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  • I love everything Vice, I almost exclusively consume my TV news from this show. I augment that with headlines from online newspapers. I love the global stories and the unique perspective this show brings. It has a stellar cast of correspondents -- I particularly enjoy news stories from Arielle, Ben, Dexter, Elle, Evan, Gianna, Hind Isobel, Thomas, and Krishna. But most of all I like the no-nonsense interviews by Michael Moynihan, love how he does not pander no matter what. I hope he gets his own show down the line! The only thing I dislike are the segments about musicians talking about their songs/music...I cannot stand these, most annoying/narcissistic group of people (next to politicians) I've ever seen who just love to talk about themselves. I hope that segment is killed off over time, may be that can be part of another show? Thank you for keeping this series going HBO and keep up the excellent work team!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Check my Instagram post about what the Dixie line actually is/was...
  • Always my first choice for up to date news, informative and smart
  • radioconductor1 August 2019
    Warning: Spoilers
    Paying reparations is just more forgiveness. Forgiveness is a principle of technological development of nations.
  • radioconductor1 August 2019
    Iowa residents (right side of history-ers)* Check out my Instagram post about what the Dixie line actually is/was....
  • radioconductor1 August 2019
    No one helped me with my writing or "game" I developed any useful penchant for writing and talking to people against people actively doing physical damage and ironic harm to me. They've stolen my internet tools and violated my privey and privacy for years. I would not consent to vidaselect using any of my writing and I did not emulate or copy anyone else's text.
  • Maher's VICE 'News" followed the war mongering MSM, supporting a convicted felon, Elliott Abrams as US envoy to Venezuela. Cherry picking shills to scorn Maduro, as the majority of Venezuelans support him. Not a scene scene from huge rallies that want the USA out of their government.
  • For some unknown reason this show has super loud background music playing during the dialogue, often drowning out the speakers completely.. Please hire some sound engineers to tone it down. Even the commercials have this extra loud screeching music. Give our ears a break please!!!