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  • I watched this whole movie thinking this sub plot of Dave and hildy was going to be addressed when he proposed. THEY NEVER SHOWED THE ANSWER ITS LIKE THEY FORGOT!!!!! Bad hallmark remember you sub plots!
  • I expected this to be romantic, but it was more a movie about encouragement, positivity, and that attaining your goals should be enjoyable. Andrew Walker plays Spencer, who I loved in the Hallmark movie A Dream for Christmas. Spencer, a figure skating coach, is hired to coach a young, talented, figure skater named Nikki. Nikki's mother is one of those pushy, demanding, moms whose only goal is to see her daughter win. When Spencer arrives in town, he heads to the local coffee shop where he meets Emily. Emily is a part-time waitress at the coffee shop and also teaches figure skating at the local rink. More than that, Emily was a talented skater who dropped out of the Midwest Trials eight years ago. Spencer immediately knows who she is and convinces her to start training for the trials again and offers to coach her.

    There is an attraction between Spencer and Emily, but I don't think there was any real chemistry that came through on camera. I was hoping for a little more romance. Other subplots were interesting, but one, in particular, was left open. I felt the ending left me feeling cut off. Overall it was a pleasant movie but not as touching as some of the other Hallmark movies.
  • Characters were appealing and worked well together! It had its moments for sure, but my god, that obnoxious mother character was more than outrageous! I understand & know of skating moms just like her, but what a pain in the ass she was! Living her life through her daughter made her a pathetic annoyance. Thank goodness the other characters were pleasant!
  • TheLittleSongbird29 November 2021
    The 2017 Winterfest films were a mixed bag, for example 'A Royal Winter' was pretty good while 'A Rose for Christmas' disappointed (even with Rachel Boston in it). Other than Hallmark completest sake, my main reason for seeing 'Love on Ice' was Andrew Walker. Have always found him very watchable and while his leading ladies have varied he has near-consistently been one of Hallmark's better regular leading men (which accounts for why he is as popular as he is).

    'Love on Ice' isn't a great film and is uneven, but it is a very decent effort on the whole and a pleasant way to pass the theme so long as not too much is expected. As far as the 2017 Winterest films go, 'Love on Ice' is in the middle. Not as good as 'A Royal Winter', but better than 'A Rose for Christmas'. It is a decent representation too of Walker, though other Hallmark (and Lifetime on a less relevant note) films before and since show him off even better.

    A lot is good. Walker is charismatic in an understated and has a natural charm and good nature. Julie Berman isn't as consistent and starts off not as promisingly, but when her character and she relaxes she is engaging and likeable. The supporting cast are solid and the characters generally didn't bore or irritate (the one exception being Berman's early on). The film looks good, well shot and the scenery is beautiful. The music is not too overused or too constant, both of which can be a problem with Hallmark.

    Furthermore, the script on the whole is light hearted and has a playfulness and warmth without being too sentimental. The story generally is charming and doesn't take itself too seriously while treating it as a joke too. Doing well at lightening and warming the heart.

    Having said all that, 'Love on Ice' isn't perfect. Would have liked more chemistry between Walker and Berman, it's there at times but it's generally too subdued. Plus Berman doesn't get off to a promising start, found her a bit too severe and not always comfortable.

    Did think too that 'Love on Ice' is on the slow and awkward side to begin with with Berman's character also not being easy to warm to. So much more could have been done with Dave and Hildy's subplot, which had a lot of heart but was left incomplete. The very ending of the film felt rushed and abrupt too.

    So all in all, decent and inoffensive if not exceptional. 6/10.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It's a good, clean movie. But the relationship between the two leads is so focused on the coaching and friendship, that there's no romantic development. The whole subplot of the middle-aged man proposing to the restaurant owner should have been abandoned, to make room for the main plots.

    The ending didn't clarify what happens next. Is Emily going back to the restaurant? Is she going to continue skating in the leagues? Did she get that sponsorship, because her friend brought that guy to the finals.

    Nicky's mom was such a ridiculous control freak in the first half of the movie, that I wanted a scene of Nicky standing up to her. Or at least a scene of her apologizing. But the movie didn't deliver that.
  • A young skater's mother hires a coach from out of town to take over her daughter's training. When he comes to town, Spencer (Andrew W. Walker) enlists the aid of a former champion, Emily (Julie Berman), who skates at the local rink and has a good relationship with the young girl.

    Spencer soon realizes that Emily ---who inexplicably walked away from the sport years ago---still has what it takes to compete. He begins to coach her, too. Of course, feelings follow, as this is a Hallmark romance.

    The story is somewhat weak and very predictable. But the characters are likable.

    Ana Golja plays the young skater, Nikki Lee. Her mother is played by Gail O'Grady and she really captures that skating mother vibe: overly-demanding, aggressive, and too involved.
  • 7.8 stars.

    Right from jump street I could see this was not going to be the most spectacular film. I attribute that sentiment on my gut feeling it wasn't flowing smoothly at first. I credit this to some rough edits, lack of direction, maybe the cinematography was intermittently off. All that aside I appreciate both leads, they radiate energy and athleticism, which is crucial for a figure skater and coach to capture. The female lead is rarely seen in Hallmark films, and she has definite screen presence. The male lead is one of Hallmark's best, so no need to embellish his accolades.

    This story contains a lot of competitive drama between skaters and a parent, news reporters, and coaches. The plot is about and up-and-coming young female phenom, and a comeback story for the female lead. The majority of the setting is shared between a diner and the rink.

    This film is mostly about skating, and I am surprised how much skating footage is utilized. It was meticulously and realistically presented. I feel the focus of the director was to deliver skating footage to perfection.

    I found "Love on Ice" to be quite entertaining in various parts, but a bit slow at times. As a whole it's a feel good film, and I shed a few tears. This was literally love on ice for me, partly for the romance, mainly for the love of the art and sport of figure skating.

    If you enjoy movies that showcase skating, this is one of the best for Hallmark. Contrary to some other reviews, this movie is probably the best for pure skating action shots, but maybe not as much for character flow and chemistry, or dialogue. There is a definite authenticity to the female jock vibe, kudos for nailing that part.
  • Nearly all of the comments and reviews I've seen claim this film is a knockoff of the popular Japanese anime, Yuri!!! on Ice. It's true there are some similarities (though not nearly as many as some claim), but let's instead focus on the differences.

    This film has its flaws, but what it does well is provide a squeaky-clean, family-friendly story the entire family can enjoy. If you don't mind the usual Hallmark formula, then this might very well be a film for you. The characters bring a refreshing wholesomeness to the screen, and the setting feels familiar and pleasant.

    Grab some hot chocolate and a blanket, kick back with Mom on the sofa, and give Love on Ice a try! It's a feel-good film, and it's perfect for the audience it's geared toward.
  • Never mind the ice skating leader board, it's this film that's a winner! 9-9-9! Lovely clean film full of wholesome exercise, beautiful ice dancing and warm cafe with friends moments. Everyone is slim and good looking so now's the time to start my diet so that I can "get back" in shape ready to watch Emily James "get back" to competitive skating. Romance quite rightly takes a back seat until the end of the competition so hang in there til the end. Lovely film.
  • The chemistry between the main characters could have been better. It was nice to see girls competing and yet remaining friends who are rooting for each other. However, I can't help but wonder - would they really be competing in the same category? Also, I think Linda Kash (who plays Hildy) reminds me of someone else I recognize, but I still can't figure out who it is!
  • Most Hallmark movies flow well. Julie has zero chemistry and depth in this movie. Much like on general hospital, her facial expression doesn't convince the audience of anything. Floundering plot drags.
  • The movie is supposed to be a romantic comedy but ironically someone cast Andrew Walker for the lead and he CAN'T do romance. he has no spark or chemistry with his female lead no matter how good she is. I have seen him in other romance movies with really good female leads and it is always the chemistry or spark. lets face it, he just can't act.
  • This movie is a nice story. Only thing similar to that atrocity of an anime is the name.


    It is extremely over-hyped, the characters are trash. The music is trash. Pretty much everything is trash about it.

    If you want to watch a good Yaoi story then look up "Sensitive Pornograph." It's a 1 episode OVA with a far better love story than all 12 episodes of Yaoi on Ice.
  • I thought this movie explored too many plots, the acting was stilted and they didn't focus enough on what ought to have counted. Contrary to popular belief, the story is not an absolute Yuri!! On Ice knock-off, though there are similarities.

    If you want a feel-good film, with little story and just the warm fuzzies for a cold winter evening to watch with your parents, siblings, pets or spouce; this movie will do.