back cover - similar to that God's Own Country film! (you know, one refugee guy is hired to fix the decayed wooden cottage in the middle of nowhere and to mend fencing etc. and he got to work alongside the owner's only son, and... you know, one thing leads to another...)

    Bloody hell, all this should have set my alarm off! But... oh yeah, always but... I still bought the DVD out of curiosity and wanted to support our films. And yes, I was right - the film story was a bad version of that God's Own Country film.

    Modern time in Finland. The old father hires a Syrian refugee guy to fix this old wooden cattage in the middle of nowhere. The son comes home from studying in Paris for a summer holiday. Two boys meet. The father then leaves the house for some business in the far-away-town for many days. The two boys are left at home to fix the house together, drink beers and listen to 1940's music (!) after work. Suddenly, while drinking beers (not drunk yet) they want to have sex together (!) In between, they also go swimming naked toghether in the reeds covered river behind their cottage. Thick forests and shrubs all around. No neighbours around.

    The ABBA-look-alike father then returns home, non the wiser. After a few days, he then leaves for the far-away-town for some business again (!) The two boys are free to mess around again (!)

    The father then returns home. He doesn't see anything but somehow suspects foul play(?) and goes mad (!).

    The cottage is in the middle of nowhere (maybe near the Finland-Russia border?!), only rivers, thick forests an thick undergrowth, we hardly see any neighbours around, yet the old father shouts at his son: How can I look at our neighbours again as you two have messed around like this? (?) He then fires the refugee guy on the spot who quickly gathers his clothes and leaves at once (!) The son is left behind staring at the reeds in the river. The end.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I hope this movie will deserve a sequel since at the end Tareq is left and no coming back I hope this will giving us a happy ending for the sequel. The story is really beautiful and so much in real life from what we are. Fighting for what we love and taking advantage from others. So much in our lives. I love the view and everything from the movie it show how beautiful Finland really is!!

    Sequal... Leevi is moving on Paris and is been almost a year now since I don't heard back from Tareq but I never forgot the beautiful "moment" we had but I wish the director can find more inspiration for the next sequel ....
  • doalvarez200210 November 2018
    Warning: Spoilers
    After having viewed the captivating and enticing trailer, I was tempted to watch this film with tremendously high expectations. However, the overall effect that it produced in me was so soporific that it almost bored me to tears. Truth be told I found it a huge disappointment and I wish I could recover the two and a half hours that I wasted waiting for a positive twist in the tale, which sadly never happened. The film is a slow-burner at first and then it gradually descends into an unexciting and unimaginative storyline, which is scattered with scenes of strikingly good photography.

    For starters, the two main characters were hopelessly miscast for their roles, to say nothing of the father whose attitude really got on my nerves. Their overall acting is lifeless, insipid and the the two uncharismatic lovers in the reeds failed to strike a chord with me that at least could have granted me the opportunity to empathize with either of them.

    Then the director seems to have glossed over that long-awaited crucial moment of truth which is characteristic of LGBT films when two individuals of the same sex eventually discover their mutual sexual attraction and suddenly leap on each other with pent-up passion. In this film this is practically nonexistent: there is no previous in crescendo effervescence nor build-up of irresistible momentum, nor there is magic, sparks of excitement, fireworks.

    The ending of the storyline is abrupt and somewhat incongruent; it looks as though the script writer had run out of ideas and struggled to find some meaningful culmination to the film. All those apparent love feelings poured out in previous scenes suddenly evaporate into thin air, as if the two main characters had been laughing at us making us believe that their love was true.

    This film had all the right ingredients to have been a really good one, seeing that it has striking similarities with the storyline of God's Own Country, but sadly it fails dismally to exude the same fiery passion, which is a shame. It comes as no surprise that it hasn't won any prizes or awards after having been nominated six times in various film festivals last year.
  • joeylugo18 May 2020
    I had to watch it in subtitles but I didn't mind, this movie was really nice!! It has really good passion at moments. I recommend this movie to anyone that likes seeing love be kindled in the most unexpected times and challenges that come with gay relationships that only add to the emotional appeal of the movie.
  • jpsa-0240324 August 2023
    The moment I starting watching I fell in love with the picture of this movies, it's nice and pleasing, the director did a great job using the light and the scenarios around it.

    The movie doesn't move around in many perspectives, and there's only one scene that wasn't necessary for the storyline, and the absence of the father during some days (in the movie).

    The movie has a great story and it's well written, it wasn't easy to find flaws in it. However, the problem moving around the main characters in a fight was kinda silly and didn't justify the reaction of one of the main characters.

    At the end of the movie we got a very interesting scene, and a predictable ending, but I liked it (I'm a fan of tragedies).
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This utterly predictable, unoriginal flick gets a whopping two stars from me solely because I liked looking at the Syrian character.

    If you are reading this, most likely you have read the other reviews which give details of what passes as a plot. (Yawn.)

    Several reviews also compare it to and label it - unfavorably - as a rip-off of "Call Me by Your Name" and "God's Own Country," and they are totally accurate.

    In particular, "God's Own Country" has set a new bar for gay films in every aspect. It is stunningly brilliant in so many ways and totally original. Strictly as a piece of good filmmaking, I have been suggesting it to even my straight friends who are OK with watching some rather graphic man-to-man sex (which is actually boring in this flop from Finland).

    I think it is time to move on from the ancient formula of two guys from different backgrounds or cultures fiddling with each other and having a roll in the sheets before the inevitable unhappy ending. There is much new ground to be broken, and "God's Own Country" has made an unforgettable first blow.
  • The movie looked so promising, and movie started with a good start -but that was it. I have to admit, the chemistry between the two was great but anything else is not. The story was completely left open, there was so much wasted potential in ALL characters i cant even describe with, and the plot was unfinished as if it did not have a goal. It seemed like the director just gave up in the ending and left it totally unfinished. What a waste of such great potential to be a good movie.
  • mtsinara24 October 2021
    The movie has the makings for a very good film, but it felt drawn out and incomplete. The drawn-out story whimpered to a lackluster ending. The film should have been a short.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Just my Personal opinion but I'd side with other reviewers here giving low rating about this film which I say it's rightfully just.

    Leevi went back home to Finland to help his father fix their cottage later to be sold. But obviously he has more reason than just helping his father. The movie depicted he some unresolved tension/conflict with his father about his deceased mother and another obvious is his hidden sexual orientation. His father used to hire a carpentry assistant which is a Syrian architect Tareq. When Leevi's father gone out of sight for some business matter the two men (Tareq and Leevi) found themselves indulged in sexual romance and personal recollection.

    The film reach its climax, it showed its beauty about the differences of culture, the personal stories of Tareq and Leevi. But as the two build a relationship they neglect their duties on fixing the cottage and when Leevi's father found an unfinished job he rage to anger cursing words. Leevis father is an unreasonable person who after all knows that his son was gay and his been aware of Tareq and Leevi relationship and much worst is he's a type of person who are not open to acceptance to some guy like Tareq, a stranger trying to fit in a foreign land.

    The filmmakers failed to elaborate and resolve every tension at finale of the movie. Tareq leaving Leevi and Leevi's supposedly leaving his father. Leevi's conflict with his father and sexual orientation are not portrayed to be resolve (they didn't talk about sorry and acceptance). Leevis romance with Tareq gone to thin air (its stay just like a moment and no more). Those beautiful scenes on the climax are worth nothing because of a crappy ending.

    So my safe advised even this film won awards (I don't care), this is an unhealthy Gay Themed film and not worth to watch, just "A moment to waste"
  • qui_j21 August 2019
    This movie could have been so much better than what it actually is. It appears as if the writer had an idea but was subsequently crippled by writer's block half-way through the script. The movies then became a series of soft-porn episodes that left any storytelling or plot behind. The latter half is just a jumbled mess of apparently improvised dialog, actors who appear anxious for the story to end so they can leave, and an abrupt ending that brings no resolution or closure to the story. Leaves the viewer with the realization that they just wasted over an hour of their life that they'll never ever get back. It's just the silliest movie that has ever hit the screens.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I had hoped to see a romantic gay film which is quite rare in the cinema. Love between two men is usually pictured as pornographic, physical and rough just to shock the viewer. It was a real disappointment to see that gay men really do live in a hyper-sexualized world of fantasies and it makes its way into the real cinema as well. It just makes a hopeless romantic like me to want to put off watching any queer cinema for a long time.

    When do we see love between two men not being a brief explosion of lust, leading into an ultimate disappointment? Also gay sex could have been explored in a more romantic and loving manner. Now playing macho and using camera angles of adult films doesn't do any favors for the film's message if there ever was any idea behind this film at all. In my view it casts a shadow upon the whole film which could have been so much more than it is. I'm calling out for the feminists, what would they have thought if the main character was a woman and not a man. Indeed.

    Also doing the deeds in the dad's bed probably doesn't help to build bridges nor does it help the viewer to actually like the characters which is usually crucial for the film enjoyment. After all I sympathize with the dad. It's difficult to co-exist with an about 26 year old son who just happens to yell back at you and just keeps destroying the bed sheets. Maybe it could make great comedy too. Joking aside, there's nothing prohibited in two equal adult men having a fling in the wrong place. That's sort of the issue for me. I don't think it's a taboo. If there was a man and a woman, this film film would just be unnecessary. It just takes a few decades for the queer films to progress to that level. Hey wake up, it's acceptable.

    There's not much of a plot, neither script, everything has been improvised. It's just a surprise that it even merely holds together. Small films of this kind benefit of making well crafted scenes and dialogues. Now about 40 minutes of its running time could have been cut out without any loss to the story.

    This film's like a bad romance one probably has once had. It's also very strong on the sexual fantasy part, leaving all the other drama to the shadows. It's a marginal film, certainly not for everyone's taste, not even for the queer audience if one happens to be of a romantic type. I just didn't like it, but you just might.
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